Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1845: Mechanical pain


Zodiac looked down at his hands. If he is really a robot, it is impossible not to find out. The only possibility is...

In the back, a huge shadow appeared under the white light.

Zodiac retracted his thoughts and turned his head to look. Above, a huge spider is slowly sliding down the silk, about the size of three adults. The spider is gray-black as a whole, but there seems to be a flowing grease-like film on the surface. The film seems to be illuminated by white light. Like oil paint, it becomes colorful.

After observing for two seconds, Zodiac suddenly found that in his line of sight, the center of the spider seemed to disappear out of thin air, leaving only eight spider legs hanging on the spider silk.

"The night knocking on the body and no one wakes up makes people confused and shouldn't leave... Hiss... The missing piece of the woven net is missing to retrieve the Zhizhi beautiful dangerous ball..."

A series of high notes like the strumming of a string are introduced into the ears of the ecliptic, and the content of the words seems to be connected, but it is completely impossible to clarify the meaning of them.

"Zhizhi?" The young man struggled to stand up, "I brought things." He stretched his right hand to his left forearm, and gently pushed the pipeline aside. At the center of the pipeline, there was a red shell. He took the shell out. Open it again. Inside the shell, there is a white pearl, "The five-sided ball you want."

Zhi Spider fell on the ground and walked towards the youth with eight legs.

The Zodiac discovered that when Zhi Spider passed by his side, he could actually see the structure of Zhi Spider’s body at a certain moment, as if he could see through it, but the inside of Zhi Spider was not the same as the human body, nor was it a machine. But many polyhedrons that are constantly being folded.

The young man's legs remained motionless, and he stretched out his hand to stretch out the red shell.

When Zhi Spider came to and behind the young man, eight red eyes appeared, staring at the pearl in the shell. Then, its forelimbs lifted up, gently touched the edge of the shell, scraped off a little red powder, and then turned red. The powdered forelegs stretched out to the pearl in the center of the shell, and finally left a small red line on the pearl.

Seeing this situation, the zodiac chose to come closer and see what happened.

Zhi Zhi cleaned up the red powder from the forelimbs, then picked up the pearl with the red line, and then gently turned it under the white light.

The Zodiac looked at the pearl, his attention was very concentrated. He found that the red line on the surface of the pearl disappeared for some reason during the process of rotation. In order to verify, he even looked at all the places of the pearl, but he still did not see the red line that Zhizhi just drew, just when he thought the red line might be automatic. When he disappeared, he was surprised to find that the red line appeared inside the pearl for some reason. Although it was not in the center, it was definitely not on the surface, but in the middle. It seemed that after the rotation of the spider, the red line turned from the surface to the inside, just like magic. .

"No wonder it's called a five-sided ball..."

The zodiac reminds of the youth's name for pearls.

As he sighed, the young man said in a very cautious tone: "I hope..." He paused, as if, because the next words to say will determine his future destiny, and Zhishou's thinking is different from that of humans. Therefore, he must be more careful about his words, "...to be able to leave the mother forever, live alone as an individual, wherever I go, no matter what price I pay, I can accept it."

Zhi Zhi didn’t seem to hear, and continued to play with the pearl in his hand. He continued to turn, and the red line returned to the surface from the inside of the pearl. However, the shape of the red line was different from before. The original red line was a straight line, but now, in the middle of the red line The parts cross each other.

The Zodiac understands that this pearl called the five-faced ball is not an ordinary object, but an object that can be traded with a high-ranking existence named Zhi Spider.

"Is this what'I" expected? Haha, it seems that it has been achieved..."

The Zodiac looked at the young man's mechanical structure and did not feel that the mystery was diminishing.

At this time, with a creak, the gate of the high tower was opened. At the door, a black figure was supporting the wall, his eyes were shining red, and his line of sight was looking at the location of the young man.

"Zodiac, you violated the prohibition." The black figure said, with a little noise in his voice, "You know what the consequences are. Our consciousness originally comes from the mother body. After exploring here, we will return. Returning is just going home. , Why are you so resistant? Why on earth?"

The young man shook his head slowly, "It's different. After I came here, everything was different. Everything became strange. "I"..." He emphasized the pronunciation, "...I don't know why, I have always had strange thoughts. , Even, I suspect that I am the wrong set, and I can only clear one result when I go back."

"You... are sick." The black figure was very helpless.

"You think it is." The young man didn't intend to argue any more, and turned to Zhishou and said, "Please... hurry up."

Zhi Zhi ignored it, and continued to spin the pearl named Five-faced Ball in his hand.

Outside the door, a black figure rushed over, but before two steps had taken place, the whole person was neatly cut into four pieces. In the cut part of the limbs, the blue arc of the electronic components lit up and then went out.

Seeing this scene, the young man did not dare to urge again.

"The Ball Satisfaction Movie Vortex helps to leave the present... Hiss... the Western Blue Rain spider cuts the past and escapes... Hiss... Maternal tracking cannot deceive the dead body..."

Zhizhi once again uttered a series of syllables, just like playing a musical instrument. Afterwards, dozens of spider silks fell from the air and hung beside the young man. Later, Zhizhi climbed up along the spider silk and connected the different spider threads together. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com soon, a cobweb formed, and the young man lay in the center with open hands.

After the cobweb was formed, the young man’s mechanical body began to sink, as if gradually merging with the cobweb. At the same time, under the cobweb, a body gradually formed. This body looked exactly like the young man’s skin was dried by the hot air. Appearance.

Huang Dao saw all this, and most of the doubts in his heart had been resolved. Combining the dialogue between the youth and his companions, combining the words of Zhishou, and adding his own observations, everything was basically clear.

His past is not so much a robot, but rather a copying consciousness separated from a certain set of consciousness. Under normal circumstances, the copying consciousness will act according to the established logic, and after exploring an area, all the gains will be exchanged and renewed. Melted into consciousness, although he doesn't know how strong this consciousness collection is, it is definitely not an ordinary consciousness collection from the knowledge that the spider needs to create a new body and cut the past at a deeper level to complete the transaction conditions.

"But, why do **** movies show me these?"

As soon as the zodiacal question appeared, the surrounding scenes changed with the body falling from the spider web. The surroundings were no longer pitch black, but filled with white, and he returned to the transport ship.

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