Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1545: Road of pain

   Hawkeye stopped and turned around, looking puzzled.

   Qiancang took a deep breath, planning to tell the truth:

"Hawkeye, if I guessed correctly, did Wan Jie give you the third option? After I expressed my opinion, the first two options are not difficult to choose. You should decide to choose the second one soon, but you didn’t. Instead, he hesitated for a long time, so either you suddenly changed, or there is another option that makes it difficult for you to choose. According to you, the purpose of our coming to this world is to catch up with the admonition, and vice versa. If we don’t leave and stay here forever, we naturally don’t need to catch up. In other words, the third option is to kill me or us!"

   Hawkeye looked away and asked:

   "If I remember correctly, your skills are currently the only way to stop nothing. Why do **** movies have to be arranged like this? You are dead, and the admonition will surely succeed. It doesn't make sense."

Qiancang shook his head slowly. He had already thought about this. He took a deep breath and said: "The admonition is not the point. The point is the rules set by the **** movie itself. If it does not intend to obey the rules, warn. All the efforts made by the club will be in vain. Although the **** film has never made a clear statement, it can be seen from the handling of the actions of the admonition club that it must maintain'fairness'. Similarly, we can speed up catching up and get out of it.' The scope of'fairness', so I will encounter danger at the beginning, so we will go a long way to find the truth and meet the residents of the city in the city. All these are rules, for the sake of'fairness'."

   Hawkeye walked out of the kitchen, stood in front of Qiancang, and asked softly:

   "Do you think there is ‘fair’ in the world?"

   Before Qian Cang Yi answered, he opened his jacket with his left hand, and took out a black pistol from the inside of the jacket with his right hand. After the bullet was loaded, he pointed the muzzle at Qian Cang Yi's forehead.

   During the whole process, Qiancang didn't move and didn't answer. He just looked at Hawkeye's eyes, as if waiting for a result.

   Hawkeye chuckled lightly, with irony and sadness in the laughter, and then said sharply:

"What do you mean by'fairness' is that my family was sacrificed for the lives of other people, or that my team was exposed and abandoned after being worthless, or that I, who had been pursuing the truth, pressed the detonation of the entire world. Button? I tell you, the rule of **** movies is never "fair", but "pain". Everything you want needs to be obtained at the cost of pain. Pain is like countless invisible needles, pierced On the back of the actor, every actor runs in pain. As long as he runs fast enough, he can forget his pain, but as long as he stops, the pervasive pain will drown everything.

  Think about admonishing the leaders of the society, are they high enough? Are they happy? Are you happy? No, even if you become a palace-level actor, the result is still the same. Assuming that what they say is true, then the zodiac will never be homeless in the future, and the time after the new year will always be tortured by memories, and nothing, like an inhumane Crazy people, they live in pain, no one is exception, this is the essence of **** movies, and this is why it is hell!

   Hell is ours, and the movie belongs to the audience.

   Cangichi, I ask you, if I were to kill you now, what would you do? "

   Qiancang swallowed. This was the first time he saw Hawkeye such a gaffe. If it was before, Hawkeye would shoot without hesitation, or he would not draw a gun at all.

   "Have you thought about it? What would you do?" Hawkeye's right index finger slowly applied force.

   Because of the close distance, Qian Cangyi could even see that the trigger was moving slowly, but he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart.

   The atmosphere in the restaurant was suddenly suppressed to the extreme. It seemed that all grievances and entanglements were waiting for this moment to erupt.

   A deep sigh echoed in the restaurant, with a little relief and helplessness. Qiancang stared at Hawkeye's eyes and replied: "I will let you die, Hawkeye, I also have my own things to do, I must leave here, Qian Jiangyue, shadow play, Xiao Zuanfeng and fables, warning Will never let them go, they are waiting for me. I'm sorry, but if you really plan to do it, I won't hesitate."

  Hawk's eyes did not move, still maintaining the original posture, but the fingers trembled slightly.

   Qiancang spread his hands and added: "You are right. The essence of **** movies is pain and torture, but along the way, there are not only pain and torture, but also courage, hope and mutual help."



   The sound of glass shattering came.

   A bleeding face stuck on the shard of glass, motionless, dead.

   "What about you? What are you going to do?" Qiancang glanced out the window and asked softly.

   "There is no third option at all, but your determination surprised me." Hawkeye put down the pistol, then turned his head to look at the street, an eagle spirit appeared out of the window, observing the street situation, and then his expression changed slightly.

"Are you testing me?" Qiancang tilted his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ frowned, but he did not continue to ask, since Hawkeye has already said this, it is equivalent to answering, and he has already Show what you are doing, and if you continue to study it carefully, it will not be good for anyone, "What's the situation outside now?"

   "Many killing machines, hide first and go upstairs!" Yingyan pointed his right finger upstairs.

   Qiancang immediately went upstairs. Hawkeye did not immediately follow, but first returned to the kitchen, took the black suitcase, and then climbed the stairs.

  The second floor of the restaurant, the two of them temporarily hid in the box.

   "Wait for them to pass, then we go to the top of the building, summon the flight attendants and leave." Hawkeye crouched under the window.

   "Sent from chasing soldiers?" Qiancang asked.

   "Yes." Hawkeye nodded, "A robot is upstairs, ready to test it."

   Qiancang took out the silver brilliance and hid in the door.

   Hawkeye also changed position and hid on the other side, then he nodded to Qiancang.

   Qiancang understood the meaning, activated the skill first, and then reached out to open the door.

   Outside the door, a white robot with an overall shape resembling a spider but a capsule-shaped body appeared at the entrance of the stairs. This robot is a "gyro".

The body of the capsule is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower parts, each part can rotate, the length ratio is 2:5:3, the top part is the processing module such as camera and audio receiver, the middle part is equipped with weapons, and the lower part is energy and Ammunition, the eight mechanical legs under the capsule combine movement and shooting.

   Qiancang pointed the muzzle at the robot, and then pulled the trigger at the moment the skill was cancelled, and the silver bullet with a corrosive effect flew towards the top.


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