Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1543: Clay sculpture hell

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In the narrow conference car, Yang Fan stared at the map wrapped around the executed prisoner, picked up the walkie-talkie in his right hand, thought for two seconds, and said:

"The goal has not moved for a long time, and act according to the plan."

The voice of "Yes" came back from the walkie-talkie, firm and decisive.

Yang Fan put down the walkie-talkie and closed his eyes, with a helpless expression. In his mind, the news he received yesterday emerged.

Just as the round-up operation was proceeding in an intense and orderly manner, a phone call brought Yang Fan back to reality, and what he was most worried about finally happened.

"Yang Fan, your request has been approved, and the clay sculpture **** is expedited." A slightly old voice came from the phone.

Yang Fan was stunned, his eyes rolled, and he had an unknown premonition in his heart. He slowly spoke and asked:

"I didn't request the Clay Sculpture Hell, why did I take the initiative to transport it? I remember that the use of the Clay Sculpture Hell is prohibited? What happened?"

Every time he asked a question, he felt his shoulders heavier.

"Brain in the tank is going to rest for a few days." The other end of the phone replied.

"How many days to rest? I remember they don't need to rest." Yang Fan replied immediately.


"You mean, what does the brain in the tank have a premonition?" Yang Fan reacted.

"Hey." A deep sigh came from the other end of the phone, "Is the position of Hawkeye locked?"

"Almost, I have already started to close the net, and give me a few more days, maybe I can catch it alive." Yang Fan raised his voice, his tone affirmative.

"We don't have time, Yang Fan, Clay Sculpture Hell, you can arrange it now." The voice on the other side of the phone was not loud, but the tone was very serious, not like chatting, but giving an official order.

"I see." Yang Fan slowly closed his eyes.

Toot toot, the phone hangs up.

Clay sculpture **** is the name of one of several supernatural objects sealed 200 meters underground, capable of destroying humans in an area in a short time. The shape of the Clay Sculpture Hell is four clay figures with a height of two meters and a length of 30 cm and a width of 50 cm. The clay figures are naked and have no obvious gender expression. Not the same, but except for the expression, everything else is exactly the same.

If you separate the four clay sculptures and place them in the opposite direction, and then let ordinary people make corresponding expressions in front of the clay sculptures, then the area framed by the four clay sculptures will have strange changes at the same time, this piece of gradual change The area is called Clay Sculpture Hell.

When the change begins, the humans in the clay sculpture **** will not be able to communicate with the outside world, nor can they leave the clay sculpture area, but the communication within the area is not affected, but the humans outside the clay sculpture area can enter. In short, this is A place where you can go in but not out.

The change is divided into four stages. In the first stage, the ground gradually becomes soft, like stepping on fine sand, and mud-colored areas appear. The color is between brown and black, occasionally mixed with a trace of other colors. As time goes by, the softness of the ground will gradually deepen, and the mud-colored area will gradually become larger. This process usually lasts for half an hour. After half an hour, the ground completely turns mud-colored and loses support. All standing on top All human beings will sink below the ground, but the ground in houses and overpasses will not be affected for the time being.

The second stage usually takes place within 1 hour after the end of the first stage. In this stage, not only ordinary roads, but also the middle and high floors of apartments, overpasses and other places separated from the ground will have the same changes. However, the high floors sink into the ground. People who do not appear on the lower floors will be swallowed by the ground, but narrow places such as window sills are not affected.

In the third stage, humans that sink into the ground will crawl out of the ground again in the form of a clay figure. The facial expressions of the clay figure drilled out from different areas are also different. If it is an ordinary road, the clay figure drilled out will have two expressions of joy and sorrow. A clay figure with a happy expression moves faster, and the human being caught by it will be gradually transformed into a clay figure of the same type. After escaping, it can return to normal, and making the same expression can resist the transformation effect. A clay figure with a sad expression moves slowly, and the human being watched by it will be gradually transformed into a clay figure. The transformation speed is slow, and the watched person can also resist the transformation effect when staring at the clay figure. The activity range of the clay figure with two expressions is limited to the first stage of changing position.

Inside the apartment and waiting for the second stage of transformation, clay figures with angry and fearful expressions will emerge. The clay figure with angry expression is very destructive. It is the only clay figure that can directly kill humans. Moreover, the clay figure can grab the "mud" from the ground and attack humans. After the human is attacked by the mud, if the mud is not removed as soon as possible , Will gradually transform into a clay figure. A clay figure with a fear expression will hide in the corner. A human standing near the clay figure can be gradually transformed. The radius is about 3 meters. The closer the distance, the faster the transformation speed. Gradually return to normal. Similarly, clay figures with these two types of expressions will be confined to the apartment.

In the fourth stage, the expression on the face of the clay figure gradually changes, and it will continuously change in a way of joy, anger, sorrow and fear, and after the corresponding expression is converted, there will be a corresponding mode of action. The duration of each clay figure conversion is independent, but the conversion order remains fixed.

From then on, the clay sculpture **** will be maintained until the conditions for the formation of the clay sculpture **** are destroyed.

Ordinarily, the biggest threat faced in the Clay Sculpture Hell is not the clay figures, but the ground that will devour humans. As long as this is overcome, the chance of survival is quite high.


In the hotel, Hawkeye is sitting at the table, with an opened suitcase in front of him.

The parts of the light sniper rifle are placed in the black suitcase, but in addition, there are other killing tools.

Hawkeye stretched out his right hand and gently took out a packet of powder in the lower right corner. A skull logo was painted on the powder package, which was a packet of poison.

Knocking, knocking, knocking!

There was a knock on the door, "It's me." Qiancangyi's voice followed.

Hawkeye put down the poison, closed the suitcase, then turned the door lock and opened the door, "In a hurry?"

"Uh..." Qiancang turned his head and glanced at the ground, and said softly: "I think we can go to the waterfall and wait, you know, there are chasing soldiers, the situation is not very good, I am worried that there will be accidents in the middle, maybe Very troublesome."

"You are right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hawkeye nodded.

"Then, let's go?" Qiancang pointed out the window.

"After you came to my world, you have been helping me run around, but I didn’t have a good rest. As a host, I should treat you well. Unfortunately, I don’t have time. Now is the last day. So, I want to make my last meal. On the one hand, I thank you, and on the other hand, I can say goodbye to myself..." At this point, Hawkeye smiled, and then continued: "...After all, I may not come back again."

"Eh!" Qian Cang opened his eyes wide and his expression was astonished. Then, he slowly nodded to express understanding, "I know. Speaking of which, because of the warning, he would sneak away, and he didn't even have a good meal at the end of the journey from hell. It was indeed quite good. Regrettably, but if it succeeds in the end, at that time, if you want to, you can eat together every day, the **** movie will not give up the main world."

"Perhaps, I have already chosen a place, and when I finish eating, I will fly over with a flight attendant." Hawkeye's tone was calm.

"Have you... made a decision?" Qiancang asked carefully.

"Yeah." Hawkeye nodded, and then slowly closed the door.

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