Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1643: Edge of truth

Huadie stood in front of the wall with four symbols. She stretched out her right hand, pressing her **** to the upper left of the word "Og". The original word "口" has been modified to become a triangle. Now, she will continue to be in the triangle. Partially add some strokes. She started with the upper vertex of the triangle, scribed down, crossed the line below and extended beyond the triangle, and then finished with a short horizontal line. She repeated the whole action four times in total. After adding strokes to all triangles, she took two steps back and waited silently.

   For a moment, the air became silent again. The look of expectation stays on the symbol, expecting a miracle. Tick ​​tick, time seems to have a sound at this moment, and it coincides with the sound of the heartbeat. Suddenly, a faint warm yellow light illuminates on the "Og" of Huadie, the "Ze" of Jiuze, and the symbol of "Scarf" written by Xianglong. As for the "commandment" written by the zodiac, there is no change.

   "Look!" Jieze pointed right at the word "commandment" written by the zodiac.

   Huadie clenched a fist with her right hand and punched the palm of her left hand. The corner of her eyes trembled slightly. She stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, and said:

   "My guess is indeed correct. I am afraid that the movements of the zodiac just now and the facial expressions deliberately recalled are just to fool us. In fact, he and us are not in the same group at all!"

   However, while she was speaking, the warm yellow light gradually faded and finally disappeared completely.

   "What's the matter?" Huadie hurriedly rushed forward, groping with her hands on the wall, her hand slid across the symbol, applying a little force, just like when she left from a different space before, trying to see if she could pass through. The finger was pressed against the wall, and there was a slight pain from the wound, but in any case, the finger could not pass through the wall, "No, this is not right!"

   Jieze stepped forward, holding his left hand virtual, placing it on his chin, and moving his eyes on the symbol.

   "Could it be because there is no Reincarnation Dream Flower?" Xianglong asked.

   "Reincarnation Dream Flower..." Huadie gritted his teeth and turned to look at Xianglong, "I just don't want to touch Reincarnation Dream Flower. I don't know why, it feels dangerous to me."

   "Did you lose it because of this?" Xianglong asked.

   Huadie frowned slightly after hearing this: "What do you mean? Are you suspicious of me?"

   "It's not that I doubt you, but you have been doubting us." Xianglong said with a cold face.

   For a time, the atmosphere became tense, and it seemed that a fight would be possible at any time.

   Jieze stood between the two and faced Xianglong. Then, he opened his hands and said in a deep voice:

"You all calm down. We still have a little time. The zodiac will not come back for the time being. Taking this opportunity, we might as well put it aside and think about the whole thing again. Quarrels have no effect. Everyone is not a newcomer. You should know that solving problems is more important than getting angry."

   Xianglong took a deep breath and nodded.

   Huadie's right index finger hooked the curly hair, circled it clockwise, and gently pulled downwards, letting a slight tingling sensation stimulate the brain, and then she said:

   "Actually, although the whole thing seems very complicated, there is only one question, who are we."

   said, her left index finger stretched out, and her gaze swept across Jieze and Xianglong, and then she continued down and said:

"The only thing that is certain is that we are actors, but the actors must be intimate. Can we easily hand over the back to others? I don’t think it is. I think there are forces between actors. Maybe we and the zodiac belong to different forces. . If you consider the whole thing from this perspective, things become very subtle, perhaps, the underground passage is not our enemy, but our friend, the reason is very simple, if we want to kill the ecliptic, we must borrow external force, The underground passage is undoubtedly the only external force that can be borrowed right now."

   These words, she said more and more smoothly, as if her mind was completely opened. If it were not for the lack of conclusive evidence, she almost thought this was the only truth.

"This is entirely your imagination. You first regard the zodiac as your opponent, and then find a way to prove your judgment. I really don't understand. He has been helping us and saving you, but you still don't have any prejudice against him. Change. Your approach can't help but make me doubt what you are. Maybe, after the zodiac is abandoned by you, it will be my turn next." Xianglong bluntly said what he thought, he was worried that he would become the next "zodiac."

   Huadie bit his lip, and after hesitating for two seconds, he whispered back: "Since you believe in the zodiac so much, go find him! Time will prove everything."

   "Huadie, what Xianglong said is not unreasonable. Your inclination is indeed too obvious, and for no reason." Jie Ze turned around and said, first comforted Xianglong, and then he added:

   "But your guess is also very reasonable, because the power of the zodiac is indeed too strong. I think the problem now is the reincarnation dream flower, as long as we get the reincarnation dream flower in advance——"

   At this time, Huadie interrupted Xie Ze's words: "——There is a question, if the reincarnation dream flower must be used by the ecliptic, what will happen then?"

  Exhausted Ze was stunned.

   "It's possible, isn't it?" Huadie added.

   "According to your statement, don't we have any chance of winning?" Xianglong frowned.

"Wait, if..." Jie Ze turned his head and looked at the symbols on the wall. He stretched out his right hand and wiped off the "Og" written by Huadie, "...If we didn't think about going out alive in the first place." If we are determined to die from the beginning, then this dead move is actually not a dead move, but the only correct solution to the equation."

He turned his head and looked at Huadie, "As you said just now, we must rely on external forces to fight against the zodiac, but if we can't fight against him if we add external forces, then what will we do? Run away? I'm afraid there is nothing wrong. It's that simple. Just like we cannot always escape in the movie world, we will also face situations where we must fight. Even if it is for revenge, then even if we sacrifice our lives, we will inevitably trap the zodiac here!"

   Speaking later, his words became more powerful.

   "You mean..." Xianglong's pupils contracted.

"I don't know. If this is the case, we still have a chance to do what we wanted to do before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jie Ze raised his right hand and the water knife appeared in his hand. This knife wanted to kill others. It's not easy to be an actor, but it's very simple to kill yourself. Just wipe your neck lightly and wait for death to come.

   However, this is not a trivial matter. It is no different from the risky behavior of trying to wake up from a dream by suicide. Once the judgment is wrong, the result is irreversible.

   "Is there a way to get the best of both worlds?" Huadie closed her eyes tightly, thinking hard.

"What if Huang Dao is our teammate? Didn't you think about this possibility?" Xianglong pulled the topic back to the beginning, "In this case, what you wanted to do before is pushing us into the abyss of immortality. I It's true that you don't think much, but I can feel the ecliptic actions quickly and decisively. He has almost no hesitation in saving us. Is such a person really calculating us in secret?"

"Xianglong, this is a dream! If he is the so-called behind-the-scenes man, he will naturally treat us as friends, because this is his dream, he can easily change anything. However, all friendships, when they wake up, will Shattered, when the time comes, he only needs to look at us to kill us!" Huadie suddenly opened his eyes, his tone full of regret.

   At this time, a voice came from not far away.

   "What are you arguing about?" Zodiac walked slowly, holding a flower with seven petals of different colors in his left hand, which is the reincarnation dream flower.


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