Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1744: 1 other person

   "Do you know me?" Zhi Duoxing raised his head and took off the smoke mask, revealing a normal face.

   Hawkeye took a step closer and carefully observed Ji Duoxing's face. He once participated in movies with Zhi Duo Xing, but they did not get along well. The two had different views on other actors. Because Zhi Duo Xing did not affect him, he did not act on Zhi Duo Xing. Because of the long time, the appearance of Zhi Duoxing in his mind has been very vague.

   "I don't know." Hawkeye could not be sure, but it could not be ruled out.

   "Maybe I have seen it during the daytime, but I live in a building. I go in and out every day. Maybe I have an impression." Zhi Duoxing put on his smoke mask again.

"That." Qiancang said, making everyone pay attention to him. When Qian Jiangyue and Yingyan both looked at him, he continued down and said: "There is another person, strictly speaking, maybe Not a human being, you can't see him, and we can't see him, but he can make a sound and talk to us."

   "Can't see?" For some reason, Qian Jiangyue felt cold in his back.

   "Yes." Qiancang nodded, "He asked us to call him...none."

   "Nothing?" Yingyan frowned. He felt that these two words were very familiar, but his memory was like a mist, and he couldn't remember some key information. This kind of feeling is like when you are taking an exam, you can't write a single word suddenly. I have written it countless times, but I can't remember it at the most critical moment. He did not give up, letting his thoughts shuttle in the memory, and the pictures were arranged in chronological order, and then pushed back from the present.

"Wuyou?" Qian Jiangyue blinked. Like Hawkeye, he also felt the same. He was familiar but had no relevant memory. "Wuyou..." Suddenly, he lifted his left hand and looked at the first knuckle of his little finger. "I remember my little finger." He raised his right hand and pressed his thumb on his temple, trying to stimulate his brain with a slight pain.

   Suddenly, the picture of the little finger losing the first knuckle appeared in his mind. At the same time, he also recalled the feeling at that time. There was no pain or bleeding. The lost knuckle did not affect any other parts of the body. At this moment, he confirmed one thing, his finger had lost the first knuckle, and it was not in a normal way.

  Nothing, I remembered it, and warned the actors of the club.

   Qianeyue released his right hand, and the moment the memories were connected, the fog that was shrouded in memories was instantly swept away.

   "What's the matter?" Qian Cang looked at the two, his tone full of doubts.

   "Looking at their expressions, you may have heard the name." Zhi Duoxing stood up from the chair, "Actually, you can just ask directly. With a frightening personality, you may stay in the room now."

   Qian Jiangyue's pupils began to shrink, he looked left and right, his eyes alert.

   "Well, I think so too." Qiancang nodded.

   Qian Jiangyue glanced at Hawkeye, and found that Hawkeye was looking at the ground, still lost in thought, so he raised his right hand and gently placed it on Hawkeye's shoulder. Hawkeye raised his head and looked at Qian Jiangyue. Qian Jiangyue shook his head slightly and said nothing.

   "I haven't seen them." A voice sounded behind Qian Jiangyue.

   Qiane Yue put her right hand on Hawkeye's shoulder and subconsciously exerted force. Hawkeye felt Qian Jiangyue's strength. Although he didn't understand the specific meaning Qian Jiangyue thought of expressing, there was no problem with his general understanding-he would not move.

   "You are really there." Zhi Duo Xing smiled, "Yes, you two...how do you call it?"

"You can call me Qian Jiangyue." Qian Jiangyue looked at Zhi Duoxing, deliberately ignoring the existence of nothing. Although he had recalled his identity, it could not solve the problem. He had no means to harm nothing, or even limit it. The only point that can be used is the peculiarity of the seventh connection itself. The **** movie sets a targeted level on the final level leading to the end of the land.

   "Hawkeye." Hawkeye nodded slightly.

   "Ah..." Zhi Duoxing wanted to say something, but he was swallowed back without saying what he said, "Qian Jiangyue and Hawkeye, OK, no problem, let me briefly introduce the current situation, and try to be as long as possible."

