Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1678: who am I

   Crazy thoughts kept appearing. The more Yi Cunling tried to control himself, the more conjectures in his mind, even more than when he was thinking hard.

   "By the way, why does the recording play on the phone?"

In his thousands of thoughts, he keenly grasped the most important point, so he quickly pressed the replay button, and a beeping sound came from the dial. Then, the phone was connected, but he didn't say a word. It's convenient to hang up.

   "Someone is on the other side of the phone, someone is playing the recording, who is it?"

   He took a deep breath and replayed it again, but this time he couldn't get through.

   "No, no, how can this ghost experiment be successful? It's impossible. It must be a deliberate lie to me. The person who spoke just now doesn't know who it is, maybe it's an accomplice."

   His speech speed is getting faster and faster, and his breathing is getting faster and faster. A chest tightness makes him pain unbearable. He covers his chest with his left hand, and at the same time there is a painful expression on his face, which lasts for about three seconds to relieve.

   "I have... heart disease? How can a person with heart disease be a police detective? Or go out to work..."

   With more and more details that can be matched, he thinks that his conjecture is more likely to be true, and behind this reality, there is a chilling truth. He feels that he has stepped into a trap, and the other party will prepare everything, only to close the net in the end. In panic, his reason was like a child who had fallen into the water, he could only slap indiscriminately.

"Wait, wait." He looked up at the ceiling, "If this is an office building and an experiment site, will there be relevant information? Anyway, calm down first, hold on first, maybe it's just my blindness. Thinking." After finishing speaking, he glanced at the spiral staircase on the right and ran over with a flashlight. Because he was too nervous, he accidentally tripped off the corner of the table during the run and almost fell to the ground. He supported his body with both hands and kept his balance. The flashlight rolled down together. He picked up the flashlight and ran to the stairs again.

   through the spiral staircase, came to the second floor. There is a glass electronic door directly in front of the stairs, and on the right is a platform, where there are two elevators and a safe passage leading to the upper floor.

Yi Cunling pulled the handle of the electronic door without moving. This time, he didn't think of another way, but to illuminate the surroundings with a flashlight. Soon, he saw the red fire axe on the white wall, so he walked over and took it. Lower the axe and go back to the electronic glass door. He rotated the fire axe, then adjusted its position so that the thick back of the axe was facing down, then lifted the axe and slammed it down.

   With a bang, the glass door cracked, leaving a piece of debris.

   Yi Cunling walked in and turned on the light next to him. Since he planned to smash the door, he no longer cared about what was discovered. Now it is most important for him to figure out what is going on. He turned left and walked into the room with the scientific research room sign written on the door, and turned on the light in the room. On the left side of the room is a storage cabinet and a drinking fountain. There are four long tables in the middle of the large square table. The square table is made of paper. The documents were arranged in a mess, covering most of the table. On the right side against the wall, there were four computers running. To his surprise, the sound of a fan running slightly came from the computer.

"The computer is on." He walked over and moved the mouse first. After seeing that the screen was still unresponsive, he reached out and touched the bottom of the monitor and pressed the power button. Suddenly, the monitor lit up, displaying the PDF document, and he read the top of the document. The headline, "Side effects after consciousness exchange surgery?" The moment he saw the headline, he seemed to feel a basin of cold water pouring from the top of his head, "Wait, it's just a side effect, and it doesn't mean that the operation will be successful." The remaining reason still kept him from crazy Pulling the edge back, he sat on the computer chair, ignoring the warning behind him, carefully watching the contents of the document.

……According to the observation of 7 operations, the patient's recovery time is between 72 hours and 120 hours after the operation. The recovery time is not highly correlated with the patient's own will, and has a significant correlation with the physical fitness where consciousness is located. It is speculated that the recovery time Time to prepare for the consciousness to restart the body. After the patient regained consciousness, there was only one case of physical incoordination, and the other six cases did not observe the side effects of limb incoordination...

   "3 to 5 days, I..." Yi Cunling gritted his teeth, but there is no memory of time in his mind. He can only temporarily suppress the conjecture and continue to look down.

……After the patient wakes up, there is an obvious "remaining body" situation. Even though the consciousness has been exchanged with the body, the conscious subject still believes that his current body is no different from before. Whether it is appearance, voice or other related matters, it will automatically replace it. Therefore, the patient will not immediately realize that the body has been replaced after waking up, but will gradually accept the new body after a time that cannot be accurately calculated (the shortest is 3 hours, the longest is one week), and will obtain a part of the transferred person’s memory. But it will fade over time. It is speculated that the reason for this situation is that the location of the operation cannot accurately locate the connection between consciousness and the body, resulting in some residual memory...

