Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1778: The hidden danger appears

"They succeeded?" Qiancang looked at the ordinary people who had appeared on the giant tree branch. He held the star lantern with his left hand slightly hard, restrained his inner excitement, and didn't let himself be dazzled by the excitement.

At present, the first step of the plan to return to **** has been completed, awakening the holiday from the dream, allowing the actors guided by Menghua to be released, and increasing the opponents of the admonition club. The next thing they have to do is to wait until the exit of the first route mentioned in the **** movie appears, and then leave the dark forest and rush to the end.

From the perspective of the plan itself, there is no need to have too much contact with the warning club. However, because the leader of the warning club is also in this forest, when the exit appears, the warning club will inevitably rush to the exit position. Theoretically, if the exit location is in a very hidden place, the admonition meeting may be avoided completely, but obviously, judging from the description in the news of the **** movie, the exit location is the original dream tree. local.

"Hawkeye should be nearby. I have to find them as soon as possible." Qiancang took a deep breath and continued on his way. In the case of holding a star lantern, although the double jump with the equipment can avoid the embarrassment of not being able to climb, it also limits his ability to move. Even if the life force is not consumed, it needs to be kept in a hidden state all the time. With little accumulation, the consumption of vitality has to be taken seriously, so he must find a place to rest for a while to restore his vitality to a normal level.

While Qiancang moved, ordinary people who had awakened from their dreams began to gather. They exchanged information and shared their inner thoughts. After a few minutes, most of them reached a consensus and were ready to explore this unique forest under their feet. Although their purpose is to leave here, the places they want to go are not the same. Some want to find a safe place to look into the future, some want to return to their dreams. Regardless of the choice, in their hearts, the experience of deep dreams is like a strong drink that makes people forget their pain and depression for a short time.

The crowd moved on the giant branches. Soon, someone discovered that the tree hole can connect different branches and achieve the purpose of shifting positions. This discovery brings surprises to the confused people, like another fan opened by the sky for them. window.

Suddenly, a heart-wrenching scream reverberated in the forest. The sharp and trembling scream made people couldn’t help looking for the source of the sound. Soon, the scream disappeared, but what followed was even more ear-piercing. The scream, however, the scream came not from a group of people, but from a group of ordinary people who had just woke up from a dream and panicked.

Qiancang looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. On the giant tree branch not far away, a crowd of about 20 or 30 people was scattered from the center of the tree hole surrounded by leaves and fled in all directions. Eventually they gathered into two groups of people who fled, one left and one right.

He frowned slightly, thinking of the uneasiness in his heart since leaving the dream. The interconnected tree holes are obviously not prepared for actors, they are more like the unique environment of this forest. However, obviously immovable trees do not need these tree holes. Therefore, it can be inferred that there are other creatures in this forest. , It's just that, from waking up to now, he hasn't seen it.

Before he clarified the situation, more and more screams came. Without exception, every place where the screams were made was a tree hole.

"Tree hole?" Qian Cang turned his head to look at the tree hole closest to him, and walked slowly over. As the distance narrowed, a very dull swallowing sound gradually came from the tree hole and came to the edge of the tree hole. Gently poke away the wide leaves. Rows of jagged teeth appeared in the center of the empty tree hole, like a meat grinder.

In the next second, a green bug crawled out of the tree hole. The bug looked like a caterpillar. It was about the size of a car and could be roughly regarded as a magnified version of a caterpillar. However, there were three rows of black eyes on the surface of the bug. Located on the sides and above, these eyes are not simple patterns, but real eyes, with eyeballs inside and capable of turning.

Qiancang hurriedly hid on the side. He was blessed by the stars and lanterns, and he was not too worried about the creatures in the dark forest itself, unless it was a more powerful high-level existence.

After the green worm left the tree hole, the light brown fleshy feet seemed to merge with the surface of the branch, regardless of each other. Then, the green worm slid forward at a faster speed, but the body was still squirming.

"Could it be said that the tree hole is the nest of these insects? Before that, I used the tree hole to move the position...Isn't it always...Forget it, it doesn't make sense to think about it now, speaking of it, why does it seem so nervous..."

As soon as Qiancang watched the green bug rush to another tree hole, he was very puzzled. He turned his head and looked at the other branches and found that the same situation appeared on other branches. The green bug crawled out of the tree hole, rushed to the fleeing crowd, and then gobbled it up. For a while, blood splattered and the stump fell on the ground.

"In order to eat? I can't eat if it's slow, or..."

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

Qiancang swallowed, took two steps back, and turned to look down.

How big is the forest at the exit of the Dark Forest? He has not verified this point. The only reference that can be used as a reference is only part of the map briefly provided by the Hell Movie. The map shows the location of the Dream Tree, but that's it.

