Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1816: If it's useful

  Hawk's eyes were black, and only a fading pain was left on his body, allowing him to retain a little sanity.

   Dream seed... is sprouting? Has the countdown started?

   Fortunately, Steel Wings has already got the Star Ring. If it has the intelligence shown in Cang Yi's dream, it should be safely delivered to Cang Yi and the others.

  Xuan paper should also be able to know the real name of the holiday. As long as he shouts it out loudly, even if he has no chance to use the stubborn life, Wutong will be able to help, and the holiday will definitely die.

   It's a pity that I didn't deceive nothing.

   Suddenly, Hawkeye's entire world is getting farther and farther away from him, and the pain he could still feel is slowly disappearing, as if everything has been replaced by nothingness.


   banged, a majestic wave of air from bottom to top, except for the huge branches, everything on the route was swept by this wave of air and flew towards the sky. Behind the air wave, bright red flames continued to spread on the branches like a plague, as if to completely burn down the entire gloomy forest.

   The sparse wasp swarm almost completely left this huge forest and flew to the sky, looking for a new place to stay. The other forest that replaced the sky is getting closer and closer. This unique "sky" seems to be about to fall, or in other words, two forests are approaching in a disharmonious way.

The new year stretched his right hand to the cloak, took out a golden apple and bit it down. The wound on his body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than two seconds, there was no wound on the whole body, and the toxins in the body were completely removed. , Jingqishen also recovered to its best condition.

   Throughout the process, his gaze fell on the rice paper face, the muscles around his eyes were tight, his eyes seemed to be eating rice paper.

   The rice paper raised his right hand, his thumb and index finger pinched the frame of the sunglasses, still looking for information about the real name of the fake year in the sunglasses. If it is another actor, it may have already been locked. However, the fake year is different. In "The Funeral of the Sun", the fake year was killed once by this remnant because of revealing his real name. Therefore, I am leaving "The Funeral of the Sun". After that, the new year will definitely use the rename table to change the real name.

   "So many names..."

   "Which one is his real name? I changed it more than once!"

   The rice paper frowned. He has locked the scope after "The Funeral of the Sun". However, the new year will be renamed several times. Several names are used back and forth, and two new names are occasionally interspersed. Although he would be able to determine his real name as long as he gave the rice paper a little time, in the face of the high-pressure state of a palace-level actor, every second may be the difference between life and death.

   Although the holiday is not close to him now, it is not far away. As long as you use some special props and skills, you can easily get closer and replicate the process of killing the eagle eye again.

   "The wind has become stronger, and it will continue like this..."

  Xuan paper can feel the speed of falling down quickly, even, after ten seconds, even if it is a person, it will be lifted upward by the strong wind blowing from below.

At the same time, Qian Jiangyue had used the iron chain with sliding effect to come to Hawkeye. He grabbed Hawkeye with one hand, and took out the luxury version of the first aid spray that he had prepared with the other hand, and quickly sprayed it on Hawkeye’s neck. After spraying twice, he sprayed twice on the wound on his chest. After that, he didn't mean to save, so he simply used all the remaining times of the first aid spray on Hawkeye.

   "Hawkeye, hold on!"

   Qian Jiangyue yelled, and then looked at Hawkeye's hands. Although the situation of the Star Ring could be inferred from the situation of Hawkeye and Steel Wings, he still wanted to confirm.

   Hawkeye's hands are on ten fingers, and there is no ring of stars.

   "How is he?" The fable also came through Qian Jiangyue's iron chain. After only a few vespes were left, he could easily come over with the iron chain.

   "I don't know for the time being, the injury on the body is definitely okay, and the first aid spray can handle it, but... I don't know if the dream seed is activated in the holiday." Qian Jiangyue gritted his teeth and turned to look at the holiday not far away. If it hadn't been verified that the attack just now was invalid, he would definitely take this opportunity to pursue it now.

   "I hope not." The fable doesn't know what to say.

   A few seconds later, Hawkeye's eyelids twitched slightly, and in a deep breath, he opened his eyes again, the darkness in his eyes gradually faded, and at the same time, the shared vision of Steel Wings also returned. He rolled his eyes and looked left and right, and found Qian Jiangyue and Fables were staying beside him, and the speed of the three people's falling was gradually slowing down.

