Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 774: Find contract

"I should have thought of it long ago." Nan An kept breathing in.

The feeling of being issued a death notice made her very uncomfortable, as if she was emptied of the motivation for survival in an instant, she didn't even want to move, just wanted to silently wait for the arrival of death.

"It's too obvious. Isn't I the only actor who gets the job? The rest of the actors shouldn't be involved in this kind of trick."

"There is still half an hour, I can't find a contract." Nan An put his hands on the ground, tears dripping to the ground.

"In that case, go ahead and see what is there."

After speaking, Nan An stood up. She didn't wipe her tears, but ran down. No matter what was there, Nan An wanted to take a look.

Since Quanyun Apartment has set a time limit, it also shows that she will not die within half an hour.

If nothing was found in the remaining half an hour, Nan'an also thought about what he should do.

That is to end his life early.

From the cat’s death, it can be known that the existence of a transaction with Quanyun Apartments also has its own requirements. No matter what the requirements are, a living person is more valuable than a dead person.

This kind of thing can be understood as killing when buying fish.


The flower room opened the elevator door and walked out of the elevator.

After leaving the elevator, he knelt on the ground, the wound behind him was torn, which made him very uncomfortable.

Looking at the photos of a place, Hua Jian felt sorrowful. He thought of his experience of being played in the photos.

After he stood up, he took two deep breaths, and then walked towards the stairs.

Although the elevator is convenient, he certainly won't take it now.

Stepping up the stairs, Huajian soon came to the second floor. He needed to find room by room.

For Nan'an, who lacks time, this is quite fatal.

"I hope Nan'an can hold on until I find the contract." Hua Jian walked to the room by the wall.

The first room is room 200, and the door is opened, which saves a lot of time.

Before he walked inside the door, he discovered one thing, that is, the house number has changed. It does not mean that the room cannot correspond to the corresponding house number, but 200 has become 0200, which is an extra number.

"In other words, Quanyun Apartment will update itself soon." Hua Jian said.

He knows what this means. Assuming that the contract is indeed hidden in the room, after Quanyun Apartment becomes a high-rise building, the chance that the actor can find the contract will be lowered again, because there are more rooms.

Realizing that time was passing by Huajian, he didn't spend his mind on it, so he rummaged in the room directly.

This is an empty room with only a few places to hide things.

The bed, the bottom of the bed, the desk, the kitchen and the toilet were searched and found nothing.

Huajian left the room without staying too much.

He calculated the time mentally, and it took nearly a minute. This is just an empty room. If there are residents who have lived in it, it may take a lot more time.

No, it's too slow.

Huama said in her heart.

He stood in the corridor, looking to the other end, there were a few more in the same way.

It stands to reason that a room-by-room survey will definitely be rewarding. The problem is that the sense of crisis in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. Although he can't give a reason, something bad must have happened.

One by one, time is definitely not enough.

Then look for a special room first...

Hanama made this choice.

He walked into room 0201, and the sarcophagus in the center of the room attracted his attention.

Huajian caressed the sarcophagus lightly. He was looking for something like organs. If not, Huajian thought that he might not be able to open the sarcophagus because his injury no longer allowed him to do so, and he did not have the right tools. .

"Hidden inside?"

"What's in the sarcophagus?"

Huama said a few words, and his voice echoed in the room.

Suddenly, the sarcophagus moved suddenly, making a dull sound, and then slowly moved away.

Huajian took a step back and opened a distance.

When the sarcophagus opened halfway, Huajian saw what was lying in the coffin clearly. It was a zombie, a zombie from the Qing Dynasty.

He wore a golden top on his head, his black face was full of lifelessness, a yellow charm was stuck on his forehead, and he was wearing a five-python and four-claw python robe.

For some reason, there was obviously no wind in the room, but the spell on the zombie's face kept shaking, as if it was about to leave the zombie's face.

Hanama's eyes changed, and he took a step forward and stretched out his right hand at the same time.

He firmly pressed the yellow spell on the zombie's forehead. Suddenly, the zombie in the sarcophagus raised his hands straight, his mouth slightly opened, and his mouth flashed with a blue light that made his back feel chilly.

Facing the zombie changes, Hua Jian did not panic.

Some people panic when they are in danger, but there are others who, instead of panicking, behave more calmly than usual.

He moved his body sideways, avoiding the zombie's straight arms and glistening mouth.

After a stalemate for three seconds, the zombies slowly closed their mouths and put down their hands at the same time. The sarcophagus made a dull sound and then began to close.

Huama didn't let go until the sarcophagus touched her hand.

Just as the sarcophagus was about to close, an idea flashed through his mind.

Is there something in your mouth?

Hua Jian thought.

The cyan light blocked his vision, preventing him from seeing the specific situation in the zombie's mouth.

At the moment when the sarcophagus was about to close, Huajian blocked the gap in the sarcophagus with the handle of the unlocking tool he carried with him.

Soon, the sarcophagus opened again, and the same scene appeared in Huajian's eyes again. This time, Huajian held down the yellow spell on the zombie's forehead in advance.

The zombie's hand was raised straight, his mouth opened wide, and the cyan light lit up in the room, making Huajian's face a little weird.

Hanama puts his right hand into the mouth of the zombie. He pays attention to the severity of his actions to prevent him from touching the zombie’s fangs and becoming infected with corpse poison~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In his understanding, zombies have never been terrible places. Juli.

Soon, the unique texture came from the fingers of the flowers.

It's paper!

Hanama thought, and at the same time pulled out the paper rolled into a scroll from the zombie's mouth.

What he didn't expect was that after the paper was drawn out, green poisonous gas radiated from the zombie's mouth. Of course Hanama knew what this meant, but he could only continue to insist now.

Once the zombie in the sarcophagus comes alive, there is absolutely no possibility of him surviving.

It is not daytime, and there is no peach wood sword and glutinous rice by his side.

At the moment when the sarcophagus was finally closed successfully, Hua Jian looked at the closed sarcophagus and heaved a sigh of relief.

A sense of dizziness came, almost making him unstable, but fortunately the sarcophagus beside him could provide support.

After a short period of time, the dizziness did not disappear, but it diminished slightly.

"This is..." Hanama raised his right hand holding the scroll. The front end of his **** had begun to turn black. He took his finger in front of him, only to find that his **** had a small opening, which seemed to be pierced by a needle.

Because the pain in the back was too strong, this small wound did not attract attention at all.

Opening the scroll between the flowers, with a bang, a thin needle fell on the sarcophagus.

His complexion changed, he swallowed, and then he fixed his gaze on the opened paper.

The name above, Huajian has never seen it before, but it has been seen in the photo Huajian. It is a golden color that has died before the first day arrives.

"Contract!" Hua Jian gave a wry smile.

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