Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1639: 0 broken memories

  For some reason, the originally solid passage collapsed suddenly, and the turbulent water swept the broken bricks towards the four people.

   The four of them ran in the opposite direction, because the passage was narrow. The ecliptic does not fly, not to mention, in a short period of time, the running speed is much faster than his flying speed.

   "You are really a crow's mouth!" While running, Xianglong glanced at the zodiac and said his heartfelt thoughts.

Zodiac looked back at the current, with a relaxed tone, and replied: "It's completely different. The crow's mouth is a bad thing that may happen, and I just said what will happen. You run first, I delay for a while, you fight for it. What do I think of during this time, otherwise, more terrible things are still to come."

"A more terrible thing..." Huadie looked back and muttered to herself. In the rushing water, she vaguely saw several charred arms waving wildly, "Scorched corpses! Those scorched corpses seem to have come out. , They are in the water."

The ecliptic stopped and focused on the water. Only the red and blue lines that he could see meet at the focal point. With the focal point as the center, the surrounding time and space split to form a hollow. However, in a very short moment, the cracked void quickly It was filled with the outer space-time, as if nothing had happened before, and soon the space-time at the focal point shattered again. During this process, a strong suction force is generated. It seems that the reason for the suction force is not that there is something in the focus attracting surrounding objects, but time and space, in order to fill the gaps, bring the surrounding objects, and rush to the destroyed cavity together. .

   The flood in the channel was cut off by the waist, and occasionally there was water flow that crossed the focal point, but was also dragged by suction and pulled back to the focal point. In this way, the zodiac used one person's power to temporarily block the flow of water.

   This scene was seen by Huadie, Jieze and Xianglong. If the gap between skills makes them envy, then, coupled with the analysis of the "dream" just now, their envy suddenly becomes a sense of powerlessness, a feeling of frustration that cannot be resisted at all, it seems , With the strength of the zodiac, it is impossible to fight against the actor's own strength alone, and it must be killed with the help of the power of high position.

   "Huadie, your guess is very reasonable." Jieze frowned, and he was already thinking about a question in his mind.

   If the zodiac is not a friendly, but an enemy, how should they fight and escape?

Although several countermeasures flashed in my mind quickly, the success rate was quite touching. Even with the destructive power currently shown by the zodiac, the gap between the two is like the boss and the player in a difficult game. Usually, here In similar games, the probability that the player wants to pass the level for the first time is very small. It may even take an hour of non-stop testing to figure out the attack mode of the BOSS, and then rely on the "mysterious power" that can be repeated indefinitely to finally defeat the BOSS. Pass the challenge. However, the battle between actors and actors cannot be like this. Unless special circumstances occur, the duration of the battle is generally very short. Secondly, after being threatened with life, most of the good people will choose to cut the grass and eliminate the roots to avoid future troubles. , It is very rare to let the opponent die, unless there are special needs. The combination of the two, even through poisoning, secret attack or trapping, the success rate is horribly low.

   "I have a feeling, if there is a fifth person, would it be the ecliptic?" Jie Ze licked his lips after speaking.

   "What are you...what are you talking about?" Xianglong didn't react for a while.

"Xianglong, don't you understand? If this is a dream, even if we came here to kill the zodiac before, we can still continue to be friends because this is a dream! The more incredible, the more bizarre, the more twists and turns. The more likely it is to happen!" Jieze increased his voice when he shouted "Xianglong", but because of fear of being heard by the ecliptic, he lowered his voice specifically.

"But... What the Zodiac said is right. If we were friends, as long as we cut off the memory of when we met, we would naturally fight inwardly. I said, if he is really our friend, what should we do? Never met him before?" Xianglong said the thoughts expressed by the ecliptic just now.

   "This is the crux of the problem!" Huadie interrupted the quarrel between the two of them, "We must remember the real memory as soon as possible--"

   Suddenly, a cold feeling came from the front, and she slowly turned her head to look forward, with a solemn expression. I don't know when, a few strange creatures appeared on the ground in front of them. The faces of these creatures resembled human faces, but their skulls were longer, with long wet black hair scattered on the top of their heads, and when they were hanging down, they blocked most of their faces. Their hands are close to their sides, as if they are glued, only their wrists can rotate automatically, and their legs are joined together like a weird fish tail. The crawling posture of strange creatures is to move their bodies left and right to move forward, much like the crawling way of snakes. However, this posture is extremely twisted and weird when placed on a human body. Combined with a slightly scary shape, it really makes people feel hairy. .

After seeing the three of them, the strange creature's eyes stared like brass bells, the eyeballs almost fell out of the eye sockets, the sticky saliva flowed out of the mouth, and the excited expression on his face was like seeing a hungry dog ​​wrapped in meat. In one second, the strange creature's body began to swing greatly, and its forward speed was several times faster than before. Because of the shaking of the body, the hair also swayed from side to side. It felt like shooting an advertisement for Head & Shoulders.

   The short conversation has not yet fully started, so it ends suddenly in this way.

   "What are these?" Xianglong stepped back, with goose bumps on his arms. He didn't want to have anything to do with the monster in front of him, even wishing he had never seen it before.

   Huadie swallowed and was speechless for a while.

   "Perhaps, this is the ‘more terrible thing’ that Huang Dao said?" Jie Ze took a deep breath.

   Under the pressure of the strange creature, the three of them backed away little by little.

   On the other side, the zodiac also discovered this. Now there is only one underground passage, and both directions are blocked. There are monsters in the front and floods in the back. No matter whether he blocks either side with his skills, he can't take care of the other side.

   "We can't drag on any longer, do you think of anything?" Huang Dao asked, while paying attention to his own vitality. Although there is still a lot of life left, it can't be sustained for too long.

"Nothing." Huadie shook her head slightly. Then, she stretched her right hand forward, and the orange swallowtail butterfly flew out from her fingertips, flew in groups in the direction of the strange creature. After the orange swallowtail butterfly flew out three meters, it formed a line. On the wall made up of butterflies, the blue arc soars and jumps between the black wings, trying to stop the strange creature from moving forward.

   After the strange creature touched the citrus phoenix butterfly net, the speed slowed down a lot due to the interference of the electric current, but it could not stop them from moving forward.

   "Wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I seem to remember something." Xianglong shouted loudly.

   Like the artist suddenly got inspired, in the moment he felt a strange and familiar feeling in his heart, and at the same time, something slowly emerged in his mind.

   His words immediately attracted the attention of the other three people.

   "A symbol, like the word'scarf', the scarf of the turban. By the way, the stroke order must be reversed, and it must be completely reversed." Xianglong's eye socket was deep and he lowered his head in rare contemplation.

   a symbol...

When Zodiac heard what Xianglong said, for some reason, he had a strong hunch. It seemed that the thing he had been looking for was the symbol Xianglong said, and the entrance to the different space was replaced by a diamond symbol. One point seems to be able to connect in series.

   "Will this symbol be the key to let us leave the underground passage?" Zodiac took a deep breath, "Just like the diamond-shaped symbol allows us to leave from a different space before."

   Xianglong did not answer, but took a dagger from his waist and cut the index finger of his left hand. Then, he began to draw on the wall. The first stroke he wrote was a "vertical" stroke, from bottom to top, and the second stroke, starting from the "hook", first went down, then bent back, and finally crossed to the left. In this way, a **** symbol in the shape of a "towel" appeared on the wall.


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