Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1691: animal world

Qian Jiangyue turned into an iron chain and returned to the dream tree. Unlike him, the small diamond weathered into a mirror fragment, embedded with the iron chain, which could only be carried forward by him.

"It's equivalent to carrying a person on his back..." Qian Jiangyue moved forward slowly, because he was carrying a small wind, his speed was reduced a lot, which is equivalent to carrying a person directly on his back, "If you are found by the ecliptic at this time, it will be troublesome. Let’s send him back first.” He returned along the original road, planning to put the small drill wind on Pian’an Island first, “By the way, I remember my dream is collapsing, but the speed is slower, and I entered before the ecliptic All of my dreams are intact dreams. In this way, my dreams are the safest place now."

He carefully returned to his own dream flower. Compared with before, the petals of the dream flower were downcast, the color had faded a lot, and the decline was irreversible. He glanced left and right, after confirming that the zodiac was not there, he dived into the dream flower.

On the side of the dock, Qian Jiangyue was awakened by the violent storm. When he woke up, the little bit of wind beside him also sat up.

"Here?" Xiao Zuanfeng looked around.

"My dream, Pian'an Island. No accident should be the safest place at the moment. I can't take you around. You stay here for the time being. I will look for someone else and leave Mengshu completely after we meet. Leave. After the dream tree, we will come to the exit of the dark forest. Of course, we will also encounter a warning meeting. I don’t know what to do afterwards, but right now we have no other way to go, unless... stay in the dream forever." Qian Jiangyue Turning his head and looking at the sky above Pian'an Island, his eyes were deep for some reason, as if he remembered what happened not long ago.

Xiao Zuanfeng stood up on the ground with his right hand, he patted his knee lightly, "I see, you go."

Qian Jiangyue nodded, turned to look at the yacht by the dock, and walked over, his feet on the deck, the yacht slowly moved forward.

"Right." Xiao Zuanfeng shouted.

Qian Jiangyue looked back.

"Be careful, I'm not indulged in dreams, so I can tell friends and enemies. If I wasn't there at the time, you might be killed by the mirror ghost. Although the situation of others is different from mine, it may be more dangerous." Put your hands in your jacket pockets.

"I know." Qian Jiangyue waved her hand without saying much.

The yacht continued to move forward, the huge waves rolled up, and the exit of the dreamland opened again to Qian Jiangyue.


The iron chain moved on the branches of the dream tree, Qian Jiangyue searched for a long time and still no results, until he thought that he even needed to return to the dream to sleep well, the map given by the **** movie finally showed a green dot, and he immediately changed direction , Moving toward the green dot, and after bypassing the two dream flowers, he came to the dream flower representing the green dot. The dream flower in front of me is full of vitality, and the colors on the petals are very gorgeous.

"Who is it? Looking at the situation of Menghua, the dream should be very complete, and the people inside will definitely not know you." Xiaotai's voice suddenly sounded.

Qian Jiangyue faced the little wife who appeared and disappeared from time to time, and she suspected that she was hiding in her mind, "Go in and take a look." After speaking, he dived into the dream flower.

The familiar darkness enveloped everything, and was then dissipated by the faint light. Qian Jiangyue found herself standing in an alley, and the light came from outside the alley. He walked a few steps, and suddenly caught a glimpse of his palm from the corner of his eyes. The palm that was originally white was completely changed and became covered with black hair... Paws, his eyes rose along the paws, and his eyes were white shirts. Turn the palm over, and you can see the pad of the palm at a glance.

"I am...animal?" He touched his head, which was also covered with hair. "No, it should be said to be... Orc, a combination of human and animal, with an animal head, although the body has animal hair, but The structure is biased towards people. Whose dream is this?" As he said, he walked out of the alley, doing various movements on the road to feel the changes in his body, although the differences can be seen in all aspects, but when walking , But did not feel any discomfort, as if he had been living with this body for many years.

At this time, my little wife’s voice sounded in her mind, "Ha ha ha, it’s interesting, isn’t this an animal world? Whose dream will it be? I forgot to remind you that entering other people’s dreams will naturally adapt to the rules, if Don’t do anything, don’t interfere with the dream owner, it can be regarded as a tour, but you will definitely not be satisfied with this. By the way, I moved a little bit. You look at the map and you should be able to locate your teammate."

Qian Jiangyue ignored Xiaoma's laughter and closed his eyes to observe the green dot on the map. The distance between the green dot and him was far, but because he didn't know the scale of the map, how far it was, he needed a test to know.

He took a deep breath and walked out of the alley to the street. The street was bustling with excitement. However, among the people passing by, none of them had human faces, all of them were animal faces~www.wuxiaspot.com~tigers and wolves. , Cats, elephants, foxes, etc., can't come through. He looked up and scanned the billboards on the building. The stars in the billboards were all orcs. On the billboard closest to him was an antelope orc wearing a red dancing skirt. This orc was dancing in a moving posture. The posture is almost the same as in the artwork, but the focus of the advertisement is the white pearl necklace on the orc’s neck.

"Outrageous." Qian Jiangyue hesitated for a long time, spit out these two words gently, "It doesn't matter, it's just a dream, the most important thing now is to find someone first."

After speaking, he walked into the crowd and walked towards the green dot on the map. Passing by the shop window, he stopped and saw his appearance through the reflection of the glass. His face was the face of a panda, but it was different from the naive and charming image of pandas. The face in front of him seemed to have been artistically processed. He could see more human traces, especially his eyes, and even made him feel fierce. The body below the head does not have a big belly like a panda, but a normal human body shape.

"Wait, the tail." Qian Jiangyue touched her **** with her right hand. The tail vertebra was slightly raised, but it was covered by pants. He turned to look at the street. The orcs on the road and the animals with long tails directly exposed their tails. , Such as tigers, wolves, etc. Some orcs with short tails choose to cover them, and some choose to show them, "Forget it, at least there is no need to climb." He waved his hand and continued to walk towards the green dot.

Two hours later, he took the bus all the way and changed stations, and finally came to the green spot. However, the situation of the green spot and Xiaotai was not the same, not someone's location, but an underground fighting arena.

"It should be corrected." Xiaoma didn't explain too much. "Since you are positioned here, you can definitely find your teammate through this clue, maybe he is inside."

Qian Jiangyue sighed and walked into the fighting arena.

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