Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1710: Back in time

"Horror Studio (

Qian Jiangyue stood in front of the cabinet in the box, and observed the wound on her neck through the glass in front of the cabinet. The wound about the length of her index finger had healed more than half, and it had begun to scab, but she still felt a little pain. He switched skills and released an iron chain with a faint green light from his right hand, and then placed the iron chain on the wound, waiting for the wound to heal completely.

"Be careful, these vitality will be gone when they run out." Xiaotai reminded.

"Now it's over without me." Qian Jiangyue rolled his eyes, "Are there other skill effects? It's impossible to have only these two. Don't tell me you've been lazy during this time."

"Tsk tusk, there are two new effects, one is divination, which can predict the opponent's actions in three seconds, and needs to see the opponent. If the opponent realizes that he is foreseeing and forcibly change his actions, then the prediction will fail; When using the skill, your fist can resist the sword. Secondly, a substantial wind blade with a radius of about two decimeters will be formed around the fist. The wind blade can be simply understood as a blade. Of course, it will not cut itself. , Unless you want to shave your beard." Xiaotai reported the new skill effect.

Qian Jiangyue frowned slightly. The new skills did not seem to be effective. Divination seemed mysterious, but the priority was not high. As long as the other party realized that his actions were predicted and forced to change his original thoughts, the divination would be invalidated. In other words, only one level can be calculated. As for the fist wind, it seems to be an attack skill, but it requires close contact. The actual effect may be used to resist swords or break some obstacles. Essentially, it is still a skill prepared for escape. .

"...But." Qian Jiangyue was not discouraged. Even though the new skill effect was not strong, it could have a combined effect with the seventh connection, such as the previous sliding. Therefore, he planned to try his style. He retracted the iron chain with his right hand, after switching the effect to the fist wind, he used the seventh connection to the ground. The iron chain flew from the palm of the palm and flew straight to the ground. After hitting the ground, the tiles were knocked out of the depression and the tiles around the depression were scratched. The effect of the fist wind completely covered the iron chain, making the seventh connection. The chain becomes a weapon capable of long-range attacks.

"Next time, I will use this trick to solve the eagle spirit directly." Qian Jiangyue retracted the iron chain, turned to walk towards the curtain, reached out and gently opened the corner of the curtain, peeking at the situation outside the restaurant.

People come and go on the streets. Today is the parent-teacher meeting of the elementary school. Although the parent-teacher meeting has already started, many parents still rush to school because of their busy schedule.

"Try divination." Qian Jiangyue directly uses the effect of divination skills. The target is a pedestrian on the road. As long as his eyes are on the target and the skill is activated, a small window will appear in his mind, and a pedestrian will appear in the window for three seconds. After the action.

In the divination window, the pedestrian targeted by the skill will stop and bend over to pat the dust on the pants. Three seconds later, the pedestrians indeed bent over and slapped their legs without interference from external forces.

He finished his skills, nodded lightly, and said, "It turns out that although it seems to have a miraculous effect in combat, it is really useful in the movie world when dealing with the characters in the movie, relying on the logical shielding effect provided by the **** movie. , Can easily avoid the defects of skills." After speaking, he was about to put down the curtains, but from the corner of his eyes he caught a glimpse of the steel wings flying at low altitude.

"Hey, just give it a try." Qian Jiangyue's eyes locked on the Wing of Steel, and he started divination again, and the window in his mind resurfaced. In the window, Steel Wings were swooping toward the box. Seeing this scene, Qian Jiangyue frowned and took a step back, "No way!" He thought for a while and chose a position close to the door to stand, then switched the effect to Fist Wind, waited for two seconds, and then released the seventh. contact.

The iron chain with a sharp wind blade flew straight to the window. The moment the iron chain was about to touch the window, the window shattered, and the steel wings flew from the window, just hitting the iron chain. The wind blade and the steel wing kept rubbing, making extremely sharp and piercing noises, exactly the same as the sound of an iron spoon hitting a porcelain bowl. After a brief harsh noise, the Wings of Steel fell to the ground and slid to the wall, only to stop after hitting the wall.

"Have I been discovered just now? Just a little gap can be found?" Qian Jiangyue shook his head, and carefully observed the situation of Steel Wings. He found that there were many fine white scratches on the metal feathers of Steel Wings. , But there was no injury, and the head that hit the chain before was not a major problem, only a very slight depression. Seeing that his attack was just a tickling, he immediately dispelled the idea of ​​winning and chasing, turned and left the box, "No, This is not the way to go, I have to catch the eagle eye."

He switched the effect of the skill to the night, after releasing the skill, he came to the street, and then used his advantage of being able to see things in the dark ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to observe passersby. Unrecoverable vitality is consumed in a large amount, but he has no choice. Between vitality and life, he must choose one.

where? Where is the eagle eye? Depending on the situation at the school, he should be a student, at most about 10 years old.

Qian Jiangyue's gaze swept away from passers-by. He directly excluded adults and focused on children. Although most of the students were in the school, there were many outside the school. He saw 4 or 5 students in school uniforms at a glance. . Focusing on these students, he found that he could not distinguish between true and false. At least, in his judgment, the students in front of him were pure students, panicking in the dark, without any combat experience at all.

With the massive consumption of unrecoverable vitality, Qian Jiangyue didn't want to continue to maintain the night effect. After all, after a few seconds, he couldn't find the position of Hawkeye.

"Since there is no way to find him here, then I simply hide away and find someone where there is sparsely smoked. Since he can realize that I am an outsider in a dream, he will definitely not let me go."

Qian Jiangyue looked at the people parking on the street, quickly ran over, grabbed the motorcycle, and drove away. Two seconds later, he ended his skills.

The accelerating roar of motorcycles mixed with shouts, as if announcing that the confrontation had come to an end for the time being.

As the night effect ended, on the side of the street, a student drilled out from the bottom of the silver-white van. It was an eagle eye. Hawkeye looked at Qian Jiangyue's departure with a serious expression. He didn't say a word, and patted the dust on his palm with both hands, "Go and follow him, don't expose yourself. I will go back to school to get something and wait until I arrive. "After speaking, he turned and ran towards the school.

A few seconds later, Steel Wings flew out of the noisy restaurant, hovered in the air, and flew in the direction where Qian Jiangyue had left.

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