"Won't I immediately realize that my body has been replaced after waking up?" Yi Cunling understood the meaning of the words, probably thinking that he was still himself, looking in the mirror or his own appearance, what he said still sounded his own voice, based on the operation The theoretical basis for success is that consciousness can exist independently, so even if the body can be activated, there is still a process of acceptance.

He turned his head and looked at the unopened display screen, which showed his appearance. He has seen this face in the mirror countless times, but this time, he has an unreal illusion in the mirror. It seems that it will change into another strange and old face at any time. He looked at the screen in front of him again, and the content at the back was mostly detailed tests, such as whether there were obvious changes in tastes, hobbies, sexual addictions, etc., and provided chart data.

   At this moment, perhaps only a few seconds, Yi Cunling lost his energy and spirit, and his whole body was languishing. The more he delved into it, the more he realized that his previous guess might be the truth. In his mind, he recalled the final ending of the radio station, what was the final outcome, he may no longer need to listen to the radio station. With the only motivation left, he turned on the other display screens and flipped through the files inside. Part of them were precautions during the operation and part of the preparations before the operation. Among them, a folder containing pictures and videos caused His attention, this is the video and photograph of the operation experiment.

   There are various instruments in the photo, some of which are very similar to those commonly used in hospitals such as CT. The patient will be photographed before the operation, but the patient in the photo is tightly entangled with white bandages all over, unable to move, leaving only a pair of eyes outside, unable to distinguish the appearance. In the video, several medical staff wearing closed protective suits are standing next to the operating table. The patient is lying in the instrument, and the back of the head is pierced by an extremely long thin needle. The patient's body was constantly twisting and seemed to be in extreme pain, but he could not faint. Subsequently, the medical staff began to control the instrument, and a black-and-white picture with burrs appeared on the monitor next to the instrument. In the picture, the fine needle seemed to be exploring in the brain. Then, when the picture went dark, the patient remained motionless and his body seemed to be stiff. general. The video ends here, this is a failed operation.

Yi Cunling rubbed his temples, dragged his body to the square table in the center, picked up the materials on the table and looked at them. There is nothing special about these materials, which are equivalent to the paper files of electronic manuscripts. However, let him Surprisingly, there was a black pistol hidden under the paper materials. After he saw the pistol, his eyes suddenly lit up. The appearance of this weapon aroused his fighting spirit again. At least, he is still alive, and the information just now did not indicate that he could not have another operation.

   "Anyway, think of a way to leave this island first, first look at other rooms, maybe there are new discoveries." Yi Cunling left the room and walked to the other side of the corridor.

   The sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor.

   "Stop, don't move!"

   A familiar voice was introduced into Yi Cunling's ears. Yi Cunling turned his head and saw a young man in uniform pointing a gun at him. This person's face looked exactly the same as himself. Suddenly, he realized that the other party's voice was exactly the same as his own. In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but his body was too late to react~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other party pulled the trigger, and the gunshot echoed in the corridor.

  Pong, pong!

  The bullet quickly sank into Yi Cunling's chest, and then another bullet.

   Yi Cunling only felt his chest dull, and he slowly fell to the ground, blood pouring from the wound.

The opponent walked quickly to Yi Cunling's body, and then said in a very formal tone: "The target is holding a firearm and has been shot dead. The identity is being checked, and it is judged from the appearance that he is one of the leaders of Pian'an Island." At this point, the voice paused. Stopped, "Yes, I'll go check the physical evidence right away."

   The voice gradually faded away, and then came again from the room where Yi Cunling had just left, "The physical evidence has been destroyed, the electronic materials have been deleted, and the paper documents have been burned. Let the people from the physical evidence department come here quickly."

  How could it be possible, just now obviously...

Yi Cunling remembered the scene when he was leaving. At this moment, everything was strung together. The person shooting in front of him may be the person who performed the operation with him, but not the rich man, but one of the experimenters, even It may be the boss. He tried to open his eyes, and an unfamiliar face reflected on the floor. This face was pale and weak, and seemed to be about to die soon. However, he was powerless and his body didn't have any strength. Now, the only thing he can do is to lie on the ground. , Waiting for death to come.


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