Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1791: No time

   The moment the horrible suction appeared, Hawkeye activated the equipment effect of the sunglasses and moved to the position of the sunglasses. Because he had already thrown his sunglasses into the tree hole in advance, the position where he appeared was actually after the sunglasses passed through the tree hole. In the blink of an eye, the eagle eye landed on the branch. After landing, he rolled to remove the excess momentum from his body.

   "It was just a counterattack last time. This time it was directly locked to my position. It is estimated to be related to a special item. The Wings of Steel was killed and it takes 5 minutes to cool down. I have to find a way to drag it over."

   Hawkeye put the sunglasses away, he did not stand up, but looked around, after confirming the current position, he walked away from the ecliptic with his waist. In fact, his current position is not in front of the ecliptic, but behind the ecliptic to the left. The tree holes in the dark forest are connected to each other. Although the ecliptic will find out the connection between the tree holes as soon as possible wherever the ecliptic goes, he is here now because he is chasing the eagle eye and has no time to survey the terrain.

   Along the way, Hawkeye held his breath and did not dare to relax at all. In the current situation, any mistake may lead to death. Perhaps it’s for balance, or perhaps it’s luck. His skills are not strong in terms of life-saving. He can neither dive into the mirror world like a small wind and hide, nor become a shadow like a shadow puppet, let alone Qian Jiangyue. The ability to temporarily turn the joints of the body into chains. When he came to a relatively safe hiding place, he slowly exhaled, allowing himself to take a breath during this short break.

The dual exhaustion of mind and body quickly surged and spread to the limbs. He blinked to relieve the soreness of his eyes. After that, he focused on his ears and paid attention to any unusual sounds around... However, the ears But he didn’t find anything. If the enemy facing the movie world is a human or a high-ranking existence, he may be relieved, but the enemy facing him is an actor, and a palace-level actor who has climbed up from the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain. In other words, the situation has not become more dangerous. It is a very dangerous sign in itself, which means that the enemy is likely to be planning something.


   Zodiac looked at the steel wings twisted into metal balls, frowning slightly, he slowly fell to reduce the consumption of life force, he raised his head, searched around, his eyes fell on a few tree holes near the disappearance of the eagle eye.

   "Eagle Eye also had the ability to teleport when he walked with Fable before, but that was the skill of Fable. He shouldn't have it personally. It is probably the effect of equipment."

   Huang Dao raised his right hand and placed it on his right ear:

   "I almost caught the eagle eye."

While    spoke, his body slowly floated and flew towards the tree hole.

   "Kill him." Wuyou replied quickly, "By the way, there are a lot of actors here, and Nayun seems to have something wrong."

   The zodiac stopped and did not move on, but he did not answer either.

   "Why, do you care about his fate?" Wuyou paused, "is there anything special about him?"

   Before the zodiac spoke, another voice came.

   "I'm okay." Nayun retorted, but his voice was very tense, and his breathing was relatively rapid, as if he was running.

   "Don't worry, I will help him. After all, there is a shortage of manpower." Wuyou said, but there seemed to be something hidden in the words, and it seemed that he was aware of the Zodiac plan.

Zodiac's left hand stretched out, and the index finger and thumb pinched the ring of the right index finger and turned it gently. In his plan, he wanted to get rid of the protection of nothing. Taking the cloud was an indispensable part, because after his death, the ring of his right hand Will automatically return to Nayun's hands, this is the part he has planned long ago, and why he has always let Nayun cover off the court, instead of letting Nayun really participate in the battle.

   "I will rush back as soon as possible." Huang Dao finished this sentence, entered the tree hole, and then flew out from another tree hole. Then, he looked for the eagle eye nearby.

   Time passed by every minute.

Hawkeye's fatigue has been relieved a lot during the short rest. He slowly stood up and looked around. In his hand, he held a black pistol and a dagger. If the time is right, the weapon in his hand may come in handy. As for the sniper rifle, he had already been discarded when he ran away. If he didn't lose it, he might be dead now.

After 3 minutes have passed, it will take another two minutes, or 120 seconds, before he can summon Steel Wings again. At such a close distance and he has not been discovered by the ecliptic, it is possible to seize this opportunity. Zodiac fights against killing. The only problem is that if the sneak attack fails, he may not be able to delay another 5 minutes.

   In the long wait, there was no sound around, while Hawkeye meditated on the remaining time in his heart.

   there are 10 seconds left!

   Hawkeye slowly made a fist with his right hand. Just as he was counting down in his heart, a figure wearing white long sleeves appeared in front of him, which was the zodiac, and behind the zodiac, there was a white figure with no face standing.

Hope and despair are reversed in an instant, which is regrettable and even angry, but when the enemy is a palace-level actor, it seems very reasonable. The dark forest is indeed not small, but the ecliptic can fly, which means his exploration ability and ability The Eagle Eyes of Steel Wings are at the same level, and now the zodiac is protected by special props, bullets and whine. It is impossible to snipe him with guns or remote props. At the same time, the zodiac skills can be used only by looking at them. There is no ballistic.

If Hawkeye also has the ability to stop by, then he can avoid it with prediction and experience, plus a little bit of luck, but he does not have, and, there is no special props and skills to avoid death, although he still has a wealth of Shooting experience and melee combat skills, but human power is not worth mentioning in the face of the power "given" by **** movies.

At the moment of life and death, Hawkeye thought of what the Zodiac had said to shadow puppets and others before. He did not think that the Zodiac was telling lies. Therefore, he believed that the Zodiac would definitely not keep his hands. However, many things are not 100%. Because Hawkeye himself was such a person, and he had a time when he kept his hands. In this short moment, Hawkeye is thinking about it, looking for words in his mind that might make the ecliptic willing to delay for a few seconds. This sentence must have something to do with the most important thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~It’s so important that the ecliptic is willing to waste a few seconds. Seconds.

   Zodiac said nothing, his gaze fell on Hawkeye.

   "I know how to get the key to Qian Jiangyue!" Hawkeye spoke quickly. At this moment, the heartbeat in the left chest accelerated, banged, and adrenaline was secreted faster, and the functions of the whole body were operating to the limit.

The key has always been a word that Wuyou mentioned. It is precisely because of the key that Qian Jiangyue was able to escape one section after another under Wuyou. Although Hawkeye didn’t know exactly what the key meant, he knew that it must be related to Qian Jiangyue’s Skills are closely related.

   The zodiac did not speak, but... also did not activate skills.

   Hawkeye knew that he had succeeded, he took another second, and his next sentence would decide his life and death again. Now, he seems to be playing a game of craps, throwing once every two seconds, and the point of each dice will determine life and death, and in the process, he must not deliberately delay time, because he knows that the zodiac knows his Steel Wings are dangerous.

   "The seventh connection, this is the name of his skill. Many of the other actors who are still alive are rescued by Qian Jiangyue from **** movies." Hawkeye continued down. Although the skills of the actors are relatively confidential and they are reluctant to discuss them in detail, as a harmonious and friendly team, the members of the team are not wary of not even revealing the names of their skills.


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