The strong wind blew, and below, an orange dot emerged from the darkness. The orange dot quickly approached, and his body grew larger and larger until it was completely out of the darkness. A huge wasp-shaped creature quickly approached from below, with the black compound eyes on its head staring at Qiancangyi's location.

Qiancang took a deep breath, feeling inexplicably dangerous, he subconsciously took two steps back, and soon, the buzzing of wings was like the roar of a passenger plane engine from far and near. Accompanied by the deafening sound was the wind that made people stand up. Half of the Qiancang squatted on the ground, his right hand grasped the uneven surface of the branch and fixed his body.

The huge wasp passed by the Qiancang, continued to fly upwards, and finally hovered over the branches. Vespa looked at Qiancangyi's position and paused briefly. At this moment, Qian Cang felt like a prey being stared at. The adrenaline secretion accelerated, and his heartbeat accelerated unconsciously. He raised his head and observed the movements of the wasp, ready to activate his skills at any time.

At the end of the branch, close to the trunk, after the green worm flew up on Hu Feng, the three rows of eyes on the body surface blinked in a unique rhythm. Soon, the body of the worm began to deform, and it seemed that the surrounding light was distorted in a rhythmic blink. Finally, The body of the worm disappeared completely, as if it did not exist at all. At this time, the wasp looked away, no longer staring at Qiancangyi, but flew towards the position where the green bug was hiding its figure. Just two meters away, the wasp's body turned into an orange light, leaving a trail of " z"-shaped trajectory.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at the direction of the green bug, and found that he had lost the figure of the green bug and the wasp. However, on the giant branch, there was an inexplicable puddle of black liquid. He frowned slightly and turned his head to look in the other direction, but the corner of his eyes saw that the original position appeared orange, so he turned back, but saw the place where the black liquid was flowing, the green bug was already spreading out, and the wasp Eating on top of the bug.

"Is the bug invisible just now? No wonder I have never seen it before, and, depending on this situation, the human being awakened from a dream becomes a snack for the bug, but the appearance of the bug attracts new predators."

Qiancang swallowed.

"The trajectory left by the wasp just now, can it be seen through invisibility? It is equivalent to an arms race, one side has evolved invisibility, and the other side has evolved the corresponding ability."

He thought of the movement of the Vespa staring at him just now. For some reason, an illusion appeared in his heart. The Vespa just now might have actually sensed his existence, but under the influence of the power of the high position, he finally gave up his prey.

"Must, leave here as soon as possible!"


"Go back!" Qian Jiangyue immediately went back to the world in the mirror. He sat on the ground and gasped for breath. The mirror, which is the entrance and exit of the real world and the world in the mirror, shattered and fell on the ground, turning into tiny fragments.

"What's the situation?" The shadow play was very confused.

Xiao Zuanfeng squatted on the ground, picked up a mirror and placed it in his palm, and then observed the situation outside. As you can see, all are scattered limbs, just like **** on earth.

"Some, giant creatures..." Qian Jiangyue calmed down, "...I now finally know why when the world shifts in the dream, the ecliptic that I see will be like that. The dream is a reflection of reality, and the dream is in the holiday year. At the time, I unconsciously referred to the situation in this forest."

"Huge...creature?" The shadow play walked to Xiao Zuanfeng and watched the outside world together. In the mirror ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a green bug is opening its mouth and devouring the human body on the ground. Because it is close enough, it can even see the flesh of meat hanging on the teeth.

"I also have special items that can restore my vitality and can last for a while, so don't go out now." Xiao Zuanfeng's face was pale.


"What are these!" The fable looked down at the green bug below. He grasped the left paw of the Wing of Steel with both hands, while the other paw was grasped by Hawkeye with one hand.

"I'm afraid it's the creatures of this forest. Here, we are the prey." Hawkeye's face is solemn. "Find a place to hide. The bugs will appear because there are too many humans. When they eat almost, I believe they will fight again. As before, go back to the tree hole."

"Then we will use the tree hole to transfer in the future?" Fable asked quickly.

Hawkeye did not answer this question.

"Try not to..." the fable said softly.


The screams near the dream tree became less and less, and the group of humans who suddenly appeared at the exit of the dark forest were rapidly declining. From everywhere, to dead bodies, it only took more than ten minutes. Some of this group of people survived...

When some of the green insects were hunted and the other part returned to the tree hole, a piece of white paper appeared out of thin air on the huge branch. Then, the white paper began to unfold and eventually turned into a gentle-faced white shirt man. After the man landed, he patted his hands lightly, then he looked around and waved his right hand. Suddenly, all the residual limbs on the right side were swept aside. He is exactly rice paper.

"I didn't want to get involved in it, but now I can't help it. Whoever calls my life is not my own."

After speaking, the rice paper shrugged, put his right hand into the trouser pocket, and took out a light yellow bamboo tube from it. This bamboo tube is a special item that can kill the opponent through the real name and code name-this maimed life.

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