"Now..." He was a little confused about how long he had been in the near-death state, and even his recent memories were a little fuzzy, but as time went by, what happened just now was played back in his mind again, his chest Being penetrated by the rainbow light, although I tried my best to prevent the holiday, it failed in the end.

He focused on the vitality trough, just as the Zodiac told him earlier, when the dream seed was activated, the vitality trough was surrounded by a vine, and this vine, which looked like a countdown to death, plunged its tip into the vitality trough, greedily Sucking the vitality, thrive by the vitality, and then continue to cycle this process, and finally kill the actor.

   "...It didn't take long, how are you doing?" Qian Jiangyue asked, with a concerned tone, "Dream seed... is it activated?"

   Fable also looked at Hawkeye, with a nervous expression. Although he already had an inference in his heart, he still hoped to get a negative answer.

   At this moment, the three of them just stopped. The squally wind blowing from below was already level with gravity. After a brief balance, the three of them began to fly upwards slowly. At the same time, the rice paper and the holiday are in the same situation. Not only are the five people who are falling, in fact, the shadow puppets and others who are rushing to the place of the people are gradually taking off.

   "It's activated." Hawkeye hesitated for half a second, and then answered. His tone was unusually calm, as if he was answering "eat", so calm that was unreasonable, and even he himself was a little surprised.

   "Really?" The fable turned his head slightly, frowning slightly, almost thinking that Hawkeye was joking with him, "But you..." He recalled the actor he had seen before. He was surrounded by vines, and his face was full of fear and despair.

"You guys don't go chatting, I know the real name of the holiday!" The rice paper roared at Hawkeye, while waving his right hand forward. The holiday that was already close to him was swept aside with a force, but it was backing away. In the process, the new year left the skill range of rice paper, and immediately re-approached, "Planting a tree! That farming book!"

   "Planting a tree book?" The fable was taken aback.

   "It's a book about planting trees. Go and tell Wutong." Qian Jiangyue immediately said to the fable, "I'll hold it here."

   Have you won...?

   For some reason, Qian Jiangyue breathed a sigh of relief, everything seemed to be improving, except... Hawkeye.

   "Good!" The fable starts the 100-meter race and returns to the place where the mark was left. Because of the lift below, he can easily transfer his position even without Qian Jiangyue.

   In the new year, his right hand stretched to his waist, and his eyes fell on the rice paper.

   When the rice paper saw this, he immediately folded his body and turned it into a flat piece of paper. However, when the paper continued to be folded into a thread, the rainbow light was already out of its sheath.

   A dazzling light enveloped the surroundings.

   The moment Qian Jiangyue saw the light, he also activated the incidental skill he had obtained in the dream world—the night fell. In an instant, everything around was enveloped in darkness, only he could see things normally, but, even so, he was still in a brief chaos, and the same situation appeared on other actors who saw the rainbow light, but the chaos came quickly Go fast too.

"Qian Jiangyue, the ring of stars is on the claws of Steel Wings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hawkeye said to Qian Jiangyue, "I'm letting it come, you can get it as soon as possible. The Zodiac can now provide a lot of help. . "

   "I thought about it." Qian Jiangyue replied.

   "What do you think of?" Hawkeye asked.

"Hell movies never said that dream seeds must die after activation, are you still alive? If you leave from the exit, will you be able to get rid of dream seeds? In addition, the **** movie didn't say before the beginning of the movie, kill the hall. Does the actor have a reward? You have heard what Wutong said before. They can get a life for the admonition. Even if the ecliptic is released from water, isn’t it still killed by you? Then, can you kill the ecliptic? Reward for a life?"

   Qian Jiangyue has said a lot in a series, but all the words have the same meaning, everything is not over yet, as long as people are not dead, there is still a chance.

"Probably it's useless." Hawkeye focuses on the vitality slot. This unique attack method has never been encountered before. Although it has not been verified, it is a unique movie "The End of the Land". Unlike other movies, leaving this world is just going to the next world, and recovery in the middle is all by luck.

   "What if it's useful?"

   "But I still plan to try."

   The two spoke almost at the same time.


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