Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1822: It's my turn

   Qiancang hurriedly raised his head to look for the figures of Eagle Eye and Qian Jiangyue. However, the two figures disappeared in the empty sky.


Hawkeye and Qian Jiangyue are not a fake year. Qiancang understands the skills and equipment of the two people. Even though each person’s skills are enhanced because of the arrangement of the **** movie, they can never become like a fake year. Therefore, He believes that it is more likely that the two felt the danger and temporarily hid. After all, it is not safe to be exposed in the air while realizing that they will gradually fall into a dream state.

   He took advantage of the double jump to speed up and hurried upwards. Soon, he saw Hawkeye and Qianjiangyue on a giant branch that was floating up. The two of them stared at the front with their hands clasping the raised position under their feet to fix their bodies. Among them, the right shoulder of Eagle Eye has grown vigorous green vines.

   Just when he wanted to step forward to wake up the two of them, suddenly, everything around him was forbidden, and the blue thread appeared in the air, like a spider web surrounding the entire dark forest. Everything was stuck by the spider web and motionless. The flow of time, at this moment, was forcibly stopped.

  Wuyou shot again. This is an important opportunity created by sacrificing oneself during the holiday. Wuyou will not miss it, nor can it be missed.

   Qiancang took a deep breath. He didn't act immediately. In the useless skills, he also moved differently, just like everyone else. This was a unique time. If he wants to move, he must activate the leader of the Time Tomb, and this will also expose his position.

   Is there?

As soon as Qiancang looked along the original direction where the silk thread emerged, the original place of the blue silk thread was where Wuyou was now. It was... not far from Eagle Eye and Qian Jiangyue, right across from him, and there, except In addition to the invisible nothing, half of his body is covered by leaves, and the expression on his face has approached a crazy ecliptic.

   The ecliptic line of sight was originally looking at the right, but at the moment when the time was paused, it was forcibly shifted to the direction where Eagle Eye and Qian Jiangyue were. At this moment, the Zodiac, who is also a palace-level actor, was used as a weapon by Wuyou.

If you let Wuyou achieve its goal, then at the moment when the time stop effect ends, Eagle Eye and Qian Jiangyue will be killed by the ecliptic. There is no other possibility. This is also the reason why the threat posed by time actors is different, whether they have specific perceptions The ability of time has become a qualification for confrontation.

Qiancang frowned and his expression was serious. The leader of the Time Tomb started in an instant, as the blue silk thread covered with cobwebs broke, and everything around remained unchanged, but it was no longer a time of nothing but Qiancang. One time, or...no time.

While activating his skills, Qiancangichi also used an equipment’s active effect, a talisman named "Silence Mark". This equipment was also a gift obtained after passing through the real world of Hawkeye, a seemingly universal item. , But highly targeted active equipment, its wearing effect can improve the actor's certain perception, and the active effect can mark the position of the target in the three-dimensional space. If the opponent leaves the current space, it will mark the last position.

   As soon as Qiancang got the mark of silence, he already knew the reason why **** movie gave him such a functional equipment, it was used to mark nothing. When he first got it, he was not sure whether the silence mark could work when he couldn’t see it. However, according to the information obtained in the dream, in fact, it wasn’t that he couldn’t touch it. Instead, he used some of it while touching it. A little trick is used as a cover to achieve the effect of being inaccessible, which means that the silence mark can take effect.

On his chest, a golden diamond-shaped talisman lighted up, and the black ball in the middle of the diamond began to spin. At the same time, behind the zodiac, a diamond-shaped talisman phantom appeared. After the appearance, the phantom quickly expanded until it reached the size of half a person. It stopped completely, and in the process of expansion, the phantom gradually became a real entity.

   The silence mark has been hung on Wuyou. At the moment when Wuyou turns his ecliptic head, he must be in the current time and space.

The blue silk thread emerges out of thin air again, and the line segments are once again combined into a spider web, covering everything around it. Time is again controlled by Wuyou. Next, Wuyou only needs to end the skill effect to allow the zodiac he summoned to play its role. Yes, however, Qiancangyi will not give him this opportunity.

   When Wuyou used his skills to regain control of time, Qiancangyi’s time leader was also forcibly terminated. It seemed that time could only belong to one person.

Qiancang Yi once again activated the leader of the Time Tomb, and his right hand took out the silver brilliance and pointed the muzzle at the ecliptic. As long as the ecliptic was solved, the threat could be temporarily lifted. As for nothing, when the silence mark was hung, he The purpose of Yin Ren has basically been achieved. After all, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. According to the original plan, after the death of the ecliptic, the protective mechanism of nothing should be broken. But now, Wuyou still has no specific body, still invisible and intangible, like air. everywhere.

He pulled the trigger, and the silver bullets spun out from the muzzle. He couldn’t do this until he got the limb extension, because the leader of Time Tomb can only allow him to act normally, although he can pull the trigger, the bullets It can also be fired. However, the bullet will be fixed in the air after it leaves the chamber~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It will not continue to move forward, let alone hit the enemy, but now, the extension of the limbs will allow the firearms to be shot in time. Continue to act in case of killing.

   The bullet was like a ray of silver light, but when halfway through the flight, blue silk threads appeared around again, and the silk threads were recombined into a dense spider web, which firmly stuck the bullet so that it could not move forward.

   The skills of the two clashed several times in this short moment. Although everyone did a lot of things in their own time, for other actors, it may still be only one second.

   Because of the active attack, Qian Cangyi's figure was looming in the black smoke of the star lantern. He didn't choose to do it at the last minute. It was the result of comprehensive consideration.

After    Wuyou was killed in a dream, he kept on guard against Qian Cangyi's sneak attacks and secret calculations. It was not until he had to activate his skills to expose himself under the pressure of Hawkeye.

   Considering these, Qiancangyi didn't intend to wait until the perfect time that might never be possible, but chose to leave the dream created by the holiday early, put the silence mark on it, and...save the life of his teammates. The journey back to **** was founded in order to support each other in times of danger. Now, it is the moment of danger.

   "Do you want to compare the vitality reserves with me?" Wuyou spoke, his tone full of confidence, as if he still held victory firmly in his hands at this time.


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