Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1841: Grab the tail

"Nobody?" Qian Jiangyue raised his head to look at the ceiling, frowning, his memory returned to when he had just left the dark forest and came to "Deep Space", the reminder of the **** movie came to his mind.

[Reminder: In deep space, there may be nothing, or there may be everything. Be careful with everything, including your companions. 】

Although he did not carefully investigate all the rooms on the transport ship, along the way, he can basically determine that there are no other people in the transport ship except for these new visitors. And this happens to prove the first part of the reminder-in deep space, there may be nothing.

"Where is the eagle eye?" Fable asked, even though he had been put into the hibernation cabin, he still wanted to take a look.

Qian Jiangyue pointed to the right, "No. 05, Tianxuan District."

Fable and Wutong looked at each other and walked in the direction pointed by Qian Jiangyue. When the two walked to Hawkeye's hibernation cabin, the shadow puppet show was coming back. After the three exchanged a few words, they stood in front of Hawkeye's hibernation cabin. Fable talked about Hawkeye's things, talked about the first impression of seeing Hawkeye, and talked about several moments of turning the tide. Before they knew it, the three began to chat slowly.

Qian Jiangyue turned his head and looked at the three of them, but did not say anything to stop him. Although the current situation is unknown, in fact, it does not make much sense to be cautious. Rather than say that the danger is hidden in the dark, it is better to think that the journey back to **** is in danger, and will not get out of danger just because of a few words, nor because He stood still and died on the spot.

A short rest may be what is most needed now on the way back from hell.

From waking up in the dream world of the holiday year, until now, the only chance to be called rest is the period of time on the road.

"You may have everything. Be careful with everything, including your companions." Qian Jiangyue read out the reminder given by the **** movie. In the previous movie world, the reminder was equivalent to the existence of a customs clearance cheat. It was very simple and clear at first, but with As the progress improves, some more obscure reminders will occasionally appear.

"Be careful with your companions..."

"What does that mean?"

Qian Jiangyue raised his left hand and placed it on his chin, and his index finger began to tap rhythmically. When he was thinking about reminding, the shadow puppets and others had finished chatting and came to him.

"What are you thinking?" Wutong asked Qian Jiangyue frowning.

"A reminder of the **** movie." Qian Jiangyue put down her left hand and rubbed her eyebrows with her right hand. "Maybe it has something to do with the passage to the next world."

Wutong was about to speak, and suddenly, an unusual sound made her swallow back what she wanted to say. If this sound was in the real world, she wouldn't even care about it, but now, in this vast deep space, in this transport ship without the slightest shadow, it has become a strange existence. This is a cat. Scream.


The four of them turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound almost at the same time. In the Tianxuan area, a black cat sits on the ground, its tail swaying from side to side, and its emerald green eyes are particularly eye-catching like gems. When the four people noticed it, it turned and ran back, like a black shadow.

"Grab it!"

Qian Jiangyue stretched out her right hand, and the iron chain flew out of her palm, but there was someone who was faster than him.

The fable fell backwards, and in less than half a second, he returned to where he had stood before, just not far from the black cat. He opened his hands, predicted the position of the black cat, and reached out to grab it.

After seeing the fable, the black cat turned around and jumped slightly into the hibernation cabin. In midair, the black cat disappeared, but a word was left.

The three rushed to the place where the fable was.

"Where is the cat?" Qian Jiangyue asked.

Fable blinked, glanced over the three of them, and said, "It said follow me."

"What?" The shadow play puzzled.

"What the cat said, it told us to follow it." The fable explained it again.

"Could it be..." Wutong glanced at the spot where the black cat appeared, just near the hibernation cabin where the eagle eye was stored.

Qian Jiangyue looked around, and then saw a black cat leaving the hibernation room from the console, "over there." After speaking, he ran away immediately.

"Go." Wutong followed.

Fable raised his eyebrows, fell backwards, instantly returned to the console, and then ran out of the hibernation room first.


Wu You walked past Qiancang like a ghost and walked towards the staff passage. He bends slightly, has a light gait, and barely makes any sound when he landed on his toes, as if he could be like an invisible person as long as he didn't deliberately make noises. The same does not make any suspicious movements. This is done based on his skills on the one hand, and on the other hand, relying on the peculiar coat that is wrapping his arm wound at this time.

This coat with blood-red epaulettes has many functions that can facilitate the life of nothing, such as assisting in cleaning, processing excrement, etc. Otherwise, even if the emptiness of the will can be tolerated, the body may not be able to bear it. In addition, in the imaginary number Those who come into contact with the movie world in the armor also rely on the ability of this jacket. However, this jacket does not directly bring help in combat. Moreover, its existence depends on the armor of the imaginary number. When the armor of the imaginary number is destroyed, This jacket will also disappear. This coat is more like the clothing matched with the armor of the imaginary number, and is equivalent to the underwear of the armor.

Just stay here and wait slowly!

Wu You glanced behind Qian Cangyi, speeding up slightly, but still very careful. He has done this kind of thing countless times, but his previous mentality is slightly different from his current mentality. Before, he used the mentality of a bystander to observe everything around him, but now he has a slight sense of escape.

He left the window service area, turned and walked towards the staff passage. In the process of turning, he subconsciously used his right hand to support the wall according to his previous habit. However, as soon as he reached half of his hand, he reacted and stood firmly with his right foot to stabilize his balance. In addition to the pain caused by the wound, too much bleeding also made the body out of condition. Relying on the coat to stop the bleeding is just a stopgap measure.

It's almost here...Just go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and you can get up and running. Then, go to the broadcasting room and use the replay function to find the location of the fable, and then track his image to find Qian Jiangyue.

He thought to himself, then raised his left hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Suddenly, his body was inexplicably excited, and an ominous premonition rose from the bottom of his heart. He felt that his body was in a state. For some reason, the pain was unexpected. Disappeared, and his right hand could feel the soft and tough material of the jacket through his fingers, and his right hand returned to his hand.

what happened!

Wu You suddenly turned his head and his gaze fell on Qiancangyi. At this time, Qiancangyi was also looking in the direction where he was. His sight was not on Qiancangyi's face, but on Qiancangyi's left hand. . In Qiancangyi's left hand, a red and black notebook is being put away. He knew that it was a special prop.

Is it a special prop that can repair the body of others? No wonder my hands will recover!

Wuyou's pupils contracted, and the reason was instantly understood, but at the same time, a golden diamond-shaped mark appeared on his body, and a peculiar force began to surround him. This kind of feeling, he also felt in the gravitational adaptation layer, right It is the special feeling of being locked in by the ring of stars.

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