Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1529: Doubt and verification

The picture was loaded again, and the remaining one-third all appeared. On the first floor of the residential building, a familiar figure appeared from the back.

"It's Hawkeye!" Qiancang immediately confirmed the identity of his back.

If Hawkeye was walking into a residential building when shooting, then who took this photo? On the other side of the text message, who is sending the message?

Suddenly, the endless chill rose from the soles of the feet and rushed into the brain. As soon as Qiancang felt that he was being showered with a bucket of cold water all over his body, before he could react, behind him, there came the touch of a hard object, like a human back. He was leaning against his back.

A Quan, I don't know when he has come behind him.

As soon as Qiancang had no time to think carefully, the leader of Time Tomb had already started. Then, he closed his eyes, then turned around the touch of the hard object behind him until he turned completely, and then opened his eyes again to confirm that there was no obvious danger in front of him. Cancel the skill.

Right now, his position is right in front of A Quan, but he has never seen A Quan's face from beginning to end. According to the rules described in "City within a City", he can be considered to have successfully avoided this dangerous encounter. Considering that the city of Shigeori is already in danger, he does not intend to continue wandering the streets, but find a place to settle down. Although some residents of "City within City" will appear in closed rooms, they are still a minority.

The night wind blew from behind, and the fading footsteps indicated that Ah Quan was going away.

Qian Cangyi breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he looked down at the picture of the phone, and doubts resurfaced in his heart.

"There is no difference in language style, and other methods need to be used to confirm. First, is the opposite side an eagle eye? Second, will the information be tampered with in the middle? If there is a modification, is it a mechanical modification or a targeted modification? If it is the worst I can hardly judge the situation. I can only pretend that I haven't found it and wait for new opportunities."

After the decision, the expression on his face became calm, his hands quickly tapped on the screen, re-examined the content, and then pressed the send button.

"What's the name of the cat in the shadow play?"

This question is not tricky, but it is accurate enough. At first, Qiancangyi wanted to ask more private questions, but Shigeori belongs to the real world of Hawkeye. At the same time, at the current time, Hawkeye is also an actor. The unique dual identity means that Hawkeye is in other worlds. Memory may not necessarily be protected by **** movies, but the memory of the main world is different. Whether it is the real world or the movie world, the main world belongs to the newly opened world of **** movies. The natural rules are different. In the main world, the actors and the The relationship between pets is quite unique, and communication is quite frequent. Starting with pets is undoubtedly a very suitable angle.

In an eagle-eyed style, the theoretical reply is not "black corner", but "black corner plus other content", and other content refers to the speculation of deliberate identity verification.

About 10 seconds later, Hawkeye’s message was sent back, which read:

"Noire, there seems to be a problem with the picture. The picture I sent is only a very ordinary residential building. What do you see? What is the name of Qian Jiangyue's pet?"

The standard "actor" type answer.

For actors, "are you there?" this kind of communication will basically not happen, unless the circumstances are special, "are you there?" itself has a special meaning, or simply want to imitate "a classmate who has not contacted for many years intends to borrow The embarrassment of "money but embarrassed to speak" to alleviate the embarrassment.

Qiancang looked at it carefully, and most of his doubts had been put down in his heart.

According to Hawkeye’s reply, it has been confirmed that Hawkeye has no problem, but it cannot be ruled out that the information has been modified in the middle. Just as the most high-end lies are the top nine truths, tampering with information only needs to be tampered at the most critical moment. However, For now, just pay attention to this aspect.

Qiancangyi enters the information he has prepared in his heart into his mobile phone, and then clicks to send.

"Two-color house. I saw a lot of ghosts in the picture... ghosts, above the residential building is a woman waving to you, in the middle is a hanged man, and on the first floor is the back of you entering the residential building."

After the message was sent, he looked around and found an Internet cafe on the street, so he walked quickly.

One minute later, Qiancang sat in front of the computer, turned on and logged in, and then watched the message sent back by Hawkeye.

"It turns out that this is the case. It seems that you can help me avoid risks outside. I can't see the things you said here. Now I am trying to find the route that Bai Huai has taken to see if there are any different discoveries. I will always send you pictures, and you will directly reply to the situation on the picture, and I will slow down appropriately." The text of the reply from Hawkeye is very calm. Below the text, a picture is loading.

Qiancang glanced at the battery at the top of the screen and found that he had used more than half of it. In order to prevent the battery from running low, he started charging.

The picture was loaded halfway quickly. This time, there is no residential building in the picture, but an empty, undeveloped open space. There are some discarded stones on the open space. Behind the stones, there is a lot of **** and rubbish. Most of it is household garbage, including plastic bags, food waste, etc.

Below, a message from Hawkeye came: "It seems to be the open space that Hou Baihuai walked through. Now there is a pile of rubbish."

As soon as Qiancang carefully observed the picture, the picture was loaded, and finally there was an action of eagle eye walking into the garbage dump, but he did not see any obvious danger from the picture, but even so, the anxiety in his heart became stronger. Then, he Click on the picture, and operate the touch screen with the thumb and index finger of your right hand, continuously zooming in.

Below the garbage dump, in the shadow covered by the plastic bag, a shady bird stared at the eagle eye that walked into it, and there were more than one similar eyes, relying on keen observation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~钱仓Once 13 eyes were found in the picture, he even suspected that this might not be all of them.

Qiancang immediately passed the discovery to Hawkeye.

Hawkeye quickly returned a reply:

"I checked the residential buildings and garbage dumps with Eagle Spirit, and I didn't find any ambushes. I suspect, forget it, for the time being. Now the situation is unknown. Let me take a step by step."

As soon as Qiancang looked at Hawkeye’s reply, he knew what Hawkeye didn’t say. The pictures that the two sides saw were different. It did not necessarily mean that Hawkeye had a problem. It could also be that Qiancang1 had a problem, perhaps, hidden. The "it" behind the scenes uses this to mislead Hawkeye. The best way to deal with it is Hawkeye's approach, to stay still, at least for now, they don't need to race against time.

The new picture comes, continue to load.

Qiancang swallowed, his eyes fixed on the phone screen.

Suddenly, the Internet cafe lights began to flicker.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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