Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1730: Nightmare struck

   Qian Jiangyue replied a few words, but Xiaoma didn't answer again.

   "The Zodiac may have discovered the shadow puppets. We have to speed up."

   He sighed and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, only to find that the speed was the fastest. Because of the poor road conditions, the turbulence of the vehicle is also very serious.

   "My little lady told you?" Hawkeye said, his tone was not rushed, and before Qian Jiangyue could answer, he continued: "We can't protect them."

   Qian Jiangyue turned the steering wheel to bypass the obstacles ahead.

   "Even if you save them, you still have to face the admonition meeting. This is what you said." Hawkeye looked at the rearview mirror on the right.

   After entering Qiancangyi’s dream, Qian Jiangyue will make a long story short and highlight the things he encountered in the deep dream.

"They are not ordinary people, they are also actors in **** movies, and they also have to fight. Now, no matter whether they have rich experience, whether their strength meets the standard, or whether they are ready to fight, they must face the admonition meeting." Speaking of this, Hawkeye paused for a second, then turned to look at Qian Jiangyue, "Fighting will make people grow, and it is the fastest way. If you don't believe them, there is no need to wake them up."

   Speaking of the back, Hawkeye's tone is very serious.

   Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath, did not answer, it was a tacit understanding. He knew that Hawkeye was right. At the beginning, he had the same idea, but after seeing the dream of shadow play, he really realized what it means to destroy other people's dreams.

   For ordinary people, living a lifetime in a dream is indeed a disaster, but for an actor, outside the dream is the biggest disaster.

   "Do you have a way to deal with the fate?" Qian Jiangyue changed the subject, or put his attention back to him.

   "No." Hawkeye shook his head, quite sure.

   "Then we—"

"——I try to let Steel Wings save people, and leave as soon as I save them. After that, I figured out a way to wake Cang Yi, as long as he wakes up, the winning rate is not zero." Yingyan stretched out the car window with his right hand and let the wind blow. Blown over.

   The Wings of Steel began to lift up, speeding up and flying towards the opening surprise.


   At the same time, Qiancangichi was still hesitating in the opening of the surprising experience hall. The discovery just now, for him, was an impact on the worldview.

  Is the world I live in, everything I experienced before, really just fantasy or movies?

   Countless questions turned over and over in his mind, and more and more questions emerged from the bottom of his heart, but no one could answer it right now.

   "Hurry up!" Guan Wu urged.

   For the three people behind Qiancang, they are experiencing a thrilling scene in the experience hall. They have no sense of crisis, just like many horror movies, who constantly test the limit of death.

   "Don't be noisy, I'm thinking about things." Qiancang replied in a deep voice. Through the films of **** movies, he has already experienced the same experience as the actor. Although he may not be as calm as he is now when he is actually facing death threats, at least he can still maintain it when he is not facing death threats. The original composure.

  'S originally slightly weird atmosphere was also destroyed by his very playful words.

   "Oh," Guan Wu sighed. The two girls didn't say much.

The three of them could see Qian Cangyi’s expression on his attitude, plus what happened at the entrance of the passage just now. Although the three of them did not realize the seriousness of the situation, they also knew that this haunted house experience might be over soon. .

   There was a creak, and the dusty wooden door opened completely. Outside the door, the light was bright, but inside the door, it seemed to be a restricted area of ​​light, without any brightness. From the perspective of authenticity, this part of the lighting may be criticized by the technicians. However, as the script of the haunted house, this kind of anomaly in the subtleties can bring more shocking effects that meet the requirements.

   Yinyin's laughter came from the darkness. The laughter was sharp, but also very light. As time passed, the laughter gradually turned into a harsh noise of glass passing through ceramics. At the same time, the lights on the left and right and behind, under the control of the script's supporting program, gradually shrink, and finally only focus on a small circular area where the four people are.

  The background music played by the water piano quietly increased the volume, and the low but gradually increased thin tone reunited the spooky atmosphere of destruction, as if a female ghost crawled out of the door in the next second.

   Guan Wu was frightened by the sudden sound, and grabbed the wrist of the girl next to him. His unwarranted action was like the last straw, causing the girl who was on the verge of fright to collapse and scream.

   The emotion of shock spread, and the girl's scream completely detonated the horror atmosphere that had been brewing for a long time, causing Guan Wu and another female voice to scream.

   For a time, the experience hall was occupied by screams.

The only person who did not scream was Qian Cangyi. The first is that there is no memory of the previous script in his mind. This leads to the foreshadowing of the early stage of the script, which has no effect on him, and naturally cannot empathize with him; second, and the most critical One point, he who has been baptized is almost immune to this level of terror.

   "Let's withdraw." Qiancang took this opportunity to make this request. He did not intend to go in. Knowing the danger and avoiding it is undoubtedly the most correct choice without clear regulations.

   If he made this request just now, Guan Wu and others would definitely not agree. After all, the reason the four came here was to experience the haunted house, so he waited until now. If everything is normal before entering the experience hall, he may try the content of the script. He hasn't forgotten the reason for his coming. In the morning, the abnormal scenes in the movie, coupled with hints and reminders that seem to be coincidental, made him here.

   "What are you kidding about~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will finish this script even if I bite the bullet!" Guan Wu said with a blushing face as if being provoked. After he finished speaking, before Qian Cangyi and the others answered, he raised his head and walked towards the opened wooden door with his hands clenched fists. The strength of every step comes from the courage generated by shame.

   Guanwu gradually approached the wooden door. He held the door with his left hand, his hand was covered with dust, and his right hand stretched forward as a tool to explore the way. However, when he moved forward with his right foot and was about to step into the house, he hesitated.

   "The sound should be based on the sound to find the baby in the house. After finding the baby, we can move on to the next scene." The girl who recovered reminded Guan Wu.

   "Come on!" Another girl cheered for Guan Wu.

After receiving encouragement, Guan Wu stopped hesitating and stepped in with his right foot. For a while, everyone held their breath and waited for what would happen in the experience hall, but nothing happened.

   "Look, it's nothing!" He turned around and said to Qiancang.

   Qian Cang looked at Guan Wu, and his pupils shrank suddenly. In his eyes, Guan Wu's right hand that had reached the room before was missing a bit from his forearm.

   "Huh? What's wrong with you?" Guan Wu hasn't reacted yet.

   "You...you, you, you have your hand..." A girl tremblingly stretched out her right hand and pointed at Guan Wu's right hand.


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