Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1717: Content for sale

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Qian Jiangyue's expression gradually changed from doubt to curiosity. Cang Yi and Yingyan fought such a thing, and he was excited just thinking about it, and based on his understanding of the two, once they fought, they would probably not Peaceful end, unless the **** movie intervenes, there will be one person left forever.

He looked at the firelight and was slightly surprised. Then, he stretched out his right hand with his index finger facing up, and said:

"Wait, let me imagine. With your position in Cang Yi's mind, you will definitely not be prepared for the first sneak attack on him, but he has life-saving skills, especially after the skills are strengthened, you want a It is very difficult to kill him completely. After that, even if Cang Yi doesn't understand your reason, he will definitely fight back. You know the effect of his skills, so your sneak attack must be at a long distance."

Having said that, what he thought of, he paused, and then went on to say:

"No, if it's a long distance, the most likely thing is that you can play Cang Yi's passive skill effect. On the contrary, it is difficult to kill him, but close distance is very dangerous for him, so..." He swings his right index finger to the left and right. , "... Drugs, poisons, or narcotics, etc., although it is difficult for ordinary people to get these things, but you are not an ordinary person, on the contrary, you are very good at this."

Eagle Eye looked at Qian Jiangyue, frowning slightly, and his expression serious. Before Qian Jiangyue continued to speak, he interrupted:

"I didn't do it."

His answer was straightforward and indisputable.

"In fact, I want to say that even if it is poison, it may not be effective. Cang Yi's gaze has a very special effect, like it can change the world line. Perhaps when he realizes that he is poisoned, he will activate the skill to make He exempted himself from the effect of the poison." Qian Jiangyue still said what he wanted to say.

"You seem to be very interested in **** Cang Yi." Hawkeye took a deep breath and brought the topic back to the right track. "The reason why I didn't do it has nothing to do with the plan or the success rate. It's just because I realized that the **** movie really appeals to the audience. What do you think is valuable to the **** movies of the content for sale?"

At this time, the wings of steel flew out of the burning school at a very slow speed. The metallic luster of the body was mostly covered by black smoke and lost its original color. There were many abnormal dents on the wings, as if they were hit by heavy objects. , Some parts even have a faint red light, like a scorched iron sheet. Its two claws each held a charred corpse, judging from its size, a man and a woman, these two people are the parents of Eagle Eye in the dream.

A sad cry came from the mouth of the Steel Wing, and it slowly dragged its tired body to fall beside Hawkeye.

Hawkeye turned his head to look at the Wings of Steel, and his gaze fell unconsciously on the charred corpse below. At this moment, a scene that could never be forgotten appeared before his eyes.

"Ordinary people's struggle to survive? Although we are also valuable, such as opening up a secret passage, but you are asking about the value to the audience, I think this part of the **** movie should be hidden, so it can't be this, then the answer It is the courage and wisdom of ordinary people in the face of death." Qian Jiangyue spoke, answering the question asked by Hawkeye. He deliberately chose this time to speak, not because he didn’t understand the timing, but because he wanted to distract Hawkeye. Let Hawkeye come out of grief faster.

"At first I thought so too. Later, the more actors I met and the more I knew, the more doubtful I became." Hawkeye squatted beside Steel Wing, and gently touched the latter's head with his right hand, like I was touching my young self.

There was a tingling burning sensation from the high temperature of the steel wing's epidermis, which caused Hawkeye to pause slightly, but Hawkeye didn’t care. Instead, he endured the pain and continued to do what he wanted. After a few minutes Second, he continued:

"If it's just courage and wisdom, why set up a **** with almost no end? If it's just courage and wisdom, you can publish a clear rule that if an actor meets a condition, he will be able to leave the **** movie or resurrect the actors who have acted together. ."

Steel Wings looked down at the scorched corpse under his feet, and the bird's beak twitched slightly, making a weeping sound. At the same time, the sky is like shattered glass, densely streaked, as if it would collapse at any time. Hawkeye's dream is near the edge of collapse, and soon, whether he wants it or not, he must leave.

Qian Jiangyue shrugged, looked away, and stopped looking at Eagle Eye and Steel Wings: "Maybe because **** movies are so greedy, just like capitalists in the real world, I can’t wait for workers all over the world to work for him for generations. No salary yet. I was wrong. We are commodities, and commodities are not qualified to negotiate terms."

