Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1756: Avalanche

   Upstairs, Qian Jiangyue is still pressing.

   "Damn, how can I wake up!" Qian Jiangyue gritted his teeth.

   With the blessing of skills, Qian Cangyi couldn't resist at all. However, no matter how Qian Jiangyue did it, Qian Cangyi showed no sign of waking up.

Qiancang lay on the ground with his hands covering his abdomen. After Qian Jiangyue stopped her hands, he replied in a weak voice, "Qian Jiangyue...Even if you kill me, I don't know what dreams are. I don't even know what you are talking about. What..." Speaking of this, he coughed twice, "Perhaps Zhi Duoxing knows that he knows this place best..."

   Zhi Duo Xing?

   Qian Jiangyue suddenly felt that she had missed something.

   "If you can't see the skills..."

   Suddenly, he recalled Qian Cangichi’s first dream, using himself as a decoy dream, "...Are you also a fake!"

   Qian Jiangyue clenched his right hand and punched the wall, then took two steps back and looked at his teammates lying on the ground again. Because it is a dream, there is no difference in appearance or personality. The person in front of him is indeed his teammate, but it is not all, but only a part.

   Qian Cangyi didn't answer, he didn't know what it meant.

   A whine came from the stairs.

   Qian Jiangyue turned his head and looked. At the entrance of the corridor, Steel Wings walked out in a panic, as if there were tears in the eyes of human beings, with a sad voice, apparently calling for help.

   Hawkeye has an accident!

   Qian Jiangyue ignored Qiancangyi and ran directly towards Steel Wings.

   Steel Wings saw Qian Jiangyue rushing over, and immediately turned around and ran downstairs to lead Qian Jiangyue.

   Qian Jiangyue turned around and ran into the stairs. Then, he grabbed the handrail with his right hand, jumped up vigorously, and stepped on the handrail with his feet. When in mid-air, the sliding effect was activated, and then the whole person steadily slid down. Although this most effective and very handsome skill feature has consumed a lot of non-renewable vitality, he can no longer take care of it now.

   "If the one above is a fake, who is the real one? Is it hiding like on the bus, or... Zhi Duo Xing?"

   Qian Jiangyue looked serious, only looking forward to sliding faster.


   "Hawkeye...you...how do you..." Zhi Duoxing took two steps back. In his eyes, Eagle Eye's head disappeared for some reason, and, even more bizarre, blood was still flowing around his neck.

   Hawkeye did not answer, but his hands and feet were still moving, and it felt like a living corpse.

   "Nothing, did you do it?" Zhi Duoxing reacted and asked the air ahead.

   Wuyou didn't answer either, but just after Zhi Duoxing asked the question just now, Hawkeye's left hand disappeared out of thin air. He is answering with action.

When Zhi Duoxing saw this, he immediately understood. He hesitated for half a second and his expression became serious, not as relaxed as before. Then, he reached out and grabbed Hawkeye's right hand, turned around and put Hawkeye's right hand on his back, and then lifted Hawkeye on his back. Run towards the stairs.

   "Ha, ha..."

He gasped and ran all the way to the top of the stairs, but when he saw the stairs, he didn't know for a while whether to go up or down. The physical requirements of going down were more relaxed, but no one responded, and even if someone went up, someone might respond. But he didn't know the positions of the other two, they were essentially the same.

   Just as he hesitated, he suddenly found that the eagle eye on his back began to fall backward. He wanted to grab Hawkeye's right hand, but found that it was empty. In the end, he could only temporarily adjust the direction so that Hawkeye hit the wall instead of directly on the ground.

   "Nothing, why do you want to do this?" Zhi Duoxing was puzzled.

"Hawkeye!" Qian Jiangyue rushed from above in time. He jumped off the handrail and then glanced at the wall. After seeing the head of Hawkeye disappeared, he immediately understood the situation-there was no memory of being concealed, so he I swallowed what I wanted to say, and changed a more meaningful sentence: "Nothing, I have what you want here."

   "Do you have any?" A voice of nothing appeared behind Qian Jiangyue, "I doubt it."

   "Hawk-eye is released." Qian Jiangyue did not look back, her voice was steady.

   "I'll give you three seconds and give me things." There was a bad tone, and it seemed that he didn't intend to delay any longer.

   "Are you afraid? You didn't say that before." Qian Jiangyue pretended to be relaxed. Intelligence is the only weapon he can now contend with. If this is not fully utilized, there is no chance of winning at all.

   "Yes, I'm scared." To Qian Jiangyue's surprise, Wuyou actually admitted directly, without the slightest sense of shame, "Three..." Wuyou began the countdown.

   Qian Jiangyue gritted his teeth, his attitude changed so quickly that he didn't expect it, and he started the countdown directly, which also meant that there was not much time left for him, and he couldn't even delay a few seconds. If there is no solution within three seconds, the one who greets him is likely to be the same ending as Hawkeye.

  Three seconds, too little, but also... For time-based actors like them, every second is extremely precious.

   Qian Jiangyue laughed at herself in her heart.

   "Two..." Wuyou is still counting down.

   "One!" Qian Jiangyue thought of the previous threat from the Qiancang, so he was heartbroken, and immediately shouted out in front of Wuyou, "You can do it if you have the ability, do you dare?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that there was darkness in front of him. In the darkness, all the light in the world seemed to have been swallowed, but he did not activate the nightfall effect, and compared to the nightfall, the darkness was purer, like It is in another time and space ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Except for consciousness itself, no outside information comes in.

   At this moment, he knew that he had lost the bet, and his tried and tested tricks would be useless in the face of the strength gap. The only thing that makes him thankful is that Wuyou is indeed afraid of the dream of reincarnation, which means that it is indeed possible for Wuyou to be trapped in the dream. Although he and Hawkeye cannot leave, the return from **** has not yet been destroyed, and there are shadow puppets and small diamond winds. And the fable is outside. Although the chance is slim, there may be a miracle.

   But... it's normal, full of calculations, and the highest level of actors on the way back from **** is at most second-tier. Regarding the accumulation of resources, it is impossible to compare with the hall-level actors, not to mention the opponent's skills are still stronger.

Qian Jiangyue had to start accepting this ending. Although he felt regretful, under the pressure of the admonition meeting, being able to achieve this step was considered as trying his best. Compared with the possibility of not seeing a trace of victory in the early stage, it is now Too much better.

   At the entrance of the corridor, Zhi Duoxing looked at Qian Jiangyue, who had lost his head, and knew the answer to nothing. He not only dared, but also did not hesitate.

   After the fragile balance formed by Menghua was broken, the situation instantly collapsed, which can be called crushing. If the **** return journey can now be discussed in the conference room, then the topic of discussion is definitely not "Is it okay to give so many special treatments to **** movies? Isn't it too good?", but "just to give such a good? "


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