Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1573: Who is a "cat"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, there are 5 hours left before the final selection.

In the communicator, the voice of the middle-aged man came out: "We have delivered what you want, right in the waterfall."

The approximate locations of Qiancang No. 1 and Eagle Eye are confirmed by the communicator, and the precise location is actively informed by Eagle Eye. The waterfall itself is a very obvious sign, so it is easy to locate.

"Just put it there." Hawkeye replied, and then he turned to look at Qiancangyi.

Qian Cangyi made a "thump" in his heart, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Cang Yi, you can help me get it, there must be an ambush outside, you have to use skills." Hawkeye said.

I knew it.

Qiancang thought. Although the inside of the crack is absolutely safe, it does not mean that it is also safe outside the crack. If you are shot or hit by a missile outside the crack, you will also die. However, he can avoid it if he has the "leader of the time mound". For these risks, as long as you first use the skill in the crack, then go out, pick up the thing, and then return to the crack.

"No problem." Qiancang nodded quickly and walked towards the crack. When he passed by Hawkeye, he suddenly heard Hawkeye's reminder.

"Be careful." Hawkeye's voice was very soft, like a subconscious reminder among friends.

"Don't worry." Qiancang waved his hand.

A minute later, he took the old TV with the cursed doll and two suitcases into the crack. After he finished his skills, he suddenly noticed that his fingers began to change color. The original healthy flesh color gradually turned purple and black and spread rapidly. However, before he could deal with it, the purple black was controlled by a mysterious force, stopped spreading, and then gradually became smaller. , Until finally disappear completely.

"There is poison on the box." Qian Cang looked down at his hands, then focused on the suitcase, "I was a little surprised, isn't their appeal a list? Why are they poisoned? Isn't this a contradiction? Could it be that they do not agree?"

"There are nine out of ten." Hawkeye opened the card strip of the suitcase. After standing far away, he summoned the eagle spirit and asked the eagle spirit to open the suitcase.

Although the seven participants in the intracranial meeting discussed together, their personal ideas are different, and no one has experienced similar things. Their handling

As soon as Qiancang saw this scene, he also slipped to the fixed phone. After all, there might be some unexpected situation. It is safe now, and obviously there is no need to take any risks.

One of the leads was disconnected, making a small, crisp sound. Inside the suitcase, a time bomb was lying quietly in the corner, but it did not explode. This independent space protects the two.

"Leave it here first, let the night robbery deal with it." Hawkeye said, then took out the communicator, and said with his throat: "You...you, you actually poisoned...don't you want a place?" At the time, his voice was weak, as if he was about to die on the spot.

Qiancang widened his eyes and watched Hawkeye "perform" there. Although Hawkeye does not play in many formal movies, it does not mean that he will not play, let alone the situation where only voice can communicate.

"Eagle Eye, the situation here is also very complicated. The above is not a monolithic one. Each has its own power. Some people want to cooperate with you, and some want you to die. I really don't know anything." The middle-aged man cleared his responsibility. The tone was tactful and sincere, as if he did not know anything about it.

"Really?" Hawkeye suddenly became full of breath.

"You... pretend?" The middle-aged man reacted immediately.

"Why didn't I cure it?" Hawkeye asked back.

The middle-aged man immediately understood the meaning. In fact, it is not important to deal with poisoning anymore. There is only one chance, and there will be almost no chance after failure.

"You still have about 5 hours. Rather than wasting your time on these things, it is better to cherish this time." Hawkeye gave his own advice, then he paused briefly, and then continued: "I intend to take back the quota. "

"Wait, we found your friend." The middle-aged man shouted anxiously.


"Yes, haven't you been sweeping the graves of your comrades-in-arms before? Remember the florist owner? Her name is Zhou Jing, a very quiet girl." The middle-aged man's mood gradually stabilized.

"I understand, you want to threaten me." Hawkeye glanced at Qiancang. "However, she is not my friend, and I just know her."

"And—" the middle-aged man was about to say, but was interrupted by Hawkeye.

"—No, there are no friends in this world. If you don’t believe me, you can kill them. I don’t care. I wanted to give you more places, but you are ignorant and arrogant. Now I have got things. Interest is wasting time with you. If I want to, I can end all this now. However, considering that there are still many ordinary people who are'enjoying' this last time, I still intend to proceed according to the original plan." Don't care, moreover, the concept of "list" is still being created.

Qiancang listened to all this in silence, and it seemed that Hawkeye was bargaining with the forces behind the scenes. In fact, from the beginning, it was Hawkeye's "cat" playing with the "mouse" at will.

Surprised, is this the true nature of Hawkeye? God, did I release some devil?

Qian Cangyi suddenly had this idea in his mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He suddenly felt cold on his back, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"No, wait, you must still have something you want to do? We can talk about it again." The middle-aged man's tone was almost pleading.

At this time, changes took place in the passage, and countless three-dimensional characters flew towards the cracks, all squeezed into the cracks like a vehicle confluence.

Qiancang turned his head to look at the three-dimensional text, walked a few steps towards the crack, and planned to check it out.

Hawkeye did not answer either, but instead focused on the three-dimensional text.

Ding Ding Ding.

The red phone rang.

As soon as Qiancang ran to pick up the microphone, the sound of late robbery came from the other end.

"Don't worry, I will remind you before the time is up, but I have to prepare. By the way, is there an audience here, I will show you my superb technique."

After speaking, Wanji hung up the phone.

As soon as Qiancang put the phone back, the outside world appeared on the surrounding walls. Dozens of snipers aimed at the crack, and there were nearly a hundred people on standby outside. Once the two left unsuspectingly, they would be shot and killed immediately.

"Late Tribulation said that there are rare audiences. He wants us to see his superb technique, and he will notify us before the deadline is reached."

He relayed what Wan Jie had said to Hawkeye.

"Yeah." Hawkeye nodded.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at the crack, and three-dimensional text appeared outside the crack. The three-dimensional text expanded rapidly after leaving the crack, and then flew toward the blue sky. Although the distance is getting farther and farther, the size of the three-dimensional text hardly changes in his line of sight. This means that the three-dimensional text is thrown in Gradually grows larger, and eventually, it will become like the sun, as long as you look up, you can see it. However, the flight direction of the three-dimensional text is not the same, like the nodes of a net, scattered all over the world.

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