Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1630: Questions and rebuttals

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"Are you thinking too much?" Jie Ze glanced behind him. Behind him is the direction from which the zodiac came. "Even if the zodiac is more powerful, it is impossible to gain predictable knowledge if you already have powerful skills. This kind of skill, if it is mysterious and unpredictable, he seems to be able to swallow time actors and gain the ability of the other party, but Zodiac, no matter from which way, he does not have this ability, so he can't Know our plans, especially plans that can achieve our goals even if we'fail'."

"Perhaps..." Huadie thought that what Jie Ze said was reasonable, "...if the ecliptic can predict, he won't be able to come in."

The slight sound of footsteps gradually approached. Although the sound was very soft, it was very easy to detect in the closed underground passage.

"He's coming." Huadie looked at the faint light in the dark.

"Hope Xianglong is ready." Jieze nodded, "You can go in first."

"Be careful." After Huadie finished speaking, like Xianglong, he walked into the diamond mark.


The zodiac stopped in place, and on the opposite side, there was also a light of the same brightness. There is no doubt that this is the provocation of the fish sword actor. When he has entered the game, even if he knows it is a trap, he must step on it, not to mention, Now he still needs to capture the other party alive, and even no one can kill, and all three must be captured alive, and before the other party realizes that he has mastered the way to leave, otherwise, the other party may choose to commit suicide in order to die together.

The warm white light flickered slightly, like an elf dancing in the dark night.

"Zodiac, you keep saying that for all the actors, but in the movie "The Funeral of the Sun", you warned that you would almost kill most of the actors, even your own members. I will not ask you for the time being. The reason for this, even if you succeed in the end, and there are less than a thousand actors alive, does it still make sense?" Xie Ze shouted loudly. He seemed to want to ask these words, but until now, he really found it. opportunity.

Now the situation on both sides is basically transparent. The Sword in the Fish has set a trap, and whether the zodiac wants to kill or catch alive, it must step into the trap. Destroying the underground passage will not help at all, because this underground passage is not an ordinary underground passage. Force can only destroy the surface, not the skeleton of the underground passage at all.

The zodiac turned off the wrist light, blinked, and said:

"There will be infinite actors in the future. Hell movies are more successful than you think. The benefits involved are not only the **** movies themselves, but the indirect benefits it brings are even greater. Even after the end of "The End of the Land", the **** movies were originally The purpose of the creation has been achieved, and it will continue to operate afterwards, but I am not sure in what way."

His answer was very tactful, but he still answered Die Ze's question head-on.

"Really? But, what does it have to do with me? What does it have to do with those who have died? By the way, will future actors, like us actors, be used as tools by you?" Jieze opened his hands. Two steps forward, although he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, the slightly trembling voice still exposed his true emotions, "hypocrisy, you make me feel sick, not just you, all three of you make me sick Obviously, he is also an actor who has reached the palace level step by step, but after reaching the top, it’s OK if you don’t help other actors, but instead plan to attack other actors and destroy the trust built up between actors. Oh, even if we kill Not for you, there will be other actors who will do it."

The zodiac walked towards Jieze, as if from darkness to light. As the distance approached, his face emerged from the shadow, his expression was serious, his eyes were firm, and he seemed to have never doubted the path he was sticking to. They stopped at the first five meters, and the two looked at each other.

Jieze knew that he was still looking at the ecliptic in a very dangerous way. However, this battle of "justice" is also part of the battle. Anyone who does anything, even if it’s just a matter of preference, will definitely think that what he is doing is a part of the battle. "Correct", if it can be refuted ideologically, it will be a big blow to the morale of the enemy, and it may even make the opponent feel confused about what he has done, thereby weakening the combat power.

Just now, when Jieze asked Zodiac’s question, he wanted to refute the previous words of Zodiac. Zodiac believed that what the admonition club did was for all the actors. In "The Funeral of the Sun", most of the actors were killed or left. In the end of the war, it doesn’t fit Zodiac’s own statement by any means, and Zodiac’s answer is an interpretation of the word "all". "All" refers to not only the actors currently selected by the **** movie, but also Actors who may be selected in the future, actors selected from countless worlds.

According to Jieze, the behavior of the admonishment club is to sacrifice most of the actors and let a few of them survive. This is not in line with the traditional "righteousness"—that is, sacrificing the interests of a small number of people for the sake of most people. Therefore, what Zodiac's words and the admonitions he represents does not make sense logically, but the "all" given by Zodiac includes actors who have not yet been selected ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stands here. From a perspective, what the Zodiac says is consistent with what it does and is logical.

After that, Jieze asked a "realistic" question from the perspective of the "victim". Even if the purpose of the admonition is theoretically reasonable, it still uses the means of others to achieve the purpose. Actors can be "sacrificed" because of the "great goal", then the future actors will also be "sacrificed" as long as they need it or not.

Attacking from this point, the interests of "all actors" pursued by Zodiac will be untenable, because "all" itself is composed of "parts". Since these actors can be sacrificed now, there will be some actors in the future. May be sacrificed, as long as you are warned that there will be a need, all can be sacrificed.

"What if all the actors fail?" Huang Dao shook his head slightly, disregarding Xie Ze's threat. "What you are worried about will not happen at all. No matter the outcome, this time for the admonition meeting will be the end. "

"What do you mean?" Jie Ze was stunned. He was indeed not quite clear about the real purpose of the admonition club. To be precise, no one else knew except for the three leaders of the admonition club.

"Literally, after this movie is over, the admonition meeting will no longer exist." Huang Dao continued forward, his eyes kept staring at Ji Ze's face, and every step he took, he could see Ji Ze's face. Changes in his expression. First accident, then disdain, then panic, and finally anger.

Jieze didn't answer, but jumped up and jumped into the diamond symbol, and his whole body merged into the wall.

The ecliptic eyes focused on the diamond symbol, and then a strong suction began to gather around the diamond symbol. The gray wall around the symbol was destroyed, exposing the black rock behind it. However, the diamond symbol still exists, floating in front of the black rock. .

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