Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 772: doubt

I don't know how long it took, Huajian finally saw the basement door, a red door.

finally reached……

he thinks.

After opening the door, the outside was pitch black. With the help of the light inside the door, Huajian could see the situation outside clearly.

A pitch-black corridor, deep in the corridor is endless pitch black, according to Nan'an, a little further forward is the bottom of the elevator shaft.

There are sheets left by Nan'an. The only problem is that before Nan'an entered the basement, he heard the sound of the elevator starting. Will the elevator block the way into the lobby? This is something that needs attention.

The flower room went down to the bottom of the elevator shaft, and then touched the sheets left by Nan'an. Following the sheets, you can climb to the hall with many photos.

After that, Huajian didn't think about it, because he didn't know what the situation would be.

He put his hands on the bed sheet, and then tried hard, but there was a sharp pain behind him.

Although the injury just did not take him away, it affected his actions, and this effect will not be eliminated in a short time.

The consequences of forcibly climbing up may be serious, and the series of reactions brought about by the tearing of the wound will make it difficult for Huajian to move.

There was not much time left for Huajian to choose, and Nan An did not have time to wait for his wound to fully heal. The danger of taking his life would come at any time.

Even if you know that the road ahead is difficult, you can still only fight hard.

Huajian's legs jumped vigorously and climbed onto the bed sheet. He took a rest for a while, and then continued to move upward with a move that was more tired, but did not cause much influence on the wounds behind him.

In the dark space, Huajian always felt that something was peeping at herself, but she felt not as strong as she imagined.

Hanama couldn't accurately judge whether it was an illusion or something peeping.

After a while, he found that he had climbed to the top, but the sheets did not reach the top. As he had guessed, the way into the hall was blocked by the elevator.

The flower room was not discouraged. He looked for another way next to him, drilled from the side of the elevator to the top of the elevator, then entered the elevator through the upper passage, and then opened the elevator door to enter the lobby.

There is no doubt that choosing this route will have a much greater burden on him. In addition, with Huajian's current state, whether he can do it is a question in itself.

Hope to succeed...

Hua Jian thought.


In the basement, Nan An stopped because she saw another door, which was a little different from the door that entered the basement before. This door was blue.

Is it the second reference room?

Nan An thought.

She thought she would come to the end, facing the wall that could no longer move forward, but she didn't expect that there was another door at the end.

Behind him came the rhythmic sound of footsteps. The footsteps were not fast or fast, so Nan An didn't care much.

Now her eyes were only the front door.

What will be behind the door?

Nan An smiled. According to her thoughts, no matter what was inside the door, she would open the door to confirm.

Therefore, she stepped forward and held the doorknob with her right hand.

When the door opened, there was no sound, as if I couldn't bear to break the quiet atmosphere of the basement.

"This is..." Nan'an discovered that countless unnamed materials were piled up in front of him, and these materials were arranged according to certain rules.

The closest to Nan'an is a bucket of golden liquid, exuding a pleasant fragrance.

After walking in, Nan'an discovered that the passage was spiraling downwards, going all the way down, and seemed to be able to reach the bottom layer.

The footsteps behind him suddenly became rush, Nan An moved his ears and glanced back.

She didn't know whether the person coming from behind was Huajian or Wei Shengjin. She had no idea for the time being. She herself was already an arrow from the string, and she had no other choice but to continue walking down.

After a hundred steps, some sculptures of strange creatures appeared in the front right.

An upright dog with three tails, a bird with a lion head, a fish with four legs...

At this moment, Nan An felt that she had come to a fantasy paradise and was full of curiosity about everything, but the footsteps behind her kept reminding her that she was in a **** movie.

A place where you can lose your life at any time, a place where crying is useless.

Nan An rubbed her hands, and she continued to walk forward.

After walking for nearly a minute, many green and yellow mechanical artifacts were piled up in the box. These things seemed to be parts of some kind of instrument. Nan'an didn't know much about this aspect, but she knew that these things are for Quanyun Apartment. It's definitely useful.

"Nan'an, wait for me..." Hua Jian's voice came from behind.

Nan'an turned around and saw Huajian walking slowly towards him.

"Didn't you search in the room?" Nan'an asked.

"I don't worry about you." Huama looked away, blushing.

"You didn't meet Wei Shengjin?" Nan An blinked, but didn't respond.

"Yes, but he seems to be dead..." Hanama said.

"Dead? How did you die? Tell me more about it." The expression on Nan An's face was a little puzzled. She stepped back a little bit, widening the distance between her and the flower.

"I don't know, it seems that it was killed by someone. With a dagger on his back, the body is already cold." Huajian shook his head, and then sighed.

"You killed?" Nan An was curious.

"No, it was already like this when I went." Huajian looked serious.

"Forget it, now that we are here, we might as well continue walking down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe there may be some unexpected discoveries." Nan'an raised his hand and shook it, "You want to go down with me and take a look. ?"

"Yeah." Huama nodded.

Nan An's expression flashed a little strangely, but she didn't say anything, but turned and continued to walk down.

Huama quietly followed Nan'an, without saying anything.

After walking for another two minutes, Nan'an saw many flowers of different colors appearing on both sides. These flowers seemed to belong to this place and grew very beautifully.

"Strange, why does Quanyun Apartment collect these things?" Nan'an looked at the flowers and said, of course, the person she asked was the flower room behind her.

"Perhaps it's a collection addiction?" Huajian smiled awkwardly after speaking.

"It's possible." Nan'an nodded. "Look at how well these plants are raised. I like blue hyacinth the most. What kind of flowers do you like?"

"Uh... I like all the good-looking ones." Huajian glanced at the flowers on both sides.

"Yeah." Nan An nodded and continued to move forward.

Because she had been walking in the forefront, Hua Jian did not see the change in Nan'an's face at all.

Unlike before, what Nan An cares about has begun to change at this time. She is now more concerned about **** the people behind her. She has determined that the person behind her is not Huajian.

The reason is simple. Both the way of speaking and the content are very different from the real Huajian.

Now Nan'an only hopes that the real Huajian is still alive. She doesn't know what happened to Huajian just now, and there is no way to know it. The only thing she knows is that the people behind must have ulterior motives.

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