Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1537: Original place


As soon as the money warehouse handed over the cash, he raised the window, stepped on the accelerator, and left the gas station.

In the back seat of the car, Hawkeye held his hands and crossed his chest, lowered his head, pretending to sleep, the light brown wide-brimmed hat on the top of his head blocked his face so that he would not be seen.

"It's in front." Qiancang glanced at the navigation, about 10 minutes away from the destination.

Hawkeye raised his right hand, took off his hat, and said, "You can go up and take a look later."

"Aren't you going?" Qiancangyi was a little surprised.

"It's too dangerous. If you accidentally expose it, the remaining road will be difficult to walk." Hawkeye shook his head and put on his hat again.

"Okay." Qiancangyi didn't say any more.

Ahead, a village in the city slowly emerged, beside the high-rise buildings, many pre-planned self-built buildings were crowded together like "shorts". This area is the place where Hawkeye received the mail from the **** movie, which is in line with the description of the "initial place" in "City within City", and all the roots now seem to start from there, a letter from **** The invitation has changed everything, and it has begun to affect the operation of the entire world.

Qiancang Yi parked the car on the side of the road and got off to the destination.

Convenience stores on both sides of the street are full of nostalgia. The whole area is like a slum in the city, but it is not dirty or too messy. In many places, there are traces of community efforts to change. Newly built street lights and intersections Cameras, new signs, trash cans, etc., everything is improving.

A few minutes later, Qiancang stopped and stood in front of the convenience store. Then, he slowly raised his head and looked at the second floor.

Cheap clothes were hanging on the clothes rail outside the door on the second floor. This room was one of the places where Hawkeye stayed when he fled. It has now been rented out to others.

As soon as Qiancang went upstairs, he came to the second floor. Then he stood by the window and observed the room. After finding that there was no one, he looked back at the empty street, squatted down quickly, and then took out a wire from his pocket.

A few seconds later, with a soft click, the door lock opened.

Qiancang walked into the room quietly, and then observed the situation in the room. The layout of the room was one bedroom and one living room, with a separate kitchen and bathroom, and the living room tables and chairs were placed against the wall, so it didn't look messy.

"Slippers size 43, male, but...nothing? It seems that Hawkeye's guess is wrong."

Qiancang shook his head slightly, then walked slowly to the bedroom, and then checked the kitchen, but still did not find any clues.

"Take a few pictures and see."

He thought of the situation in the city within the city, took a few photos, and sent them to Hawkeye.

"It's ordinary, there is no special place, it doesn't seem to be here." Hawkeye's reply came quickly.

As soon as Qiancang put his mobile phone away, he glanced at the room again, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart. Following Hawkeye’s past experience, it was like a buffer that made people unable to help but think about the past and think about “everything”. significance.

"Or, come and see for yourself. I have already noted the location of the camera. I can't make it through. I can help you."

The leader of the Time Tomb can also lead others to avoid the surveillance area.

This time, Hawkeye’s reply was much slower. It took a full minute before he sent a short reply, "Yes."

Ten minutes later, the two evaded surveillance and returned to their former residence again.

As soon as the Qiancang leaned on the door, he quietly looked at everything in the house. He had checked most of the things here. There was no special place, and no connection with the final secret.

Hawkeye walked to the bedroom, holding the door frame with his right hand, but did not walk in.

For some reason, Qiancang realized that Hawkeye also felt that feeling, or that from the moment he entered the room, Hawkeye had entered a state of "looking back", much more than he realized it. early.

"Let's go, I didn't find it." Hawkeye turned and left.

"The next place..." Qiancang was not surprised by this result.

"Maybe you can go there and have a look." Hawkeye stopped.


"The place where I performed the last mission, the place where my escape began." Hawkeye walked out of the room.


Chongzhi City, meeting room.

Yang Fan thumped his hands on the conference table and made a muffled noise. Then, he looked up at the middle-aged man next to him and asked:

"Run? Didn't all the exits be blocked? Are they blind?"

The middle-aged man pursed his mouth, a little angry, but soon let go, he shook his head to defend:

"The situation is very complicated. It is not as simple as you think. They are indeed still human and have to walk on their feet. However, according to a report from one of my subordinates, these two men are quite professional in hiding their whereabouts and seem to have received similar training."

Yang Fan's face looked a little better, he tilted his head and asked: "Eagle Eyes do."

"No, it's not that kind, it's not the same at all. They seem to... how to say, they disappeared suddenly, and then appeared in another place, do you understand?" The middle-aged man didn't know how to describe it for a while.

"You mean they can fly?" Yang Fan took a deep breath.

"Almost, they can fly, they can fly." The middle-aged man sighed.

Yang Fan fell into a brief silence, then walked outside the meeting room.

"Where are you going?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Request support." Yang Fan dropped these words.


after one day.

The black jeep parked on the side of the road, and then, an eagle spirit appeared above the woods out of thin air. Then, the eagle spirit looked around the mountains and forests and checked several key positions before returning to the jeep.

"There is no ambush." ​​After speaking, Hawkeye got out of the car.

Qiancang got out of the car, then looked up at the blue sky and said:

"In less than a day, the degree of blockade has increased several times, and air defense has begun, leaving us with little time."

Hawkeye did not answer, and walked to the depths of the forest.

Qian Cangyi shrugged and followed Hawkeye.

Ten minutes later, Qian Cang asked, "Have you come back to see it before?"

"No, the scalpel has been sending people to stare here, and I don't really want to come back." Hawkeye shook his head.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hawkeye speeds up, and stops in front of an oak tree with a strong trunk. He stretches out his right hand and strokes the bullet holes that can still be clearly seen in the oak tree. There are dozens of bullet holes.

Qiancang stood aside, put his hands in front of him, and kept quiet.

"It doesn't seem to be here either." Hawkeye shook his head.

"Is there any other place?" Qian Cang glanced at Hawkeye's profile.

"I don't know, maybe it was the place where we were photographed by the reporter?" Hawkeye's tone was very uncertain.

"Maybe, even earlier." Qiancang said softly.

"What? What did you think of?" Hawkeye turned his head and looked at Qian Cangyi's eyes, expecting an answer.

"I think you were in the scalpel organization from the beginning? Before entering the scalpel, you have your own life. That is where you started." Qian Cangyi also looked at Hawkeye's eyes with firm eyes.

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