Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1722: On screen

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Qian Cangyi's body passed through the audience and came to the entrance of the cinema hall. He stood at the entrance and took two deep breaths. Although he will not be in danger as a bystander, he has to admit that sometimes, he may indeed be frightened by some content that is not directly broadcast on the film, and even cause discomfort and cause nightmares.

After thinking for a while, he determined that there was nothing more important in the near future, and then took his right foot and stepped inside the door.

When the body completely enters the entrance of the viewing hall, the scene in front of you begins to be distorted and flowed, like a splash of watercolor, which makes people feel illusory and blurred. Moving on, the sense of distortion gradually disappeared, and the scene has returned to normal, becoming the appearance of a viewing hall, but this is already another viewing hall-the viewing hall on the screen.

Qiancang looked around for a week, and in front of him, the people on the screen were dragging the corresponding audience to the seats, but it was in a suspended state, and everyone remained motionless. He moved on, feeling that the surrounding tones were a little strange, although it was also dark, but with a pale feeling, as if there was a light source providing backlighting in an invisible place.

"It seems that the inside and outside of the screen can be distinguished easily." Qian Cang said, moving on, he turned the corner and walked towards the seat.

Soon, he discovered an unusual place. There was a date written in blood on the back of the seat. Some of the dates were the same, but most of the dates were different. Below the date, there are numbers written in blood, one, two, and three, as if all dates are graded.

"That's it." Qiancang's eyes lit up. He squatted behind the seat and gently rubbed the blood stains with his hands. Then, he changed seats and continued to observe, "I understand, the audience who was taken away just now belonged to the'One "This level of audience, so other audiences can survive. The classification is based on the date. Judging from the date, the classification should be based on the year. Different years are divided into one level, and there are at most three levels."

He stood up and continued to look for clues in the viewing hall.

"This is..." He stopped, his eyes fell on the seat with "two" written on the back. The audience in this seat was frightened, and their bodies made struggling movements, apparently being drawn from the viewing hall. The people on the screen, "It stands to reason that Level Two should not be pulled over, unless... it's a supplement."

Having said that, he immediately ran to the seats of the previous six actors. After checking, he found that five actors had seats at level one, and only one actor had seats at level two.

"In this way, it looks like a radish and a pit, can it be...for the dead ghost?" He turned his head and scanned the cinema hall, shouting "continue" to let the movie continue.

The audience on the screen dragged the corresponding person in the viewing hall to the seat and waited for the person in the seat to gradually "quiet". When the other person's expression and body became stiff, almost the same as death, the audience stood by and waited. There was a serene expression on his face, as if he was relieved.

Afterwards, the audience left their seats, headed to the escape passage at the back, and stretched out their hands to open the door. Behind the door is a clean corridor, and you can even hear the noise of tourists coming in. After that, the audience left the escape route and closed the door easily. Then, the next audience did the same thing. In addition, there are audiences who failed to catch people. They watched other audiences leave with an enviable expression on their faces, just because their faces were stiff, but there was a kind of uncanny valley effect, which made people feel hairy.

As soon as Qiancang saw this, he understood that the theme of this film was to replace dead ghosts. Like many rumors of water ghosts dragging people into the water, this unusual movie theater is doing the same thing. The people who died in the movie theater turned out to be. , The new person must be dragged into the screen to be liberated and leave this sinful land.

He put his right hand on his chin, lost in thought, and said softly:

"The reason for the scattered dates behind the seats is probably because movie theaters are often in a state of'private room', with only a few viewers watching. However, having said that, even if the actors know about the classification and the death of ghosts, they can’t survive. Obviously The second and third levels will have to arrest people in the future, and the dead ghosts of the first level will also be transferred to the second level."

He glanced at the progress bar of the film and found that it was about halfway through.

Then, he turned and left the screen, but when he stood in front of the gate, he suddenly stopped, and there was a voyeuristic feeling behind him, which was gloomy and terrifying. Under this strange feeling, his whole body trembled, and even his teeth began to start. Trembling.

What...what's going on?

Qiancang Yiqiang resisted the fear in his heart and slowly turned his head. At this moment, he found that the audience sitting on the seat, becoming a ghost audience, was actually looking at him. At this moment, the idea of ​​running surpassed reason, he almost did not hesitate, and chose to quit the film directly.

Heavy breathing echoed in the room.

Qiancang took off the mask with his right hand. The panic never dissipated, but kept lingering in his heart. He reached out and clicked the pause button, but did not look at the screen during the whole process. After that, he stood up and walked to the window with his sight The billboard with cute patterns in front of the shop was swept over, calming down my inner anxiety.

"The feeling just now, was it something like an egg? It seemed like you were going to catch me as a ghost. This is how an actor really feels?"

Qiancang couldn't help but recalled his previous evaluation of the middle-aged man. Although viewed from the perspective of an onlooker, the middle-aged man would appear to be cowardly, but once the two exchange positions, he believes that he may not be able to do better. After all, talking on paper is just Talk on paper.

"Speaking of which, how can I survive? If one day I also become an actor, is there a way to survive?"

He asked himself softly.

No one answered.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and the brisk music rang from the computer desk.

"Answer." Qiancang said in a loud voice, the phone ringing disappeared and replaced by a "di" sound when the phone was connected.

"Hey, still hiding at home during the Mid-year Festival? Come out to play." It was a call from a colleague.

Qiancang sighed and walked to the table, picked up the phone, and then whispered back:

"You guys play, I have something else."

As he said, he glanced at the paused video on the computer screen. For some reason, there was a slight chill on the soles of his feet.

"Should you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"As I said before, that haunted house opened today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The latest and coolest stereo projection technology, covering an area of ​​more than 5,000 acres, not including the underground, don't you want to try it?"

"I don't want to." Qian Cangyi's answer was simple, "I said I wasn't interested."

"do not do that……"

However, before the other party's answer was finished, Qian Cangyi's eyes were attracted by the paused film, because he saw the audience's mouth in the film moving, and the paused film had such a weird scene. He tried to imitate the mouth shape of the audience and pronounced three words softly:

"……help me?"

"Ah? What did you say?" Still planning to persuade colleagues to be a little confused.

Qiancang blinked, but found that the audience in the film had never spoken and his lips were closed tightly. He reached out and pressed the continue button, watched it for a few seconds and then paused, but he still couldn't reproduce the scene he saw just now.

"Hello, are you listening?" my colleague urged.

Qiancang looked solemn, thought for two seconds, and replied, "Yes, when?"

"This is not in a hurry. Good afternoon. I heard that it is open 24 hours. I think it feels better at night." The colleague gave a good reason.

"Are you sure at night?" Qiancangyi was a little surprised.

"It's not about midnight. It's at 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening. You know what it was like when it first opened. If we don't avoid the peak period, we may have to wait in line for that long." The colleague said before Qiancang answered , Hurriedly added, "Besides, aren't you okay? You can just take advantage of this time to do what you want to do, so it's settled, and I will contact you at night."

Toot toot...

The phone was hung up.

As soon as Qian Cang looked at the audience in the film, he felt a strong anxiety. It seemed that something terrifying was coming, and he could not stop it.

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