Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1797: The temptation to export

   Hawkeye came back to his senses in an instant, reached out and grabbed the ring, and at the same time let the steel wings take off. Although Wuyou is by his side, if you don't stay enough time, there is no way to kill other actors instantly. This is the intelligence Qian Cangyi obtained in the dream world. As Qiancangyi said, knowing this will not make it possible for Hawkeye to defeat, but the mentality in the face of Uzbekistan will be completely different.

   If you have a weakness, you can find a way to avoid it. For a long time, actors have sought a ray of life in desperate situations through appropriate methods.

Steel Wings spread out his wings and flew high with his eagle eyes. It was only a hundred meters away before the eagle eyes relaxed slightly. He took a deep breath and let the Steel Wings grasp his shoulders. Then, his fisted right hand opened a little. Reached in with his left hand and grabbed the ring of stars. After a brief period of thought, he put the ring of stars on his right index finger. In an instant, a familiar white figure floated behind him.

   "Be careful of the holiday." Zodiac reminded.

   Hawkeye turned his head and glanced at the zodiac, feeling Chen Zai in his heart, "So, you are not dead?"

   Huang Daojiang re-said what he had said to Nayun before, including how he would break the armor of imaginary numbers and information about the Dream Seed.

"The exit is about to open." Hawkeye glanced at the clock not far away. Now there is less than one minute left before the exit of the second route opens. In this minute, the dark forest has become extremely quiet, no more Before the excitement, “I still have a lot of questions to ask you, but I’d better wait for it to be a little safer.”

  Although he can be alert to his surroundings during questioning, the actor he faces is the zodiac, and he is always distracted a lot. Even if he knows that the other person is already dead, there is no threat to his current consciousness, but... Yu Wei is still there.

"You'd better meet with your teammates first." Huang Dao reminded him. He remembered the moment when he took the cloud and handed out the ring. Even if it was only the consciousness now, he still felt scared. To be more precise, he was also the leader of the warning club. Actually fearing the other two people.

   Even though I knew that Wuyou might be nearby, but until Wuyou shot, everything was calm and nothing happened. However, if you think about it carefully, it is even more scary. Wuyou didn't even say a word from beginning to end. If it weren't for Hawkeye to arrive in time before taking the cloud, he wouldn't even show any traces, just like a real ghost.

   Hawkeye did not answer. In fact, after the Wing of Steel took off, he had been looking for his teammates. Even if he can fly and has a wider field of vision, it is clear that his teammate is not a fool, who will not shout everywhere like a horn, but hide, observe the situation carefully, and then act at the most critical moment.

   Time passed by one minute and one second, and above the collapsed giant tree, the long black hand representing the second moved one block by block. The countdown has begun, and a new exit is about to open.

   tick, tick, tick!

   A clear beating sound of the pointer appeared in the minds of all the actors, and after ten seconds, the **** movie directly read the countdown time in the minds of the actors.

   [Attention, all actors, there are still 30 seconds left before the exit of the second route is opened, please hurry up! 】

   [Countdown, 29 seconds! 】

   Hawkeye glanced down at the bottom of the spherical clock. In the middle of the collapsed giant tree trunk, a faint red mist began to appear, and the red mist began to slowly rotate around the center. With each revolution, the red mist was closer to the blood-red vortex.

   [Countdown, 5 seconds! 】

   Hawkeye frowned slightly. For some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart. It seemed that bad things would happen at the moment when the exit was opened.

   "Apart from the first export-made sandstorm restricted area, do you have any similar methods?" He asked Zodiac.

   "There must be, but I don't know." Zodiac's answer was straightforward.

   "Don't you know anything about fake years and nothingness?" Hawkeye frowned slightly. Although Zodiac's answer surprised him, it was reasonable. Whether it is the early launch of the ecliptic, or the later let the ecliptic sacrifice its own strength to get the dream flower, all practices are to treat the ecliptic as a tool.

"I know more than you, but I..." Huang Dao hesitated, "...I still don't understand them. You can also understand their strength. Even if they didn't control me, the consequences of my in-depth investigation would be death. ."

The difference in the level of actors is too large, which can represent the disparity in strength, but the same level of actors does not mean that the actors are evenly matched. The reason is simple. The level of actors is not a relationship of competition. Hell movies do not limit each level. The number of actors, that is to say, as long as you live long enough and accumulate enough reputation points, you can increase the level of actors through repeated attempts.

   There are many actors whose strength has reached a higher level, but the actor's level may not be upgraded due to reputation value, resulting in a lower level state, such as Hawkeye. Before participating in "Land of the End", his actor level was level 3. Because of the sudden incident, the **** movie allowed them to have a special prop carrying bar, which is the second line. Then, the Eagle Spirit has been fully strengthened to become After the Wings of Steel, the strength of Hawkeye is at least a solid line, and even at the forefront.

If the ratings are based on strength, then when Hawkeye enters the **** movie, he will be directly rated as a fourth-line actor with his rich combat experience, calm mind, and tenacity. However, obviously, the **** movie’s method of rating actors is not an actor. Strength. Similarly, Zodiac is also a hall-level actor. No matter from which point of view, he has no connection with the weak. However, strengths and weaknesses are always relative. The reason why he appears weak is largely due to the intensity of the holiday and nothingness. Reach the point of inhumanity.

   [Countdown, 1 second! 】

   With the end of the countdown to the **** movie, the blood-red vortex is completely materialized. In the slowly rotating vortex, some distinctive images flash from time to time, as if it is a microcosm of another world. However, the strange thing is that no actor rushed to the exit, and even within 100 meters of the exit, there was no trace of any actor.

   Everyone is waiting, watching, and calculating in their hearts.

   The pointer of the spherical clock above the exit returns to its original position and starts a new countdown.

   [All actors, please note that the exit of the second route has been opened, and the exit will be closed in 15 minutes. Please leave the dark forest as soon as possible! 】

15 minutes, it was supposed to be a new round of scramble, but ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this is not a rush to buy, and there is no possibility of swarming. On the one hand, there are not so many people, on the other hand, before the warning meeting The attitude has been explained by action-whoever dared to leave the exit will kill whoever. The battle between actors has never been a protracted battle. After experiencing countless life and death tests, every actor knows **** humans the fastest.

The confrontation between Nayun and the fake year was just a small mistake, and it was declared over before it even started. This is the way of fighting between actors. Life and death are all in the blink of an eye. Either live or live. All dead.

  At this time, the figure of an actor slowly emerged from the leaves, and his whole body was green, slowly turning into brown, the color of branches. With the power of the chameleon, the actor quickly approached the blood-red vortex that represented the exit. However, after approaching the blood-red vortex, his ability to change color was useless and could not imitate the color of the blood-red vortex.

  In an instant, a golden spear flew from a distance, piercing the actor to the heart, and then firmly nailed to the ground.

   This scene was seen by Hawkeye and Zodiac.

   "This is the skill of taking the cloud, isn't he dead?" Yingyan frowned, "Could it be the actor who was pulled over by Pu'er's skill? But..."

   "He only needs to say to Nayun,'You help me do things, I will resurrect the zodiac.' The expression on the zodiac's face is very sad.


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