Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1609: 1 family

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"Head hurts."

When Xiao Zuanfeng saw the face of the man on the sofa, he felt a heavy blow to his head, as if someone had hit the back of his head with a hammer. This hammer almost made him faint.

"Where am I?"

He opened his eyes and looked around. The scene before him was completely different from before, as if he had come to another world. The sun is shining and the birds and flowers are scented. Although it is also a forest, it is far different from the dark forest.

"If I guessed correctly, I should be in the fantasy world, or the spiritual world that Cang Yi said, no matter what, it is definitely a trap, and I hope Cang Yi is okay."

After speaking, he shook his head, shaking off the last trace of confusion.

"Where should I go?"

He frowned slightly and looked around. There were two roads in front of him, one to the left and the other to the right. To be precise, he was now in the middle of a road. Before he could make a decision, there were laughter, men, women, and children.

The sound gradually approached.

Xiao Zufeng thought for a while and chose to hide from the side to observe the situation. Before knowing the other party's intelligence, rash contact will be very dangerous, especially in this situation.

About dozens of seconds later, a family of three came over from the right side of the road. The husband and wife were holding the little boy's hand from left to right. The husband was carrying a hemp-yellow backpack and carrying a plastic bag in his hand. The bag was filled with snacks, Cooked food and other foods.

"Dad, when will it be!" The little boy's immature voice sounded.

"It will be here soon." The man has short hair and looks ordinary.

"My feet hurt." The little boy lifted his right foot.

"Daddy carries you." The man released his hand, handed the backpack to his wife, then turned around and squatted in front of the little boy.

A smile appeared on the little boy's face, his hands wrapped around the man's neck, "Okay."

"Yeah." The man nodded, stood up, and continued to walk forward.

Behind the sturdy trees, Xiao Zuanfeng watched everything silently. At first, he was relatively relaxed. After all, the family of three did not show anything wrong at present, but when the husband carried his son on his back, he saw Suddenly, the woman standing by the side made an extremely strange movement. The woman opened her hands, straightened, and raised her shoulders flat, her feet close together, looking forward, the whole movement was quite stiff, like a puppet, and, more The important thing is that when the woman finished the action, Xiao Zuanfeng saw the figure of the "scarecrow" on the woman.

Only Xiao Zuanfeng knew about all this, and the husband and son did not know at all, and continued to move forward.

Xiao Zuanfeng looked at the back of the three people away, lost in thought.

"Follow, or not?"

He stroked his chin with his right hand.

"Undoubtedly, there must be a problem with this family of three, but I don't know whether only the wife has the problem, or all three have problems, and, these three people, will they be a family of three living in the house?"

There are more and more mysteries, but they can't be solved.

Xiao Zuanfeng sighed and chose to keep up.

"If it is indeed a family of three that Cangyi may have been in contact with, then the scene I see now is likely to be seen by the Scarecrow deliberately. As for the purpose, it is not clear for the time being, but there is absolutely no way to escape. Here."

Not long after he walked, he saw a family of three sitting on the grass. The couple were preparing lunch. The little boy opened his eyes and looked curiously at the yellow butterflies flying in front of him. For the convenience of observation, he used the world in the mirror as a transit, hid behind a rock, silently watching the family of three, waiting for the development of the situation.

The breeze blew the tips of the hair. After lunch, the three lay on the light blue cushion and chatted. Because the distance is too far, and the three chatting voices are small, he can't hear clearly, but he can basically be sure that it is a trivial matter of work and life. An occasional sentence may be about current affairs. After a while, the three people's voices became smaller and smaller, and there was no one sentence in the chat. As for the little boy, he stopped making any sounds and seemed to have fallen asleep. A few minutes later, all three of them fell asleep in the warm wind.

Xiao Zuifeng also felt tired. On the one hand, he was really tired, and he needed to be vigilant in order to survive in the dark forest. However, he encountered two consecutive fierce battles, resulting in excessive loss of vitality and further affecting his physical condition.

He closed his eyes and observed his own vitality slot. At this time, his vitality slot is different from that of an ordinary actor. Under normal circumstances, the vitality slot is composed of three parts, the right side is the green part, the left is the red part, and the middle It is the red-green gradual part. When the vitality is consumed, the green part will be consumed first. When the vitality is reduced to the gradual part, the actor will feel the impact of low vitality. Of course, due to adaptation, the impact on the actor is not large, which is equivalent to an early warning function. However, once the green part disappears completely and only the red part remains, the actor will feel obvious discomfort.

Now, his vitality tank is divided into two parts, the right side is the silver-gray part, the left side is the red part, and there is no gradient in the middle. Among them, the vitality of the silver gray part can only be used to release the spectator, and the remaining vitality can only be used to consume the red part on the left.

The reason why it becomes like this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everything is because of "transactions".

Even though **** movies have various benefits, "The End of the Land" is ultimately a film above the official movie. The movie world through it is easy and difficult, but due to the defect of the transfer station, the actors must learn to control special props. Use, on the other hand, if the skills and equipment are not strong enough, it is possible to fall into a helpless embarrassing situation, for example, there is no special treatment-type props, but they have suffered serious injuries, and the movie world that happens to be in is a medically unhealthy situation. The developed world. In this case, the possibility is not high, but it is not impossible.

Although Xiao Zuanfeng tries his best to keep up with other actors, he is still only a fourth-line actor. He still has a long way to go, but now, there is no time for him to grow. At the moment of several crises, he survived by fluke, but he also fell into desperation.

The choice between life and death was once again before him.

The situation that was supposed to be mortal was changed because of the "bag of luck" provided by the **** movie. In the bag of luck, there was a contract, the signature of the contract, his actor code and real name had been written, and there was a **** whirlpool sign.

When the mirror ghost caught him, he did not attack, but said the first words to him:

"Poor man, are you willing to give up half of your soul to gain my power?"

Faced with this question, Xiao Zuanfeng showed a helpless smile on his face: "It sounds like I have another choice. Half of my soul...I do!"

Although he didn't know the specific reasons, he knew that there must be a relationship with **** movies, and the reason why he was able to "trade" souls was probably because **** movies relaxed certain permissions.

After the transaction, the mirror master's biggest flaw turned into an advantage. Not only could he control the mirror ghost, but he could also transform the actors killed in the mirror world into the mirror master's unique vitality.

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