Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1533: Safe and sound

The situation reversed instantly.

Qiancang silently observed that the time has not yet reached 10 minutes, and the mobile phone has not been returned yet, and the matter is not over yet. It is precisely because of this that he still observes the Eight Fingers juvenile cautiously at this time.

Just now using the palm of his eight fingers to paste his face was a method he came up with in a hurry. There are other life-saving cards in his body, you can try it.

Now there is no need to worry about life safety, but he wants to get the gambling money mentioned by the eight-finger teenager. On the one hand, Hawkeye may need help. On the other hand, the world is only part of the road to the end of the land, and he still needs to leave. However, the **** movie didn't give any obvious hints, just let him search for it himself. From the perspective of relevance, it is almost impossible to leave the world of this movie and the truth searched by Hawkeye is the same thing. Combining the two conditions, getting a mobile phone is something that must be accomplished.

However, even though the Ba-Fingers could not see them, in the rules of hide-and-seek, the priority of “catch” was obviously higher. After the Ba-Fingers saw the customers, there was a process of catching, which proved this point. If Qiancang makes another move and grabs the phone in the left hand of Bazhijuan, he will not rule out the possibility of being exchanged again. From the beginning of hide and seek to the present, Bazhijuan will not rely on fixed rules to act, but will be flexible.

When the Bazhi teenager was deceived by the phone's ringtone, he even chose to pick up the phone and used this to negotiate with Qiancang. Qiancangyi’s previous encounters with Boss and Aquan did not possess such abilities. Moreover, after the negotiation, the Eight Fingers designed a trap in advance to replace the mobile phone with his right hand, so that Qiancang took the right hand. After the two sides contacted, naturally Satisfying the conditions for finding hide-and-seek, the reason for failure is only because the money position is too strong.

9 minutes have passed.

The eight-finger teenager continued to fumble, if a real blind man, of course, his fumble would have no effect.

"The phone is here, there are still 50 seconds, a rare opportunity." The Eight-Finger teenager lifted his left hand and shook it.

Qiancangyi ignored the provocation, he had already thought of a wonderful way, but it had to be delayed until the deadline.

As time passed by, the eight-finger teenager's provocative voices became louder and louder, and the words became more and more, but they were all empty and meaningless words, which were incomparable to the few words that were worth a lot of money before.

Qiancang changed his position to hide. Because of the sound of music, he would hardly be heard as long as he was not too close to the Eight Fingers. He hid near a computer in order to catch the last few seconds of the gap.

10, 9, 8...

Qiancangyi slowly increased his breathing, and at the same time began to approach the Eight-Finger Boy. During the trimming period, his vitality had recovered a lot.

7, 6, 5...

As soon as Qiancang came to the eight-finger boy two meters away, his eyes were fixed on the eight-finger boy to prevent any changes.

4, 3, 2...

The last two seconds, one more second to deal with emergencies, this is the time point that Qiancangyi chooses. When the expected time came, he quickly activated the leader of the Time Tomb, and then reached out and took the mobile phone from the eight-fingered boy's left hand. This time, he confirmed it again. In fact, the last time he took the mobile phone, he also confirmed it and felt it touch. There was no problem, but all the changes occurred after the skill ended. It can be expected that the same situation will be the same this time. Therefore, Qiancang did one more thing this time.

Before the leader of the Tomb of Time, he looked at the Eight-Finger Boy and launched an ancient gaze. A red circle with a gap appeared in the pupil of his eye. Then, the skill took effect. After completing this preparation, Qiancang kept away from the Eight Fingers boy again and again.

End the skill.

Qiancang held his breath and paid attention to the changes in his mobile phone and the eight-fingered teenager.

The silver-white mobile phone turned into a hand quickly, but this time it was not the right hand, but the left hand, the eight-fingered young man’s left hand, and, more than that, the back of the left hand is connected to the arm, and the back of the hand is connected to the shoulder joints and shoulder joints. There is a connection behind...At this moment, what Qiancang Yi grabbed was not the mobile phone, but the person of the Eight Fingers, and the mobile phone was where the Eight Fingers had been before.

Eight-Finger Boy exchanged himself with his mobile phone as a whole. Since he couldn’t catch him, he let the other party catch him. This is the idea of ​​Eight-Finger Boy and his purpose of provoking Qian Cang Yi. But in Qian Cang Yi’s eyes, this This kind of tactics is not even considered a tactic, it can be seen through at a glance.

The next second, the lights began to flicker, but the Eight Fingers did not disappear, but backed back again and again. The power of the ancient gaze is revealed, the fear time of 1-3 seconds, coupled with the ignorance of the opponent's vision, the simplified practicality is much higher.

Qiancang raised his mouth slightly and acted according to the plan. He once again mobilized the leader of the Time Tomb, rushed to the phone in the last one second, approached, bent over to pick it up, successfully held the phone in his hand, and ended the skill.

After the skill was over, the lights of the Internet cafe were on, and the cement that closed the doors and windows gradually turned into a phantom, and finally disappeared completely.

The eight-finger boy returned to normal, and took his right hand off his face with his left hand, but there was no disappointed expression on his face. He smiled and said to Qian Cangyi:

"According to the agreement, you will stay here tonight and no one else will come. In addition, I will take your friend to where he wants to go, but it does not necessarily guarantee his safety. If there is a chance, I invite you Go for a walk around the city in the city, I think you will like it very much."

After speaking, he waved his right hand, then turned to leave the Internet cafe.

Qian Cangyi never let go of his vigilance. After all, what the ghost said is simply a lie, but he didn't leave either. After all, after the hide-and-seek ended, the Eight Fingers had already seen him and didn't do anything. With the strength shown by the eight-finger youth, killing could not be easier, so it can be basically concluded that he will not kill. Therefore, Qiancangyi’s choice is to stay in the Internet cafe to observe the situation first, and if something unusual happens, make another plan.

He sat at the bar, turned off the music, and then turned off the camera while watching the phone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and deleted the video data by the way. The customer in the Internet cafe is missing. As long as the last location is investigated, the Internet cafe can be located. When the time comes to investigate the video data, he will definitely be suspected. Therefore, he chose to delete the video data. Although the technical staff can still restore it, it takes time , And now, he only lacks time.

In just 10 minutes, Hawkeye sent a few pictures and a few pieces of information again, without special expenses, until the latest one.

"Just now, a young man with eight fingers on his right hand found me and said that he had seen you and you won. He would take me to '28 Jingchang Street, 3rd Floor'. Is that true? You have not responded for a few minutes. , The possibility is not small."

Qiancang let out a long sigh, gave an affirmative answer, and recounted what had just happened.

Hawkeye replied again:

"Thank you. In that case, I will follow along and take a look. You must be careful. The death of people in the city must have been exposed, and this special situation that was not predicted by the brain in the tank will definitely arouse those people's suspicion. It is estimated that the position will be locked soon, and you may have to deal with it by yourself."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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