Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1670: VIP

   Everyone left the meeting room and headed to the kitchen. Along the way, Qian Jiangyue asked about the operation of the palace. Although the appearance is similar to that of the ancient palace, the palace is still equivalent to a hotel in the tourist area. The degree of development of the world is completely unable to provide corresponding services, and all water and electricity are provided by Hell Movies.

The plan for this commemorative gathering lasts for a week. The first day is mainly to stay in the palace and talk about the personal situation. After that, they will play around in the main world. In addition to the grasslands, there are deserts, oceans and other places. , Because the Cone Soul Magic Stones in the main world have all been turned on, which can provide extremely convenient teleportation functions.

   Throughout the process, Qian Jiangyue did not mention dreamland-related matters anymore, but tested the players with side-by-side blows. There are two main aspects of the test, on the one hand, personal character and ideas about the future; on the other hand, strength. It wasn't until late at night-after the Cone Soul Demon Stones were all opened, that the day and night conditions in the main world had returned to normal, and everyone returned to their resting room, he put away his smile.

   "Although they are very similar in all aspects, there is always a strange feeling. It may be because they are all the characters in the dream and have my personal views, so I have this feeling."

   Qian Jiangyue was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head, looking at the animal patterns on the ceiling.

"Everyone lacks the inside, like lack of soul, like a puppet, which leads to a drastic decline in strength. The difference is usually indistinguishable, but once you return to the official movie, the difference will be very obvious. Take the eagle eye as an example. For example, perhaps because ordinary life has smoothed out his edges and corners, and his eloquence has been greatly improved, but both his vigilance and observation skills have dropped significantly. Even if I stand behind him and stare at him from time to time, he does not Excessive reaction, if you change to the real one..."

   Speaking of this, he remembered his several experiences with Hawkeye. If you choose to approach the eagle eye from behind, most of the time you will be perceived in advance. If the distance is far, when the eagle eye turns his head, his eyes will be relatively mild. If it is too close, not only will the speed of turning his head be faster than that Few, and there was a killing intent in his eyes. The killing intent was not just a warning, but also accompanied by the instinctive movements of the body, but it was temporarily restrained.

"Not to mention Cang Yi, the food is horrible." Qian Jiangyue bent her knees, put her right foot on her left leg, shaking gently, and then raised his right hand, "Even if I let him have one hand. , It shouldn’t take 5 seconds to solve it. As for the others, the shadow puppet show is a bit more powerful, but she is too kind and deceptive. There is no threat, a little bit of wind and fables..." He paused, "... even if not. That's the weakening."

   tap, tap, tap!

   There was a knock on the door.

   Qian Jiangyue glanced at the closed light brown wooden door and said, "Come in!"

   There was no movement outside the door, and the door did not open for a long time.

   Qian Jiangyue sat up and waited for two seconds. There was still no movement outside the door. His relaxed expression suddenly became serious. Then, he got off the bed and approached the door little by little. Then, he stretched out his right hand and opened the door. With a creak, the wooden door opened, and the corridor outside the door was brightly lit, but no one was seen.

   "The one that can do this...no."

Qian Jiangyue frowned. If it refers to his teammates, there are indeed many ways to do this, but now the people in the palace are people in dreams. Although many aspects are the same, one thing is different. These People have no skills, including Qian Jiangyue himself. The skills cannot be used for some reason. Even if you can perceive the existence of equipment, special props and skills in your mind, you can still observe the vitality gauge, but you can’t use it. It seems to be sealed. same. In the absence of skills and the surrounding environment is absolutely "safe", almost no one except himself would do such boring things.

  嘚, 嘚, 嘚!

   The sound of knocking on the cylinder came from not far away. In the dull night, the crisp knocking sound was particularly noticeable.

Qian Jiangyue walked out of the room and looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. It was on the other side of the corridor. There was a side hall in front of him. However, there was still no one. Although it was night, the light was very sufficient. If anyone was there, he would definitely be able to see. .

   "Or is it dangerous to dream?"

   Qian Jiangyue thinks of a possibility, but feels very strange because if this conjecture is true, then the previous employee's words are very contradictory, unless the dream itself is dangerous, and the dream he hopes to have is a dangerous dream. He temporarily suppressed this conjecture, and then continued to walk in the direction where the sound came from. At present, he does not intend to tell others about this, because this is his own dream.

   Various strange sounds are like a beacon that guides the way, leading him to a small remote room. He opened the door and found that there was only simple furniture in the room. However, there was a black cloak with gold rim on the bed.

"this is?"

   Qian Jiangyue inexplicably felt that the cloak was very familiar. He opened the cloak, and the familiarity became stronger. Then, he put the cloak on his body, and suddenly, a picture flashed in his mind. In an instant, he understood why he felt familiar, and then he took off his cloak.

   "This is the new clothes that the little lady used the money she pitted to change."

Selling information, selling privileges, and disguisedly forcing actors to participate in certain small movies, the manager's wife returning from hell, from the initial purchase with a basket on his back to sitting in the cabin to enjoy it, seems to make a lot of money~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The knock on the door appeared again, still the same as before, but this time, Qian Jiangyue no longer wasted time, he already had an idea in his heart. About an hour and a half, he returned to his room.

   "These should be all."

   Qian Jiangyue put the cloak with the bones in his hand on the ground, then picked up one, looked at it, and then put it down, "These bones and the cloak, if I guess it's correct, it should be for me to put it together."

He began to assemble the human skeleton model. At the beginning, he was worried about the fixation problem, but Xiaotai's bone head was given a special effect. As long as the joint position is correct, it will be automatically fixed, so that there will be no wrong installation. . After a quarter of an hour, he opened the gold-rimmed black cloak, put it on the skeleton, and then put on the hat.

The light in the room gradually became dim. Then, the light began to change and became like a flame. Then, the warm yellow flame slowly drifted towards the skull until it stopped at the left eye, the flame suddenly increased, and the color gradually changed from yellow. Turn to green. The black cloak has no wind automatically, and the bottom is dancing behind the skeleton, making a flicking sound. Then, the skeleton raises his right hand and reaches through the sleeve on the right side of the cloak. At the same time, he raises his left hand and presses the hood on the top of the head. Then, the skeleton The upper and lower jaws open, making a familiar and slightly sharp sound.

   "Don't be unharmed, Qian Jiangyue."


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