Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1619: Needle rain

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Dark clouds obscured the sky, and thunder blasted.

The trees tens of meters high made the already dim light even weaker. Next to the tree trunk, the ecliptic stopped and looked up at the sky, with a trace of determination in his calm eyes.

"Ahem, how many actors have we killed? Thirty-three or thirty-four?" A weak cough came from the side.

"Jingzhe, don't talk." Nayun, who was wearing a black sleeveless shirt in the upper half, shouted behind him. Behind him, there was a pale Jingzhe lying on his back.

The startled sting was weak, and there was a fist-sized hole on the chest. On the edge of the hole, black mosquitoes were biting, and there was also a green light shining. Every time the green light shines, most of the mosquitoes are killed and injured, but there will always be residues. The remaining mosquitoes continue to eat flesh and blood and multiply, endlessly.

The flesh-eating mosquitoes and the green light that healed the body were in a stalemate with the stinged body as the battlefield.

"Haha." Startled with a chuckle, "let me down, I'm dying."

Nayun didn't move, and turned his head to look at the zodiac.

Zodiac turned his head, looked at Jingzhe's bloodless face, and saw the suspicion in Jingzhe's eyes. He did not speak, but nodded towards Nayun.

After Nayun got the consent of the Zodiac, he slowly placed the Jingzhe beside the tree.

Shocked, he closed his eyes.

The zodiac looked up again, looked at the gloomy sky, and said nothing.

"Zodiac, I asked you something, did Wuyou lie to us? He said that after devouring Pu'er, we can resurrect us, but I don't think it is that simple, because your expression is not right, and you seem to be unwilling to say goodbye to me. You are like this, you won't deceive at all." Speaking of the back, he smiled in surprise.

"What are you talking about? You also know the skills of Pu'er. You have no problem at all in resurrecting you." Na Yun replied loudly.

"Yes." Zodiac lowered his head and looked at his hands. At this moment, his palm was holding a very peculiar flower. The flower had seven petals in a spiral shape. The colors were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. The center is a white stamen, "After Wuyou swallows Pu'er, he does have his skills, but it is a degraded version. There is no way to resurrect so many people, and in order to prevent time and space rejection, he will not resurrect so many people."

Jingzhe was not surprised by this answer, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Why did Wuyou lie to us?" Nayun was shocked. Compared with Wuyou, he was more difficult to accept the way he did the ecliptic. "Zodiac, why don't you just say it, don't you even want to—"

His words were interrupted by the startled sting.

"--Zodiac is also compelled." Jingzhe wanted to lift his right hand, but he could only lift it to his thigh, and he had no strength. "They are both hall-level actors, how could they not do anything, if I guess it is correct , If the zodiac refuses, it should be killed directly."

Nayun gritted his teeth, but couldn't say anything.

"What you have on hand should be part of the plan?" Startled coughing twice, and there were more black mosquitoes in his chest than before.

"Reincarnation Dream Flower." Zodiac looked at the flower in his hand, "Theoretically, it should have moved to the same place as us, but there was a deviation in the middle. It should be the **** movie secretly moved its hands and feet."

"Does this thing have something to do with the'big dream' you said?" Nayun remembered what the Zodiac had said before.

"Yeah." Zodiac nodded.

"Nayun..." Jingzhe looked at Nayun, with a shadow on his face, "I can't accompany you on the rest of the road. Can you take care of the zodiac? You can trust him."

As he said, his eyes slowly closed.

Taking what Yungang wanted to say, after seeing Jingzhe's situation, he raised his right hand, and a green short spear appeared and was held in his hand. Then, he forcefully pierced the green short spear into Jingzhe's chest. After the green short spear touched Jingzhe's chest, it suddenly turned into a green light, but the green light did not stay on Jingzhe's body, but drifted away like smoke.

The drizzle fell, not only did not dilute the sentimental atmosphere, but evoked sad memories.

Nayun took a deep breath, opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say it after all.

"It's time to go." Zodiac turned over his right hand, blocking the top of his left hand, protecting the Reincarnation Dream Flower, he did not wait for Nayun to answer, and moved forward alone.

After the zodiac took a few steps, Na Yun exhaled the suffocation in his chest. He stepped forward, stretched out his right hand, patted the shocked shoulder lightly, and then turned to follow the zodiac's pace.

The rain is getting heavier.

The sharp raindrops fell on the head and shoulders, causing an unusual tingling sensation, like a needle stick, very strange.

"There is a problem." Zodiac stopped.

Take Yun's right hand and stretched out, palm facing up, and the palm of the hand that touched the rain soon began to turn red.

"Go there to hide." Zodiac speeded up and walked to the right.

Nayun followed closely behind.

In the front, under the one-meter-diameter banyan tree, there is a tree hole for shelter from the rain, which can fully accommodate two people. Ten seconds later, the two hid in the hole of the banyan tree, quietly waiting for the rain to stop.

"Will it be the sword in the fish?" Nayun's eyes were wary.

"It should be a problem in this area." Zodiac took his right hand away, and the reincarnation dream flower in the palm of his left hand swayed gently, as if enjoying the moisture of rain.

However, what ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't expect the two of them was that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and even turned into a pouring rain. The soft ground was pierced with pores in this rain, which was very weird. Because of the heavy rain, the sight of the two of them was also greatly affected, and only a vague outline could be seen three meters away.

Suddenly, Nayun felt a cold back on his back, and a sense of danger spread all over his body like lightning. His muscles contracted and his head tilted back. Suddenly, a horizontal blood stain appeared on his forehead on the inner wall of the tree hole. One more impression.

"It's a water jet!" Zodiac raised his voice.

The attack on the cloud just now was not an ordinary weapon, but a transparent and sharp water jet. If in peacetime, it is very easy to prevent with various reference objects, but at this moment of heavy rain, the water jet is almost like air, almost imperceptible. . What's more serious is that now the two of them are trapped in the tree hole by this wrong needle rain, and there is not much room to detour.

If you continue to hide in the tree hole, you will continue to be attacked, and if you run out, you will be defeated by the continuous attacks of needle rain.

At this time, the two people are in a dilemma.

The water jet flew out of the rain again, only this time, because there were already precautions, it was unable to sneak into the ecliptic and Nayun again.

Nayun looked serious, stretched out his right hand forward, and made a grasping motion. The next second, a golden spear appeared in his hand. The head of the spear was very sharp, about 1.5 meters long, and was embroidered with antiques. Flowing cloud pattern, however, due to the narrow tree hole, it is extremely inconvenient to use the spear, and may even affect his avoidance.

"Found it!" The zodiac's voice suddenly became cold, his eyes looked like two sharp swords, staring at a distance of ten meters in front of him.

Suddenly, a majestic force gathered at a distance of ten meters, and the rainwater within one meter of the surrounding area was all sucked into the middle. Accompanied by a scream of "Ah", the flesh and blood exploded from the rain and then scattered to the ground. .

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