Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1578: Unmanned hotel

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Outside the car window, behind the stop sign, a gold and black double-storey hotel stands in the wasteland, which is particularly eye-catching.

Qiancang once thought about the scenery he had seen before and clearly remembered that he had not seen the hotel. He waited for about 10 seconds and saw that the coach did not start, so he stood up, walked to the driver's seat, stretched out his right hand, and squeezed tightly. The steering wheel, try to turn left and right.

The steering wheel does not move, it has been fixed.

He stretched out his right foot and stepped on the accelerator twice.

The throttle position is the same as the steering wheel, there is no movement, as if it is stuck.

Seeing this, he no longer wasted time and walked down from the opened car door. With his feet on the ground, he felt the warmth from the soles of his feet, took off his coat, put it on his right elbow, and then walked to the hotel.

As the distance gets closer, the hotel appears taller. The height of each floor is about 10 meters, which is equivalent to the height of the third floor of an ordinary residential building.

Qiancang raised his head and looked at the windows on the second floor. There are six windows in total, three large and three small, arranged at intervals. From the layout of the windows, you can see that there are three rooms on one side of the second floor of the hotel.

He lowered his head and looked straight ahead. Because the outdoor light was too bright, it was impossible to see the indoor situation clearly. Even if the helmet light was turned on, the effect was extremely limited.

[Resting station description: actor Cang Yi, the rest station you are assigned to is an unmanned hotel, for your safety, please keep the following points in mind:]

【1. The check-in method of the hotel is self-check-in. The key of each room is hung on the white wooden board on the right side of the front desk. The symbol on the key corresponds to the symbol of the door. If the key is hung on the wooden board, it means that the corresponding room is unoccupied. The actor took the key by himself and went to the room.

【2. During the stay, do not investigate other rooms, do not talk with other passengers, and do not open the door at will. 】

【3. You need to follow the same rules when you leave. The key must be hung back to the white wooden board, and the room does not need to be cleaned. 】

The hint of the **** movie came to mind at the right time.

Points 1 and 3 are not too special, but point 2 is very strange.

"Are there other things living in an unmanned hotel?"

Qiancang lowered his head in thought, his curiosity was aroused, but he suppressed it when he thought of the warning from the **** movie.

There were similar situations in previous official movies. For example, when the movie "The Corner" finally left, there were still many mysteries in Quanyun's apartment that had not been solved, and many rooms had not been opened, and there were no actors who had mysteriously disappeared. Found, however, as an actor, although he has certain "superpowers", he is still an actor of ordinary people. He must restrain his inner curiosity and not open Pandora's Box.

Fortunately, his curiosity did not reach the level of "curiosity killed the cat".

As soon as the money warehouse entered the unmanned hotel, there was a front desk close to the wall on the left side of the door. A white wooden board was placed on the right side of the front desk. There were 6 different areas painted on the board, and a butterfly key hung on the last area.

The keys in other areas have been taken away, but there are still corresponding patterns. Among the remaining patterns, there is a unicorn fairy, a regular triangle with a vertical pupil in the middle, a cross with a skull and a teacup with a handle. And a shape with ten needles crossing in the same direction but at different angles.

"Each piece of key is very representative, eliminating the possibility of getting it wrong."

Qiancang reached out and picked up the last butterfly key, then he turned and looked at the hall.

A round glass coffee table and a saffron red sofa are placed in the center of the hall. On the coffee table is placed a cup of unknown green liquid, and two bubbles appear on the surface from time to time. After the bubbles burst, a strange smell slowly floats.

Qiancang sniffed lightly, and suddenly felt dizzy, and his stomach began to surge. He didn't dare to stay, and quickly rushed to the stairs.

He ran all the way to the second floor, opened the window between the first floor and the second floor, took a big breath, and it took a few seconds before he came back.

"This smell is too strong!"

While speaking, his body seemed to trigger a certain mechanism, and he remembered the smell just now, and the reaction was stronger than before. He retched, and quickly stretched out his right hand to cover his mouth.

[Reminder: The smell you smell will continue to stimulate your nerves, and it has already caused damage. If it continues, you will be completely dead in about 13 minutes, and you will be able to recover as soon as possible by rushing to the room. In essence, this drink is not a trap for you, but a routine treat, but because humans cannot withstand the relevant stimulants, it will cause continuous damage and eventually lead to death. 】

The cue of the **** movie sounded.

Qiancang was stunned for a moment, he just accidentally "smell" it and almost died.

"Is this place really for resting?"

He couldn't help but vomit, and then turned and climbed up to the second floor. Before the next time he felt retching, he rushed to the last room on the second floor. He looked at the butterfly pattern on the door and took out the key, but he didn't see the keyhole.

At this time, the door on the right rear side opened, making a creaking sound.

Qiancang turned his head back and saw the pattern on the door with a vertical pupil in the middle.

The gap in the door gradually expanded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the door was completely dark, and nothing could be seen clearly. In the next second, an eye suddenly opened in the darkness. Inside the gap in the dark door, it was set against the white of the eye. , On the contrary, it makes this eye appear darker. Below, a black footprint appeared out of thin air on the floor. The footprint was similar to a human foot, but it was different. It was thinner and longer, and there was no missing part in the middle, as if it were all stuck to the ground. Then, another black footprint appeared.

As soon as Qian Cang felt that he was trembling, not because he was trembling with fear, but the cells in his body were trembling. It seemed that at the moment when the door was opened, the cells in his body began to resist the control of the body, planning to go out independently and become a brand new alone individual.

Unknown fear pounced like a tide, almost overwhelming his consciousness. Except for the idea of ​​"entering the door", he couldn't feel anything else, but just this, his body couldn't do it. No matter how anxious he is now, his fingerprints remain motionless, as if fixed in place.

The black footprints continue to move forward, as if they represent death, as long as they move a few steps forward, Qiancangyi will die in this unmanned hotel, and none of his skills, equipment, and special props can protect him.

Just as the footprints were advancing again, a blood-red whirlpool appeared, blocking the black footprints and Qiancangyi. At the moment the whirlpool appeared, Qiancangyi found that his body had finally returned to itself.

[Hint: Keep the key close to the door. 】

The hint of the **** movie appears.

Qiancang did it immediately without any hesitation. He reached out and stuck the butterfly key on the door. After that, the light brown wooden door opened, he rushed in, closed the door, and locked it. The whole action was done in one go.

After doing all this, he took a breath, and then slowly sat down with his back leaning against the wooden door, dripping sweat from his forehead on the red carpet, but within a few seconds, he was already drenched with cold sweat.

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