Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1800: Real goal

   What happened to Hawkeye?

As soon as Qian Cang looked up at Steel Wings, there was an ominous premonition in his heart. In his memory, Hawkeye had never deliberately spent energy to do meaningless things, but now, only by watching the actions of Steel Wings, he would think that the eagle The eye is manipulating the Wings of Steel to circle around the branches. If it is in a formal movie world with a clear "story", it may be a warning, but now, the dark forest does not belong to this range.

   A brief thought did not make him get the answer, but it did not make him hesitate. No matter what the result was, he could avoid most of the dangers when there were stars and lanterns. Therefore, he immediately ran in the direction of Hawkeye. At the same time, Qian Jiangyue and others also made the same judgment. After a few simple exchanges, they all rushed over. It was just that the danger level nearby was too high, so they were more cautious, so it was slower than Qiancangyi. A lot.

Everyone quickly approached the eagle eye, and soon came to a fork in the road. Two tree holes in different directions lead to two different directions. On the left is a complex road with branches crossing. For actors who have no convenient means of transfer, left The side is much easier. Compared to the left, the distance between the branches on the right is wider and farther, and it is inconvenient to move, but it is closer to the eagle eye.

   "Fable, you follow me." Qian Jiangyue yelled, and then he said to the shadow puppet theater and others: "You go over there, I will take a shortcut with the fable." After speaking, he ran to the right.

   Fable put his mouth down, took a long breath, and followed.

   The rest of the people ran towards the tree hole on the left. Although Qian Cang Yi had a double jump, it was not useful for long distances. Therefore, he could only walk on the left.

   Just as the six rushed to the Hawkeye position, Hawkeye was also fighting against the holiday.

   The distant scenery returned to Hawkeye's sight with a call. He recovered, and in front of him, there was still the rainbow mask of the new year, but the mask seemed to lose its support and fell to the ground along with the cloak.

   "It's a mental attack." Huang Dao explained, "Although I don't know the principle, it should be a skill that is triggered at a time. After use, the skill will gradually take effect and finally burst out completely."

   "Thank you." Hawkeye took a deep breath.

   "It's too early to thank you." Huang Dao shook his head, "Even if I didn't wake you up just now, you were just trapped. The real danger is outside. After he traps you, he will definitely rush over immediately."

While talking about the zodiac, Hawkeye noticed that there was an abnormal shape not far away. The red on the horizon gradually shrank, and the fragments that had fallen on the ground gradually floated from the ground to the original position. Finally, the red gathered into a spherical shape. The translucent black fragments covered the red ball and reassembled it into a spherical clock. The black pointer turned little by little, however, a few minutes had passed.

   Hawkeye blinked subconsciously, and the surrounding scene seemed to be torn apart, completely changed. He still grasped the claws of the Steel Wing and did not touch the ground, and the Steel Wing kept spinning around the branches. He realized that he was in danger now, and immediately controlled Steel Wings to leave. At the same time, he also saw his teammates rushing towards him.

Steel Wings flew towards Qian Jiangyue and Fable with Hawkeye. The two of them are the closest to him. Although they are getting closer and closer to their teammates, Hawkeye does not feel at ease. The previous illusion means that the holiday is here. nearby.

   "Run!" Qian Jiangyue's shout came.

   "Come on, above!" The zodiacal voice sounded behind the eagle's eye, "Don't look up, don't look at him, go to the lower left." He pointed out a route that could evade the false year sneak attack.

Under the control of the eagle eye, the steel wing quickly turned, and above the steel wing, a rainbow mask was drifting with the wind, slowly falling, seemingly irregular, but always tracking the eagle eye, but the speed is not as fast as the steel Wings, the distance between the two, is being quickly pulled apart. Suddenly, in the distance, there was a golden light from far to near, accurately hitting the wings of the Steel Wing.

   The golden light is a golden spear, which uses the skills that Yun possesses.

After the wings were pierced, the Steel Wings lost their balance. Although they tried their best to flap their wings to maintain them, the body was still clearly inclined to the injured side. After maintaining balance for a few seconds, the Steel Wings fell down like a broken kite. .

"Take the cloud..." Zodiac looked in the direction where the golden spear was flying. He squinted, and things in his field of vision quickly got closer. A figure in a sleeveless vest gradually became clear, "...ah." He frowned, and said No skills are used. There is not much life force left in the ring of stars. Compared to the trouble caused by taking the cloud, the number of times that can be used to break the armor of imaginary numbers is more precious.

   As for Hawkeye, the Zodiac has not tried to save him for the time being. The fundamental reason is lack of vitality and lack of dream seed information, which has caused a lot of vitality to maintain Nayun's life, and as a result, it has almost completely lost its auxiliary functions. According to his calculations, with his skills, coupled with Nayun's identity and skills, although he can't contend with nothing and the holiday, he can definitely survive near the dark forest exit and find a chance to complete the rest of the plan.

   "Zodiac, can you use skills?" Hawkeye asked suddenly.

"It was possible before, but the vitality is not enough. There are only three opportunities." Zodiac did not lie, but told truthfully, because in his plan, after breaking the armor of imaginary numbers, the people who can fight against nothing are the Qiancangyi who returns from hell. .

   "Twice is enough." Hawkeye's sharp eyes looked upward, and the rainbow mask suddenly accelerated and quickly approached the falling Hawkeye.

   The zodiac did not answer immediately, as if he was hesitating.

Hawkeye was about to persuade. In the next second, he was surprised to find that the zodiac suddenly disappeared, and his right hand felt extremely painful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked down at his right hand and found nowhere on his right wrist. When the time broke, blood flowed out of the wound uncontrollably, and the right hand wearing the ring of stars was being held by a man wearing a cloak not far away.

   The man’s face was covered with scars, and there was no emotional fluctuation in his eyes. There was neither joy of winning nor contempt for the enemy. It seemed that for the man, he was just accomplishing what he should do.

   Hawkeye did not recognize the man in front of him, but the man’s face was covered with scars. He had heard Qian Cangyi say that this face was exactly Qian Cangyi’s face after he took off the rainbow mask of the holiday.

   The man in front of him is the holiday, and the goal of the holiday is the ring of stars from beginning to end. At least, between the fate of the eagle eye and the ring of stars, he chooses the latter. Although the dream seed can guarantee the death of the actor, it cannot take effect immediately. When the dream seed grows to completely kill the actor, the actor can completely transfer the ring of stars again. Therefore, it is more important to get the ring of stars.

"It turns out that the mask is just a decoy. Why can it suddenly approach me? Is it... Time is an item?" Hawkeye frowned and gritted his teeth, holding back the severe pain. A translucent hand emerged from behind him, from his waist. He took out a black pistol and loaded it skillfully with a translucent hand. Then, he aimed at the holiday not far away, "The ring must be taken back. If the protective mechanism cannot be broken, the odds of winning are zero!"


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