Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1674: Isolated island hospital

   The rain beat the windows, and the pattering white noise made people feel at ease. On the white yacht, the young man opened his eyes from the cabin. His eyes were dull and dull. He silently looked at the roof of the cabin, but he still did not recover from his sleep.

who am I? Where am i from Where am I going?

   The three most critical questions appeared in his mind, but he did not find the answer from them. Now, the only thing he can confirm is that he is not dead and that he is healthy.

The young man sat up and looked around. He was lying on the sofa in the cabin. Under the sofa, dozens of wine bottles were piled up. The driver's cab was directly in front. You can see the situation in the driver's cab through the window on the door. Now there is no driver's cab. It is operated by humans, but the yacht is still moving and seems to be in autopilot mode.

After   , he looked down at his clothes. The upper body is a clean black jacket, the lower body is a pair of gray trousers, and the black boots on the feet are slightly dusty. He dug out his pocket and found a dark blue cigarette box and a reddish brown wallet. Just as he was about to open his wallet, he suddenly felt dizzy and unbearable. He fell backward until the back of his head touched the soft sofa, and he felt an indescribable sense of exhaustion occupying his whole body.

   After a few seconds, he propped up his body, and then forced himself to stand up. The effect of forcibly standing up made him look purple and black, and he couldn't see everything clearly. He waited three seconds to recover.

   "Huh!" He sighed, no matter how embarrassing the situation just now, but now, at least everything is changing in a good direction. He glanced at the wallet, instead of opening it immediately, he turned to open the cigarette box first.

   Now it is easier to refresh one.

   He thought, but to his surprise, there were no cigarettes in the cigarette box. Instead, there was a white post-it note. He took out the post-it note and opened it with a few lines written on it:

First of all, these words are written by yourself, and secondly, you will see these words, it means that you idiot is drinking a piece of it again. Listen, I don’t expect you to quit smoking and drinking at the same time, but you can’t quit one of this waste. Try? Forget it, let's talk about business first. I hope you haven't forgotten your name, but considering the previous situation, I still mention that your name is Yi Cunling. Don't ask me why I have such a name, because I didn't pick it up! Then, you are now doing a job that comes with money. You are investigating a murder case on an island. The people on the island hope to deal with this matter coldly, so they don’t plan to call the police. As for why you are looking for you, I guess you may be a bit famous in the industry. , But also very short of money.

"I wrote this? Can't you be nice to yourself?" Yi Cunling rubbed the painful temples from time to time. He didn't know if all the post-it notes were true, but at present, it seems, The credibility is quite high.

   He put the post-it note back into the cigarette case, then put the cigarette case back in his pocket, and then opened the wallet. There were only a few hundred-yuan bills and a note with a mobile phone number in the wallet. There was no bank card or ID in it. He wrote down the phone number, but there was no impression in his mind. What reminded him was that the note with the number was placed on the inside of the wallet. Usually, this meant that this number had an important role.

"On the island, the murder case, I hope that the situation in the mystery will not occur. Then I will not make any money this trip, but I may die. Speaking of, why don't I have a mobile phone? Normal people should not bring a mobile phone with them. Is it? Even if there is no signal, you can listen to music or play games."

   Yi Cunling shook his head, put the wallet back in his pocket, and then walked into the cab.

   The planned route is displayed on the dashboard of the driver's cab. At present, the yacht is moving along the scheduled route. Although there is a slight deviation from the original route, the yacht has been automatically corrected. According to the information displayed on the dashboard, it will take about half an hour to reach the destination.

   "Pianan Island?"

   Yi Cunling looked at the name of the destination, and some related information flashed in his mind. Pian'an Island was originally a small tourist island close to the coast. Later, it was gradually abandoned. After being bought by a rich man, a sanatorium was built on the island with convalescence as the main and treatment as supplement. The name of the hospital is directly used. The name of the island-Pian'an Nursing Home.

   "Maybe they will look for me, just because no one else wants to go?"

   Yi Cunling thought of what he saw on the sticky note just now. He felt that compared to his fame, the current guess was more likely to be true.

   "Forget it, don't care about it, just get the money after doing the job."

   He looked out the window, the gloomy sky was covered with dark clouds that were too thick to dissolve. It was four o'clock in the afternoon, but because of the rainy weather, it felt like evening.

As time passed, the bright lights of the white lighthouse on Pian'an Island could be seen from the cab. At this time, the autopilot had switched to manual control. Yi Cunling turned the steering wheel towards the lighthouse and waited until the distance was enough to see the pier. Turn around and drive the yacht close to the pier. Soon, he boarded the dock.

There are three men standing on the pier. The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes is tall and straight. On the left is a thin elderly man, over 60 years old and wrinkled. He is wearing a white coat. On the right is a strong man with a strong body and a green uniform of a security guard.

"Is it Mr. Yi Cunling?" The middle-aged man walked up with an umbrella, but his voice was not loud, and the sound of rain was very noisy, even he couldn't hear clearly, so he continued to move forward~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Until I walked to Yi Cunling, he asked again loudly.

   "Yes." Yi Cunling nodded.

   "My name is Chen Ye. I am the dean of the nursing home. On behalf of the Pian'an nursing home, I welcome you!" Chen Ye stretched out his right hand while speaking.

   "Thank you." Yi Cunling stretched out his right hand, but his gaze shifted from Chen Ye's body to the faces of the two behind.

   Chen Ye noticed this. He turned his head and glanced at the thin old man on the left, and said loudly, "This is Lin Chen, the attending physician in the nursing home. If you want to ask about the patient, you can find him."

   Yi Cunling looked at Lin Chen and nodded slightly. Lin Chen also looked at Yi Cunling with a kind smile on his face.

   Then, Chen Ye looked at the strong man on the right, "This is the security captain of the nursing home, Wei Ao, who is responsible for maintaining the law and order of the nursing home. If you encounter any difficulties, you can ask him for help.”

   Yi Cunling looked at Wei Ao, smiled and expressed kindness, but Wei Ao just nodded flatly, his expression almost unchanged.

   "We will take you to your bedroom first. It is late now, and there will be nothing to investigate. It is better to familiarize yourself with the environment of the sanatorium today and start the investigation tomorrow." Chen Ye gave her own suggestions.

   Yi Cunling naturally agreed.


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