Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1825: Transfer

   At the same time the iron chain stretched forward, the steel wing also moved. At the moment when Qiancangyi took advantage of the time to regain the surrounding time, the eagle eye could also control the steel wing to move. The moment he noticed this, Hawkeye made Steel Wings change direction and flew towards Qiancang One.

   At this moment, if you want to replicate the scene where the Steel Wings are torn apart in the dream world, there is still a lack of the most critical element-the ability to touch nothing. In the dream state, Wuyou's own characteristics are transferred to the dream territory by Menghua, so that Qiancang Yi has the ability to directly touch Wuyou's body, and then use the effect of the seventh connection to synchronize teammates in order to achieve that fatal blow.

In an instant, the blue thread reappeared, trying to rebuild the previous blue spider web and suspend everything, but Qiancang was highly concentrated and did not give him a chance at all, unless he could use more advanced moves, otherwise, Everything will become the same as the first confrontation between the two. Anyone can do anything, but they can't do it completely.

"Heh!" At the golden diamond-shaped sign, Wuyou made a contemptuous voice, as if he was ironic, and there was also a little anger mixed in it. It seemed that although Qiancangyi had the special item of the heart of the sun, he expected, but It still made him very upset, and the object of no anger was not Qiancang Yi itself, but rather an upset about the transfer of favor.

   The stalemate continues. In the dark forest, blue silk threads continue to emerge and connect, trying to form a cobweb shape, but every time there is a sign, it melts and breaks like being burned, and then disappears. In this short gap, the Wings of Steel moved slowly little by little, and it was obvious that they could fly to a place in less than a few seconds. At this moment, it seemed to take an hour or more.

   Qiancang frowned, and he was thinking about the next way to deal with it. If he gets the ring of stars, how to force Wuyou to do it afterwards.

Judging from the description of the silence mark, the premise of marking the location is that the opponent is in the current space. If not, he will stay where he left. The intelligence he obtained from his dreams may not always be present at all times. Space, nothing will stay in the current space only when something needs to be done.

   At the moment when time is used as a battlefield, another thing has quietly changed. The third exit deep in the dark forest, the blood-red vortex that was slowly moving, was gradually getting smaller before the exit closing time condition was reached, and it would be completely closed soon. The Scarlet Vortex as an exit will not be affected by Qiancangyi and Wuyou's skills. During the "time" between the two of them, no matter how long they stay, the Scarlet Vortex will still change.

  The changes not only appear at the top, but also at the bottom that has not been noticed, and is hard to notice. When the huge wasp swarm hurriedly fled the forest, when the green bugs wailed and fell to death, when the burning red debris eroded the tree trunk, in the darkest depths, something seemed to be climbing up from the abyss with unknown horror.

The unknown black thick liquid rubbed upwards a little bit with the rhythm of the emergency. The occasionally protruding part of the black liquid showed countless small and overlapping palms from time to time. These palms grasped everything nearby and were caught. Living objects, such as giant tree trunks, unexpectedly began to undergo strange changes.

  The trunk of the tree sometimes becomes pure white thick pulp, sometimes becomes paper, and sometimes becomes coke. It seems that at the moment of touching, all the changes of the trunk in the past and in the future are included in it. However, this is just the beginning. At the moment when the trunk tends to be exhausted in the physical changes, the trunk is extended as a concept, the trunk expands into the whole tree, and the tree grows from luxuriant branches to open branches and leaves. To multiply, to the change of the seasons, and then to the cycle of annual cycles.

   Black Liquor swallowed these, and the tiny palms delicately stitched themselves into concrete images. For example, the leaves in the forest were gradually replaced from the original spindle shape to the appearance of small hands. It allowed itself to be a part of it, and then gradually swallowed the whole image. What it swallows is not just this tree, but the entire species and the extension of intentions. To be precise, it swallows all the possibilities of the trunk, turning all existence, including entities, consciousness, and concepts, into nutrients, and then Eat dry.

   Regardless of the return from **** or nothing, or whether other actors remember or care, the truth is that **** movies do not want actors to come to the dark forest, and do not want actors to stay for too long. In the dark forest, there are things that **** movies are unwilling to negotiate. It or them have a unique way of living and an unparalleled amount of crude violence.

   The black liquor keeps climbing upwards, wherever it goes, everything is swallowed up, everything is melted into the endless darkness, including air, light, time, and even... the darkness itself.

   Suddenly, it stopped and no longer swallowed, but this change was not about eating and drinking, not being satisfied, but a pause when it found more delicious and palatable food.

   The Scarlet Vortex seemed to be aware of this, and accelerated to shrink.

   "Twice." Hawkeye reminded Qian Cangyi, "Zodiac said he still has two opportunities."

Even if you get the ring of stars, it does not mean you have decided the victory or defeat. Knowing the existence of the ring of stars, Wuyou will definitely not stand still and let the ecliptic break the armor of imaginary numbers, and may even use this. Number of frauds.

"Got it!" Qian Cang stared at Wuyou with a pair of eyes. At this critical moment, he must focus on Wuyou. He is also an actor of the time department. He clearly knows that a time of astonishment is likely to be a life. The difference between and death.

"The exit is about to close..." Qian Jiangyue noticed an unusual change in the blood-red vortex in the corner of his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although he didn't know the reason, it was very bad for the return from hell, and Among the people on the way back from hell, it is undoubtedly the greatest influence on Hawkeye.

   "What?" Qian Cang swallowed, without turning his head to verify, he blinked and replied: "Qian Jiangyue, you rush over with Hawkeye."

   "It's too late!" Qian Jiangyue had just finished speaking, and the **** vortex that represented the exit condensed into extremely small red dots, leaving only a faint cross-shaped red light to indicate where it once existed.

   [Attention, all actors, due to special reasons, the exit of the third route was closed in advance. 】

  【After discussion and decision by the director group, while maintaining the current situation, the actors near the exit will be collectively transferred to the third route. Please refer to the notice for follow-up information. 】

   At the moment when the notification was over, the tiny red dots became brighter and brighter. At the same time, a cross-shaped red light appeared on the bodies of Qiancang and others. After the red light turned on, it turned into a **** whirlpool, and then quickly expanded into a single person size. When the actor's body touches the vortex, it twists in a clockwise direction until it is completely integrated with the vortex.

   The whirlpool swallows the actor, shrinks it into a red dot, and then rises rapidly to merge with the red dot that represents the exit. When all the red dots representing the actors gathered at the exit, the remaining red dots disappeared in the dark forest, and only the still rising black liquor swallowed everything in the dark forest.


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