   He turned around and picked up a small stack of A4 papers, about 4 or 5 sheets, then sat back in the chair again, and said:

   "At about 12 o'clock in the night, I woke up from bed, and my previous memories slowly came to mind, so I went to the corridor to learn about the rules this time."

   Qian Jiangyue interrupted, "The rules this time?"

   Zhi Duoxing nodded, stretched his right hand to the drawer of the table, grabbed the handle and pulled it apart, then took out two photos from it and handed them to Qian Jiangyue.

   Qian Jiangyue took the photo and observed it carefully. The background of the first photo is the corridor. In the middle of the corridor is the paper money burning with green flames. On the right side of the paper money, a team in white mourning clothes is walking along the right side of the corridor to the other side; The background is the same, and the camera angle is the same. The only difference is that the team has changed directions and is coming from the opposite side. From this angle, the faces of the people in the team can be seen clearly. Among them, there are men and women of all ages, and their faces are paler than ordinary people. , But all his eyes were closed tightly. No one opened his eyes. If you look closely, you can notice that there are some symmetrical black spots on the eyelids, like holes and scabs.

   "The eyes are sewn up?" Qian Jiangyue handed the photo to Hawkeye next to him, "What does this mean? What does it have to do with the rules?"

   "I don't know." Zhi Duoxing shook his head, "Every time the rules are very obscure, we can only get some hints from it, and how to understand it depends on the individual. These people may be people in another world, or they may not be people."

   "Can I just guess?" Qian Jiangyue turned his head and glanced at the photo in Eagle Eye's hand.

Zhiduoxing smiled, "It is understandable, but this is not the point, is it? Even if it is a trap, it is better than nothing. We are not qualified to negotiate terms, because we don't know who brought us here. We don’t know why it did this, we don’t know anything, but even so, one thing is certain, we want to live."

   "Let's talk about business." Qian Jiangyue folded her hands on her chest, "How did you find that white smoke can protect us?"

   "Try it out." Zhi Duoxing replied.

   "You never thought about it, what should you do if you make a mistake?" Qian Jiangyue was a little curious.

   "We have no choice." Qiancang inserted, "Qian Jiangyue, we don't know anything. As long as we can survive, we have to try."

Qian Jiangyue looked at Qian Cangyi, frowning slightly, and the feeling of weirdness in her heart became stronger. He was clearly his teammate, but he helped other people speak. Although this "other person" seemed to have a problem, and the logic of the whole thing could be understood. However, the weird feeling generated when I was on the scene still hasn't diminished in any way.

   "If I were you, I would go and light the paper money that was about to go out first, instead of wasting time here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wuyou also said.

   "There are at least 20 paper money in the whole building. This is the location we found." Zhidoxing handed the A4 paper to Qian Jiangyue, "You and Yingyan are responsible for the top 10, and I and Cangyi are responsible for the bottom 10."

Qian Jiangyue looked at the A4 paper and clearly wrote the position of the paper money. Most of them are in the middle of the corridor. The paper money positions on the upper floors are relatively close, while the paper money positions on the lower floors are more scattered. If you divide it according to the number, it is obviously different for the lower floors. unfair.

   "Beginners preferential treatment, cooperation is the most important now. If you still have time after you finish, you can come down and help." Zhi Duoxing explained.

"Yes." Qian Jiangyue nodded and did not continue to ask. In fact, he still has a lot of questions to ask, but his previous discoveries made him realize that things are not that simple, and there may even be problems with the entire movie. What needs to be done now is to discuss the findings with Hawkeye separately, and then make a decision based on the situation.

   "That's it." Zhi Duoxing took out a few lighters and handed them to Qian Jiangyue.

   "What about nothing? What is he doing?" Hawkeye took a step forward.

   "I don't know, he can do whatever he wants." Zhi Duoxing spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

   "I supervise you." A voice of nothing appeared beside Hawkeye.


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