Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1565: Questions and rebuttals

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Facing Qian Cangyi's condition, Yang Fan was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to agree so simply, but the vigilance and suspicion in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

"Maybe you just perfunct me, just like you did in the mall before." Yang Fan fixed his eyes on Qian Cangyi, as if he wanted to see the clues from the latter's eyes and expressions, so that he could make correct judgments.

Qiancang stepped back two steps, and moved a little away. At this time, even if Yang Fan planned to start suddenly, no matter if he took out another gun or suddenly started a sneak attack, he would have enough reaction time to deal with it.

"No, you are wrong. In the small town mall, I am the passive one, but now I am the active one. I took off my clothes and pants and threw them aside."

After speaking, he moved his right hand and motioned to Yang Fan to do the same.

Yang Fan took a deep breath and did what Qiancang said. However, there were a lot of small movements during the period, but they were not obvious enough.

"Go there." Qiancang said, looking to the side.

Yang Fan turned his head and took a look, took his right foot, and walked over.

As soon as Qiancang saw Yang Fan turned his head, the muscles on his face were twisted and an expression of pain appeared. The two shots fired by the White Bone Curse were not two indifferent shots. In fact, tearing pain came from his left arm all the time. Seconds later, he took a deep breath, the expression on his face returned to normal, and then walked forward.

Ahead, Yang Fan moved slowly, far below normal speed. He did not look back, but his eyes did not stop for a moment. He was looking for opportunities to turn defeat into victory.

"What conditions did Hawkeye give you? I can give you three times, no, ten times!"

He stopped and waited for Qiancangyi's response.

Qiancang put his muzzle against Yang Fan's back and replied softly: "He gave me one life, are you going to give me ten lives?"

Yang Fan heard this answer and immediately swallowed the words he had prepared.

The two continued to move forward and returned to the position where Eagle Eye was. After that, Qian Cang Yi asked Yang Fan to stand aside, and he glanced at the wound on Eagle Eye's left shoulder.

According to the hint of the **** movie, the curse lasts for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the curse will disappear. Although Qian Cangyi and Yang Fan have already fought once and decided the winner, the elapsed time is only 1 minute, which counts as before. The maximum time for the curse is no more than 3 minutes, which means that it will take at least 2 minutes for the curse effect to end. Therefore, even if there are special items in the money warehouse, they cannot take effect.

"I have a question." Qian Cang looked at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan raised his head and looked at Qiancang, but did not answer.

"When you killed those who were abandoned, did you have a trace of guilt?" Qian Cang frowned slightly, and his right hand holding the pistol relaxed a little.

Facing Qian Cangyi’s question, Yang Fan opened his mouth, but did not answer immediately. Then, he swallowed, raised his right hand, wiped the tip of his nose with his thumb, and then replied:

"Do you believe me if I say it?"

He snorted and continued:

"I was shocked when I first learned about the brain in the tank. Before performing the task, I also thought carefully. Is it the right way to sacrifice some people and save most of them? Can human lives be measured by numbers? These problems are bothering me. Me, in the end, I successfully completed the task without too much psychological burden, because my teammates left the criminals to me, they have seen too many such situations, and every newcomer needs to overcome the inner obstacles little by little. "

Qiancang was expressionless and replied, "I can see it."

Yang Fan spread his hands and didn't care about Qian Cangyi's words. He continued on with the previous words:

"Later, I also asked this question to my superiors. He told me that this was indeed wrong. The practice of sacrificing some people to save most of them is not correct. However, in the face of survival, right and wrong have no value, even so. Being guilty has nothing to do with us. What is really guilty is what puts us in this desperate situation. We are just executioners, but tools. For example, the gun in your hand, you see, I can use it to kill you, and You can also use it to kill me. As far as tools are concerned, killing everyone is the same."

After speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing an extremely uncomfortable smile.

"So, do you think you are a tool?" Qiancang tilted his head.

"I don't want to admit it, but I'm really just a tool. Killing is compelling." Yang Fan admitted simply.

