Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1522: long wait

During the shooting, Qiancang couldn’t help thinking about what to do with the eagle eye. Logically speaking, if the password is the track corresponding to the three-dimensional text, then the process of entering the password should be the same. Of course, it may also be a multiple-choice question. There are two options to choose from, but it is unlikely that the password is not a verification code after all.

After confirming that there is a cycle of text movement, that is, 30 seconds later, he sent the video to Eagle Eye. Because the video size is not small, and the signal is very general, it took nearly 1 minute for the transmission to appear on the screen of the mobile phone. .

Qian Cang Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and then he put his gaze on his head in the tank.

"Although this movie is the real world of Hawkeye, it is classified as a movie by Hell Movies. I am afraid it is not just for me to help Hawkeye investigate the truth of the world. It must have other meanings. Speaking of which, **** movies Ability, it is completely possible to directly refuse the actor investigation, but it does not, and even provides some help. Does this mean...

Could it be said that the main world is a substitute? I remember that the main world also has the intention of letting the actors investigate, but it is not strong. Assuming that the Hell Movie’s plan for the actors is very detailed from the beginning, then this possibility is not ruled out.

Actors experience two different lives in the movie world and the real world: the movie world can cooperate and possess various abilities. The danger comes fast, but it goes fast. After the movie is over, all injuries are fully recovered, and the level of excitement is quite high. In turn, reality The exploration of the world is not hurried or slow. It is entirely based on the actor's own wishes. The actor has no special ability and no recovery effect. The salary can only be exchanged for ordinary real-world items or time-consuming recovery medicine. The advantage is that it can be accumulated. A little advancement is not like the movie world. After leaving, nothing is left. "

Qiancang's right hand was holding his chest. He felt an unusual chest tightness appearing on his body. It came very suddenly, making him wonder if it was because the time leader used too much, which caused him to have a heart attack. However, his mind The thoughts that emerged at the same time made him breathe a sigh of relief, convinced that the feeling of chest tightness was more like a psychological effect.

"Although I always talk about the real world, I think about it carefully. In fact, I have always wanted to separate the ordinary world from the special world. The special world is the movie world. Then, the world I lived in before was the ordinary world, but in fact the ordinary world is not Ordinary, and may even be quite special, such as the world of Hawkeye.

If Hawkeye does not investigate, or if he has not encountered a **** movie, it will not be possible to make progress even if it encounters some weird things. All kinds of conspiracy theory hats, reality is far more than magic, etc. will naturally destroy doubt. In other words In other words, the so-called real world is nothing but the movie world where actors grow up in their lives, such as the low-cost small movie world...

Maybe, some actors did come from a strange world. I remember that the shadow puppet said that people in their own world would die regularly. According to common sense, this is almost impossible. Although people do have life expectancy, there are differences. did exist. Even if there is no investigation, but according to what the shadow puppet said, she is not very powerful in her own world, indicating that her strength may have other physical qualities that far exceed those of other actors. Does this also mean behind the scenes? The black hand is manipulating everything, such as genetic modification, or other restrictions.

Why do you want to do this? Or is it that the Hell Movie Project is just...part of the sub-plan of the sub-plan? The plan to invade the land of the end is just a secondary plan. For the existence of the "Hell Movies", they also have a more fundamental grand plan, similar to the status of the country’s plan, the invasion of the end The land merely serves this plan. "

Speaking of this, Qian Cangyi unconsciously made a fist with his right hand. He felt a deep sense of powerlessness and despair. If the adrenaline surge in the face of death is fear of death, then now, facing the desperate "reality" "Instead, death is the only means of resistance.

Human beings are so small and powerless, everything they admire can't even be done by themselves. From a security perspective, nothing has changed, but the "meaning" is completely different.

Qiancang folded his hands together and placed it in front of his mouth. His eyes unconsciously glanced at the brain in the tank. He looked at the gully in his brain, and looked forward to Hawkeye's return of a message that would pull him back from endless doubts.

"We are actors. For actors, our own world is the real world, a pure existence, but in fact it is not. Maybe the so-called real world is nothing more than the movie world of other actors, and the actor’s home is just the studio. , It's just that they don't know it.

It’s no wonder that **** movies never pierce this film from beginning to end. Even if it’s a small movie, it’s just a side-scrolling. The scenes and environments in the small movie are very narrow and mostly relaxed. Even if there is a large area, There is also the concept of living creatures, but there are ways to deal with it. In the final analysis, they are evenly matched, which is equivalent to humans fighting Martians. In any case, they will not feel desperate.

Once this film is pierced, despair will spread like a plague. The actor will do his best to survive, just to return to a movie world where he can't change anything, and rest for a month with the eyes of appreciating the doomsday scenery. Later, I took over the challenge again, without end. Even if he succeeds by fluke and leaves forever, his world will not change in any way.

It is a **** movie. This feeling is like a college student who thinks that he has passed the final exam. When he welcomes the holiday with hope, he suddenly receives a bar. What does the bar represent? One, is it a turning point, or a negative sign? If it is a minus sign, can it be that the formula is incorrectly remembered? If I remember it wrong, which formula is it? How many questions are there? Little by little guessing, little by little verification, getting closer and closer to the answer, but also increasingly unacceptable. "

At this time, in the metal cabinet, in the jar of green liquid on the right, the bloodshot gradually faded until it disappeared completely.

Qiancang sighed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, suppressing the worries in his heart, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Hawkeye had not sent a message back. Then, he looked at the sign inside the cabinet and hesitated to ask for it. When the brain in the tank was taken away, new bloodshots appeared in the green liquid on the right. This time, it was not a three-dimensional symbol that didn't know the meaning, but a very clear Chinese character.

Chinese characters keep changing, but there are always three sentences circulating:

I am in pain.

kill me.


As soon as Qiancang took a step back, these three sentences, no matter which one they started, had exactly the same meaning.

"It knows that I am different from the person before? Is it because of the card I used?"

Qiancang glanced down at the phone, and it happened that Hawkeye's news came back.

The content is short, but unusual.

"Yes, I'm all the brain in the tank!"

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