"If this is the case, why don't you just explain it directly?" Hawkeye asked back, "Tell the actors directly, you have no chance, you must always do so, one day, one month, one year... a lifetime."

"If you say that, there will be many actors..." Qian Jiangyue put five fingers together on her right hand and wiped it on her neck, "...you know, then we can't make money with us."

"The problem is, we all know now, and other actors already know, but did this happen?" Hawkeye turned his head and looked at Qian Jiangyue.

Qian Jiangyue looked down at the concrete floor, frowning, and then whispered back, "No."

Hawkeye pointed his left finger at Qian Jiangyue, "You don't have it." Then, he pointed at himself again, "Neither did I, nor did Cang Yi, nor did the admonition club, nor the other actors, why? Why do you know that there is no hope , Are we still willing to work hard for it?"

"I still have things to do." Qian Jiangyue looked up at Yingyan.

"Yes, you have things to do, I also have things to do, Cang Yi also has things to do, the warning club also has things to do, we all have things to do, we all pursue what in the **** movie." Hawkeye stood. When I got up, my tone became more solemn:

"People are very adaptable. After getting through the early discomforts, they will gradually accept the changes in the environment. Whether the actors admit it or not, the experience of **** movies is part of the actors' lives. They cry in the movies and laugh in the movies. There are friends, family, goals, ideals, and regrets. This is equivalent to second life, but the actors have been escaping from **** movies. It’s good to escape control or fate..."

When Hawkeye talked about this, Qian Jiangyue seemed to have been stabbed by a needle, her muscles tense.

"...Everything has become a mixture of contradictions. We are grateful for the **** movies for allowing us to meet friends, but we hate the pain caused by the **** movies. We love the excitement brought by the movie world, but we are afraid of the movie world. Hidden danger--" Hawkeye's words were interrupted by Qian Jiangyue.

"--What do you want to say--" Qian Jiangyue was interrupted by Hawkeye before he finished speaking.

"——Hell movies sell torture and pain. This is hell. This is what the audience really wants to see." Hawkeye's tone is cold. "It doesn't arrange the script in the movie world because we have been following it all the time. Script performance, it made Cang Yi also come to my real world, and then tell me the truth, just want me to kill him, just want me to kill the one who treats me as a lifesaver, a mentor, and a teammate. The actor, and I, was already on the road of revenge before I entered the **** movie. It wants to see how I choose!"

Qian Jiangyue was stunned, her eyes widened, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Hawkeye suddenly smiled, a very ordinary smile, but for Qian Jiangyue, the emotions contained in this smile were a bit too complicated, because just now when Hawkeye talked about the back, the tone was already faintly carried, and in the eagle Behind the eyes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although it is a dream, the two newly charred corpses are indeed Hawkeye's biological parents. In addition, the steel wings that represent the true desire deep in Hawkeye's heart are bowing their heads and weeping.

In Qian Jiangyue's eyes, the whole picture is like a painting of magical realism, absurd and weird. At this moment, like an epiphany, he understood what Hawkeye was saying, knew what Hawkeye wanted to express, and seemed to have a glimpse of his own future.

The sky was completely shattered, and the broken pieces fell like snowflakes. The dream is over. The fragmented sky was pitch black, but in the darkness, a blood-red vortex gradually appeared, only the size of doors and windows at first, but as it gradually fell, the diameter rapidly expanded.

"It's time to go." The little lady said in Qian Jiangyue's mind, but there were only these three simple words and no other words.

Qian Jiangyue wanted to ask, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed back. Xiaoma didn't say anything, it was an answer in itself. He looked at Hawkeye and didn't know why, and then smiled. Even though the smile was very reluctant, he still laughed, as if the smile was the only power against the **** movie.

"It's time to go, grab the chain."

He stretched out his right hand to release the seventh connection, and the iron chain flew out of his palm and flew straight to Hawkeye.

Eagle Eye grabbed the chain with his right hand, looked up at the sky, and said softly:

"I don't know what you want, but one thing is for sure, the closer you are to your centrifugal goal, the more painful you will be."

Qian Jiangyue spread his hands and said nothing.

"By the way, don't tell Cang Yi about this. There will be a tough battle next, and I don't want him to be distracted." Hawkeye added.

"Don't worry, I don't know what to say about this kind of thing." Qian Jiangyue nodded.

The Scarlet Vortex pressed down and swallowed the two of them.

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