"Well, as a tool, do you care about anything? Friends, family? Are they still alive?" Qiancang asked.

Yang Fan was stunned and understood what Qian Cangyi meant. His face was blue and white, and he wanted to refute, but he couldn't find the right words for a while.

Qian Cangyi didn't wait for Yang Fan to answer, but increased his voice and said:

"I know what you mean, you know what you are doing is wrong, but you are not the mastermind in this matter. You are just a soldier performing the task. Even if there is a mistake, you can’t be blamed, but I have a The problem, being in the position of a soldier, you enjoy the convenience of this identity. If there is no accident, I think your family and friends will never be given up, because you will definitely let them leave in advance. To be honest, if You really regard yourself as a tool person and have no selfishness. Then I really admire you. You are a man, but obviously not. You are just a **** and want to set up a torii."

In the face of Yang Fan, he did not show any mercy. Although to him, this world is the world of movies, but it is the real world of Hawkeye. No matter what choice Hawkeye makes in the end, at least now he must give Hawkeye a lesson. The hypocritical upper class in front of him.

Yang Fan was not angry when he heard Qian Cangyi’s words, but raised his head and covered half of his face with his right hand. Then, there was a hysterical laughter. At this moment, he seemed to hear the funniest joke until the end, He laughed and coughed.

"Lost intellect?" Qian Cang asked softly.

Yang Fan's laughter stopped abruptly. He pointed to the eagle eye lying on the ground with his right index finger, and said loudly:

"You think I'm a bitch, then I ask you, your accomplice, Hawkeye, what did you do before? He is a mercenary trained by the scalpel tissue, a mercenary who works for me, and he can kill the whole family as long as he pays money. Another mercenary who digs a grave. To be honest, the ordinary people who died in my hands have not died in his hands. Since you think I am a bitch, then, what is he? The top card?"

At the end, his voice was raised again, and his contempt was overwhelming.

Qiancangyi didn't answer immediately.

Yang Fan ignored it. He took two steps forward and continued to ask:

"Do you think you are noble? Then I ask you, what would you do if you sit in my seat? Tell this thing to the public? Or choose to give up and hide for the rest of your life? Is there any difference? In the end, someone will do the same. It only depends on whether he is called Yang Fan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When it comes to the back, his emotions are getting more and more excited.

"I tell you what I will do." Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

"Eagle Eye?" Qian Cang glanced down at his side. At this moment, the gunfire sounded, and the direction of the sound was exactly where Yang Fan was. He immediately turned his head back and saw an exquisite black automatic pistol on the ground in front of Yang Fan. The pistol was about the size of a palm. Yang Fan gritted his teeth tightly and covered his right wrist with his left hand. Blood was flowing from the wound on his right wrist. After coming out, near the wound, the eagle spirit of the bald eagle gradually faded until it disappeared completely.

Eagle Eye climbed up from the ground, his right hand was covering his left shoulder, his face was pale, but his eyes were piercing when he looked at Yang Fan, "Yang Fan, I have a plan. You will be interested."

When Qiancang saw Hawkeye, he didn't seem to have a big problem, so he put down the Bone Curse. After all, his hand was a little sour when he kept holding the gun. Then, he opened his mouth and said to Yang Fan:

"I answer your question just now. Hawkeye didn't know about the brain in the tank before, and he will become a mercenary, thanks to a person like you who thinks of justice. Moreover, the job of a mercenary is to kill people. Taking money, life is money. Even if he is wanted by the whole world, when he stands in court, he will not argue that people were killed by others. I just collected money."

Having said this, he imitated Yang Fan's aggrieved tone, and then said in a normal tone:

"In addition, I just asked if you would feel guilty, but you seem to have been poked on the backbone and find a lot of reasons to defend yourself. Please, I know the truth of this world much better than you, I Knowing who is the culprit, you don’t have to be so nervous. Two slaves are killing each other in the Colosseum. For the slaves, there is no right or wrong, but for survival."

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