Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1632: In vain

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The broken ground gradually turned into dust in the surrounding area, and everything returned to the thick gray fog again.

In the process of falling, Xianglong still firmly grasped the collar of Zodiac with his right hand. Then, he clenched a fist with his left hand and lifted it back: "Zodiac, this punch is for the person who was killed by you."

After speaking, he swung down his left hand vigorously.

The zodiacal dodged his head and looked at Xianglong's eyes with a slight frown. Then, his eyes widened suddenly, and a huge thrust appeared. Using the eyes as the benchmark, he moved forward. However, this force was against Xianglong. It is useless, because there is no reference around, it even makes people feel that the skill is not effective at all.

Skills are useless, and the rest do not need to be tested.

Huang Dao thought, and then he raised his right hand and grabbed Xianglong's right wrist.

Xianglong raised his left hand again. The muscles on his face were distorted with anger, and fire appeared in his eyes. He threw his left fist, and this time, all the avoiding directions of the ecliptic were blocked.

Faced with Xianglong's attack, Zodiac tilted his head back, then slammed forward heavily.

Xianglong's fist brushed from the back of the ecliptic, and he did not expect the ecliptic to choose to attack. After a heavy blow to the head, a pain came from the center of his forehead, which made his right hand a little looser, but after realizing this, he immediately grasped again.

The two eyes faced each other, and a light red mark appeared on their foreheads, which was the result of the impact just now.

"It seems that you are not qualified." Huang Dao replied in a calm tone. Although this sentence does not contain any provocative tone, it is more ironic.

Xianglong was not angry, but the corners of his mouth raised, "Do you know why this is in vain?"

Zodiac was about to answer, but his gaze crossed Xianglong unconsciously, looking at the gray mist behind Xianglong, he could feel that something was approaching in the gray mist.

A huge white object emerged from the gray fog, with a streamlined head and the roar of the engine. It was a passenger plane flying towards the two of them. An orange flame appeared from the tail of the passenger plane, and the flames were covered by black smoke. A passenger plane that has run out of control!

At this time, Xianglong grabbed the right shoulder of the zodiac with his left hand and tried to fix the zodiac.

Huang Dao glanced at Xianglong. He knew what Xianglong's purpose was doing. If the previous illusion of a car accident was to cover Xianglong's approach, now it is time to take his life. His sight was concentrated on the nose of the passenger plane, with red and blue lines gathered in his sight, and a powerful attraction appeared. However, the passenger plane was not affected in the slightest.

Does the effect of "meeting on a narrow road" not only affect people? No, the **** movie can't do things in the "tips" unless it is beneficial to me, that is, I can't influence the airliner, this airliner is the same as the previous truck. If the passenger plane is the same as the truck, then it will not endanger my life. In this way, it will be meaningless to control me. Therefore, the problem is...

The analysis flashed through Zodiac's mind, and suddenly, the other two people flashed in his mind.

"Are they hiding in there?"

Zodiac said softly to Xianglong.

Xianglong was taken aback for a moment, but did not answer.

Zodiac released the right hand grasping Xianglong's wrist, and then looked up at his head. Soon, a suction force came from his head and dragged his body upwards. He raised his right hand and placed it on top of his head. The gesture of holding, then, his body began to curve toward the edge of the airliner's route.

Xianglong felt the intention of the ecliptic, and after a short release of his right hand, he stretched out to the ecliptic and grabbed the left hand of the Reincarnation Dream Flower. Compared to killing the zodiac, the possibility of destroying the reincarnation dream flower is obviously greater. As for the revenge of the zodiac losing the reincarnation dream flower, compared with the plan carefully prepared by the destruction of the admonition, it is not important at all, let alone "retaliation." In itself, it was also their purpose for trapping the ecliptic in the underground passage.

Due to the need to control the body, it is extremely difficult for the zodiac to prevent a strong actor from grabbing the reincarnation dream flower with his left hand. The special feature is that his skills cannot be effective on the opponent. in the case of. Faced with Xianglong's destructive intentions, Zodiac's choice was to let go of his left hand and throw the reincarnation dream flower that was close to blooming into the distance. After the reincarnation dream flower leaves the ecliptic, it spins and falls in the air, and the beautiful petals are particularly eye-catching in the gray mist.

"Hey!" Xianglong laughed disdainfully.

Reincarnation Dream Flower loses the protection of the ecliptic, and the difficulty of destruction is almost zero.

Huang Dao and Xianglong flew past the passenger plane. Strangely, the two of them failed to escape the turbulence around the passenger plane and were swept onto the fuselage. In the next second, fire light lit up from the passenger plane, and dozens of huge cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the fuselage. Then, the flames burst out of the cracks and swept the entire passenger plane. Because of the flame, the zodiac can clearly see the situation in the cabin. In the flame, the twisted human body rolls in the flame. Although there is no sound, it seems to be able to hear the heart-piercing wailing in the heart.

Even though the scene of the disaster site was very shocking, Huang Dao and Xianglong did not suffer any harm in the disaster, just like people blessed by heaven.

"You should worry about yourself!" Xianglong shouted. After releasing his hands, he pinched Zodiac's neck. The muscles on his arm contracted to the limit, as if he wanted to directly choke the hall-class actor in front of him. After landing, he does not need to contain the ecliptic as before, and can attack wholeheartedly. After all, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the Samsara Dream Flower is not on the ecliptic, but falls freely above it.

The zodiac did not resist, and the focus of his sight was directly above. When the red line and the blue line crossed to the designated position, he activated the skill, and the powerful attraction attracted the nearby Samsara Dream Flower to the center.

The sound of rifles came, and the bullet flew through the air, but it did not hit the Samsara Dream Flower.

When Xianglong saw that the Zodiac was still protecting the Reincarnation Dream Flower at this time, but ignoring the threat he brought, he became angry and the strength of his hands increased again.

The zodiac grunted, and the focus of his eyes was changed. This time they gathered on Xianglong’s head. However, due to the effect of "meeting on a narrow road", the damage caused by suction was completely ineffective to Xianglong. However, the suction was effective on the Zodiac. At the moment when the suction power was created, he made a fist with his right hand and threw it out. In addition to his own power, this fist had a bonus brought by the suction power. Although the strength of breathing difficulties is relatively average, but with suction blessing, the strength of the fist actually exceeds the full swing of the fist a lot. At the same time, the suction also affects the Samsara Dream Flower, which is about to land, once again changing the trajectory of the Samsara Dream Flower.

Xianglong felt that his temple was hit hard, as if he had been stoned, and he felt dizzy.

Zodiac seized the opportunity to cancel the skill while Xianglong was unprepared. At the same time, the right hand took advantage of the cancellation of the skill to close the punch. Then, the skill was launched from the original location, and at the same time, the right fist was thrown out.

Even though Xianglong had been prepared, he still couldn't bear it under the fist of strength. His hands holding the zodiac loosened slightly, however, facing the zodiac, even this short moment is extremely fatal.

At the moment when Xianglong revealed its flaws, the zodiac stretched out his left hand to grasp the thumb of Xianglong's right hand, and then turned outwards forcefully.

At this time, a beautiful citrus swallowtail butterfly flew from nowhere, and it happened to land on the tip of the nose of the ecliptic.

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