Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1829: Star Power

In the sight of the zodiac and Qiancangyi, the scene in front of him has also become a starry sky pattern. In the deep and mysterious darkness, dots of stars are lit up in various colors, among which are golden yellow, light blue and deep red. the Lord. After the starlight occupies the night sky, with the black diamond mark as the center, several lines of different colors traverse from the line of sight, dividing the starry sky into several areas. The areas outside the lines are gradually dimmed. Unconsciously, the line of sight was concentrated in the diamond-shaped marked area.

In the next second, more lines appeared from the line of sight, and the remaining areas continued to be subdivided. These lines, which seemed to represent the connection between the stars, were like hounds, constantly approaching the location of the Noumenon. As the distance of the lines gets closer, the diamond-shaped mark is also split, leaving only the darkest area in the center.

In an instant, Qiancang found that the constantly approaching lines disappeared without knowing when, leaving only the endless darkness in front of him, but at this time he felt flying, as if he was approaching somewhere infinitely.

"Is it useless?" he asked.

The zodiac did not answer, but the scene before him changed, and the disappearing lines reappeared. These are slightly different from the previous ones. The previous lines seem to be very far away from themselves. Now, these lines are close in front of you, as if you can just reach out. Easy to touch.

Among the lines, the red and blue lines are the key, and they approach the central area in a cross shape. After a certain distance, several squares are formed between the lines. Soon, the black in the center of the square cracks and peels off, leaking the brilliant colors inside. , Some of the interior is red to extreme white. In the white, the sticky red material flows out from the square and spreads around, seeming to be spreading to the entire space.

"I have never used it before. Looking at this situation, the process of breaking the armor of the imaginary number by the Ring of Stars is not simple. It seems to travel through time and space based on the signs of nothing left in this world, looking for his location one by one."

The sound of the zodiac sounded, even in the face of such a magnificent picture, his tone remained calm as usual. It seemed that after his "death", his mentality had entered another realm, abandoning all distracting thoughts and becoming more pure.

"Very rough, but simple and effective."

During the time when the zodiac was speaking, the lines of other colors followed the red and blue lines and began to search for the black figure. More and more squares were uncovered, revealing the inner scene. At this moment, the black color turned out to be a minority. colour.

The new square was uncovered. The difference from other squares is that inside this square is the figure of a person. This person is wearing a light white shirt. It is worth noting that there are light gray epaulettes on the shoulders of the clothes. Above, the blood-red vortex is slowly turning, and the whole piece of clothing does not give people the feeling of everyday clothing, but rather a uniform.

"Nothing?" Qian Cang took a deep breath and held down the excitement in his heart. At this time, his spirit was highly concentrated, his eyes fixed on the back in the box, wanting to see more information from it.

"Perhaps." Zodiac did not give an affirmative answer. "No one has seen him."

After locking the back, all the other squares were cut out by the lines, leaving only the most critical squares. After that, the lines repeated the previous approaching behavior and continued to lock in the empty position. At the same time, Qiancangyi also felt that he was closer to the square.

With a click, it was almost inaudible. There was a crack in the smooth mirror-like ring of stars. After the first crack appeared, the second crack appeared near the first one. Then, the third, fourth, and fourth Five, countless cracks are densely covered. However, if you touch the surface of the ring of stars with your fingers at this time, there will not be any bumpy feeling, as if these cracks are integrated with the ring.

The number of times mentioned by the zodiac is not just a simple count, but it does affect the equipment itself of the Ring of Stars. Qiancangyi also used a similar piece of equipment before, called the Ring of Miracle, which was completely shattered after using one of the effects.

Suddenly, the white back in the square became blurred, strange snowflakes covered half of the square, and some bizarre characters blocked the line of sight, hiding the figure behind. The lines of various colors continue to approach and enter the square, however, they seem to be lost in the snowflakes and cannot be positioned correctly.

"Is this his hole card?" Qian Cangyi was not surprised. Although Wuyou likes bluffing, he occasionally uses this to make others think that he is bluffing. In this way, if he is too arrogant, he will fall into it. The trap set by Wuyou was defeated by the army.

"Not ruled out, but I don't think he has the trump card in this respect." Zodiac's voice appeared on the right side of Qiancang, "The Ring of Stars is the equipment I obtained in the movie, and the time I got is to prepare for the funeral of the sun. Not long before the implementation of the plan, it was impossible for Wuyou to perceive its existence and prepare in advance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He only knew that I might have a solution, but he never knew the specific method."

Qiancang was about to speak, but was interrupted by the zodiac.

"Wait, those characters should be formulas. I've seen it before." Zodiac seemed to think of something. With his words, the gradually approaching lines no longer showed a vertical relationship center, but began to bend. "So that's it, Cangyi, I I know why the **** movie calls it the Armor of Imaginary Numbers. It requires calculations. You must find another thing that exists and does not exist and calculate with him, so that it can be destroyed in a true sense. It is impossible to truly destroy it with any entity intervention. , At most simple intervention."

When saying these words, the tone of the zodiac changed slightly, with a little excitement and excitement.

"It's me, the current me, and the other imaginary number is me. I exist. My consciousness can communicate with the person wearing the ring of stars, and can also control the vitality stored in the ring of stars, but I am not subject to the rules of time and space. Influence, Wuyou cannot erase the zodiac summoned by the disaster of returning to the soul, and I don't exist!

In the dark space that had been eliminated, red and blue lines appeared again, but this time the lines no longer approached the square in front, but approached the ecliptic. The power from the ring of stars acts on the ecliptic this time, compared to Previously, the speed of this approach was much faster, and there was almost no search time.

Soon, Qiancangyi felt similar characters drifting by his side. Later, more and more characters surrounded him. At the same time, through the gaps between the characters, he saw that he was getting away from the square representing black time and space. Closer.

"Are you ready?" Zodiac reminded him, and the voice came from all directions.

"No problem." Qian Cang said with a calm voice, he adjusted his emotions instantly after experiencing countless wind and rain.

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