Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1592: New room

   Doubts, anxiety, and a hint of fear were mixed together, making Qian Cang Yi temporarily give up his next move, and he planned to sort out the current situation.

According to the normal process, the movie world provided by Hell Movies is the world that other actors have participated in. As an actor participating in "The End of the Land", he usually gets a hint of Hell Movies after entering the movie world, but until now, He still doesn't know any news about this movie world. The only suspected news comes only from the content of the "memories", and the source of the memories is quite unusual.

If the process from one movie world to another movie world is to take a train, then the **** movie notification is equivalent to the broadcast broadcast, clear and complete, but this time, the **** movie broadcast is not clear, like people outside the train. When the train is passing by, use the loudspeaker to shout. Although the voice is very loud, it is still difficult for the passengers on the train to hear.

   "In short, I got in the wrong car!"

   Although he doesn't know the relationship, he doesn't know the principle, but just as he can turn on the TV until he presses the switch, he can also judge the situation this time through the examples of other movies.

   "If it can interfere with the existence of the **** movie hierarchy, it should be the final place, right?"

Qiancang frowned. As an existence at the same level as the **** movie, although it is not clear which is stronger and weaker between the two, but in the case of warning that it will rebel, the end must already know the part of the **** movie The plan, and precisely because of this, brought about the reignition of the sun in "The Funeral of the Sun". With just one move, almost all the actors were slaughtered.

   Now, in the face of their remaining actors, the final place is likely to use the same method, but the specific method is different.

   "This movie is probably a movie world that actors have never been to, and it is also a movie world that **** movies don't understand."

   Qiancang took a deep breath, and put his right hand on the door frame.

"In the unmanned hotel, the little lady once told me that there is an inner ghost in the **** movie. "The Funeral of the Sun" is related to the inner ghost. Moreover, it has done one thing to force the warning to be We're in contact. I'm afraid that we here do not only refer to the members of the'Hell Return', but should include all other actors. Only in this way can the warning club reach their graveyard."

"The problem is that the **** movie has clearly stated that it will provide the specific location of the warning club and the location of the team members. However, now the situation is special, I am afraid that we cannot rely on this for the time being. Even without the reminder of the **** movie, you still need to be careful about the existence of the warning club. , And some other actors."

"It seems that this movie world is the arrangement made by the "inner ghost". Speaking of which, the warning will continue to break through the bottom line of the **** movie, even including the announcement of the **** movie. After several more visits, my formal statement about the **** movie I don’t even believe the announcement."

The loneliness that arises from the bottom of my heart dominates Qiancangichi’s heart. If there is anything that must be "trustworthy" before, the notice of the **** movie definitely ranks first. Although the content of the notice is often concealed, hinted and deceived, but The content itself can be completely believed, but now, even this point has been broken. In this way, when the "absolute reputation" does not exist, the actor will lose his reference.

   "Now, first solve the mystery of this weird house, and then consider the matter of ‘convergence’. If I get in the wrong car, Hawkeye will probably be the same."

   At this point, Qiancang took two steps back and leaned his back against the wall. Then, he looked down at the "difficult" needle in his hand.

   refers to the "difficult" needle and still points to the door on the left, without turning or changing direction.

"Still pointing behind the door, not below, indicating that I am not returning to the original place, but to the next room. It's just that this room is the same as before, a maze similar to the room, but my position still happens. Changes."

   Then, he raised his head, looked at the toilet in the bathroom, and walked in cautiously.

   "I found a piece of paper with warnings in the toilet. I don't know if I have found it yet."

   He came to the toilet, stretched out his right hand, opened the lid of the toilet, then stretched his head to see that there was nothing in the toilet.

   This situation was also in his expectation.

   "Forget it, let's see if the living room has changed, or..."

   Before he could finish his words, the sound of pumping water came from the toilet, mixed with strange noises, like weak moans and desperate wailing.

   A swirling flow of water appeared in the toilet, and black paper dust flowed out of the pipe and floated on the water.

"this is?"

   As soon as Qiancang turned on the flashlight's concentrating mode, and shining it on the paper dust, he felt very familiar with it inexplicably.

   "Is it this piece of paper?"

   He clamped the flashlight under his arm and took out the "precautions" he had discovered earlier from his pocket.

   "I have written down the content, and there is no other mystery in it. Is it for me to burn the paper?"

An idea appeared in my mind. As soon as Qiancang moved the paper to the candle, as the distance got closer, the corner of the paper began to turn yellow and bend. If you continue to approach, or keep the existing posture still, it will soon be written with "Precautions" The paper will burn.

   About half a second later, the cash drawer chose to remove the paper, and then put it back in the pocket.

   "It's too far-fetched, let's go one step at a time."

  Although many times, actors need to try to open a breakthrough in a difficult situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now, in ignorance of the situation, coupled with the dangers everywhere, it is relatively risky to destroy special items.

   Qiancang turned and left the bathroom. When he was standing in front of the washstand, he turned his head and looked at the glasses. Inside, there was still no one, as if he didn't exist in this world.

   Leaving the bathroom, Qiancang chooses to turn left, he can only turn left, now there is only one road in front of him. Unlike before, after a few steps, he found an extra door on the left, a room that should have existed but had no entrance before.

   Qiancang stopped and stood in front of the door, stretched out his right hand, holding the wood-colored rotating handle, and then turned it counterclockwise.

   Click! squeak!

   The wooden door was opened.

   Qiancang stretched his right hand forward, turned on the spotlight mode, and observed the situation in the room.

   The cylindrical aperture slowly moved in the room. A desk appeared, facing the door, and the aperture continued to move to the right. Next to the desk was a bookshelf, the right side of the bookshelf was a blue curtain, and the right side of the curtain was a single bed. This is a bedroom.

   "The weird noise should come from this room."

   Qiancang pushed the door completely open, then he glanced at the left and right. There was only endless darkness in his eyes, and then he walked into the door.


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