Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1838: Wait

The sound of footsteps faded away, Wu You still sat on the counter, motionless, his left hand tightly covered the wound on his right hand with a jacket with blood-red swirling epaulettes, the blood had dyed the jacket red, and the enemy had already left his sight, but He remained the same.

He has several methods that can repair the wound immediately, but they are useless. Because of the destruction of the armor of the imaginary number, repairing the wound meant that the right hand would grow again and would become the target again, and this was exactly what he didn't want to see.

From the information provided during the holiday, he learned that the vitality that the opponent can directly fight against comes from the unique special props, and he can guess this even if there is no such news provided during the holiday.

I don't know if Cang Yi can be counted, but the ecliptic will definitely not be counted. Not surprisingly, they will come back to check. I just need to wait until his special props are over, and then avoid him. The skill that can scare actors is so powerful.

In the sting, Wu You thought about the next plan in his heart.


It should be almost time.

Qiancang walked along the staff aisle for a while, activated the leader of the Time Tomb, and then turned around and returned to the manual review area at a speed of a hundred-meter race. After the skill was activated, the floating blue silk thread was quickly melted, and no new blue silk thread appeared.

During the period when he activates the skill, Wuyou cannot move if he does not activate the skill. If he activates the skill, he will expose his position.

At the same time, Zodiac was also ready to use the ring of stars again. One thing he didn't tell Qiancang was that he didn't have much time to exist. Even if he didn't use his vitality, his dissipation was only time. The problem is that it is impossible to follow Qiancang and others to the next world, let alone persist to the end.

As a consciousness separated from the soul, his existence should be very short, but the ring of stars and the effects of space entanglement can make his consciousness stay for a while, and the **** movie forcibly moves the actors from the dark forest to the new movie. In the world, with all kinds of "coincidences", he can still exist until now.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at the window service area. Everything was the same as when he left. He walked quickly to the side entrance and re-looked in front of the blood-stained cabinet, comparing what he saw with his memory. .

"Same." The voice of the zodiac came into his ears.

Nothing has changed, it's still the same as when I left.

"I feel he is still here. He shouldn't heal himself now. He probably just stops the bleeding, but this is impossible to kill him. It seems that he thinks he can afford it." Zodiac said softly, but his tone was not certain." If he really intends to hide, we may not be able to find out unless he guesses a position. Or, your teammates have a good way to help you."

Qiancangyi didn't answer the zodiac, and walked forward step by step. The surrounding air gradually became thicker. Although it had no effect on the action for the time being, it was already felt. The side effects of the skill are appearing, and without forcibly stopping, he can't maintain it forever, even if his vitality is still full now.

He ended his time with the leader of the mound and looked around, his eyes were very calm, but what was hidden under the calm was anxiety and fear for the future. He has never forgotten what the little wife once said to him. He can't remember the original words clearly, but the meaning of the words is engraved in his mind like a brand:

If the strength is not enough, future movies may not be able to survive.

Before entering the movie, the actors thought about the dangers in the movie. Although the **** movie did not explicitly say, the actor had an illusion in his mind that as long as he did not die, he must have a chance to survive. However, Mrs. The words burst the bubble.

Qiancangyi put his right hand into his pocket and held the silver brilliance in his hand. The time left in the heart of the sun is less than half a minute. Even if he can pause the time, he cannot pause the duration of the special item. After less than 30 seconds, he will return to his original strength range.

At that time, there will be no limitless vitality, and it is very likely that it will be played by the use of this advantage. What is even worse is that it will be played to death, and perhaps only in the moment before death can you touch the opponent again.

He ended his skills and allowed his body to rest, preparing for the next possible battle.


Sure enough, he came back.

There was a smile at the corner of Wu You's mouth. At this moment, even the wound on his right hand didn't hurt anymore. He looked at the enemy in front of him at close range and looked at him pretending to be calm. The previous sorrow and the little fear he had left all disappeared in an instant. He knows that victory will ultimately belong to him.

Wait, wait. Now the offense and defense have been reversed, Cang Yi, how long can you hold on? Your hole cards have been exhausted. Except for you, there is no way to deal with me on the way home from hell. Your most trusted eagle eye is being eroded by the dream seed. Now it is almost time to close your eyes. I guess the rest are still looking for? Ha ha.

Nothing has her lips pressed tightly, and her eyes are fierce.


There was a sound of electricity from above, and Wuyou looked up, a corner of the ceiling turned pure black, and a horn-like pattern emerged.

"Cang Yi, we have found a way to leave this movie."

The fable's voice came from the black area, after which, there was a slight pause, and the sound continued.

"Thank you for delaying a little more time. Don't worry, your wish, I will help you realize ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, I don't have anything I want. Goodbye, we are destined!"

Having said this, the black area has returned to normal, and it seems that it has exited the broadcast function.

Wu You gritted his teeth, the owner who recalled the sound in his mind.

Is this the sound of fables? A useless actor, but listening to his tone, it doesn't look like, on the contrary, it looks like Qian Jiangyue. Did they really just leave Cang Yi aside? Didn’t you come back from **** and unite in the same boat? Is it to arouse me?

Thinking of this, he felt the wound on his right hand hurt again. He really couldn't predict Qian Jiangyue's thoughts. In his vision, he would never leave his teammates behind, let alone the core of the team, at least... …Not so straightforward.

Worse, even if they were lying to me, looking at the plan of returning from hell, it seemed that they really planned to divide their forces. In this way, the longer the delay, the more detrimental it would be to me. Forget it, let him live first.

Wuyou thought of this, and his gaze returned to Qiancang One. Then, he turned his head to look at the employee channel that had just been broken by the zodiac. With his eyes rolled, he walked behind Qiancang One and walked towards the employee channel.

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