Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 782: Black under the lamp

Horror studio 782 author booze gutter oil full text 2495 words

The air gradually stagnated, the Qiancang remained unmoved, and his firm eyes were always looking directly at the other party. Shushu.com has the fastest update. Time passed every second. Qian Jiangyue's Quanyun Apartment seemed to have anticipated this scene, with a mocking smile on his mouth, "I refuse." "Why?" Qian Cang asked. "Because I have a more suitable candidate than you." Quanyun Apartment's answer made Qian Cangyi unexpected. who is it? Qiancangyi's thoughts surged in his mind. The actor who has died is naturally not eligible to negotiate with Quanyun Apartment. Among the remaining actors, the one who is most likely to do this kind of thing is... Wei Shengjin, he has already done this step? Thinking of this, Qian Cangyi quickly tapped the outside of his right leg without roots in his right hand. "I'm afraid that one person is not enough." Qiancang said, his tone was steady. The process of negotiation is also the process of obtaining information. When Quanyun Apartment appears in this posture and communicates with the actors, that is when the actors can obtain valuable information most quickly. Whether it is a truth or a lie, even if the words are meaningless, they can be used to judge certain situations. To Qiancang's surprise, Quanyun Apartment did not answer, but kept a smile that seemed like nothing. At this moment, Qian Cang was surprised to find that the person in front of him did not look like Qian Jiangyue, but rather like a character imagined by Qian Jiangyue, and only after being discovered, did he give himself a code name Nanyuan. "Is it him?" Qian Cang opened his mouth slightly, unable to conceal his inner surprise. It's really dark under the light. When speculating about the black hand behind the scenes, Qiancang would count himself among them and then exclude him, but this time, he really missed this person. It is not a fatal mistake, but the fear after knowing this is like a tsunami. If we can survive this time, what level of caution must be maintained in future movies to avoid the situation encountered today? To what extent can we have the slightest control over our own destiny? The answer is I don’t know! "It's me, long time no see, Cang Yi." Another person appeared at the door of the guard room. He had the exact same face as Qian Jiangyue, but both the expression on his face and the temperament on his body were completely different. "You are very smart, and the only drawback is that you care too much about yourself as a human being." "But having said that, you are right to think that way. You will have a stand when thinking about any problem. As humans, you naturally assume that your stand is Human." "I am different. For so many years, I have been living from the perspective of a bystander." "It is not appropriate to even use the word'life' to describe it, because I don't need to eat, drink or sleep." "Say so much. , You definitely still have questions in your heart, why should I do this." "With your observation, you should have discovered that Qian Jiangyue will definitely choose to end her life in the near future. At that time, no one will persuade anyone. I can’t live with him, neither can you.” “I just want to live, and I also have my own default position, which is myself.” Nan Yuan said a lot, as if finally found someone who could talk to himself. The same object. Before Qiancang could speak, Nan Yuan continued to speak, "Do you want to convince me? I know what you want to do, and I have been observing you." "You want to persuade me with the death of Wei Liangzhe as an example. It's a pity that I have already considered this, and have already thought of a way to deal with it. With your strength, you should be able to guess what I did in a few seconds." Nanyuan smiled brightly on his face. Qiancangichi certainly knows that as an actor in a **** movie, the biggest secret is naturally the **** movie itself. Qian Jiangyue is an actor, and the soul who created Qian Jiangyue is also an actor, but Qian Cangyi doesn't know if Nan Yuan is not. Qian Cangyi didn't know whether Nanyuan could tell the information about the **** movie after being disturbed by Quanyun Apartments. If so, then there is no possibility of comparison between the values ​​of the two parties. Unconsciously, the surrounding air began to thicken, and breathing almost stopped. In Qian Cangyi's eyes, everything became very slow, but his thoughts were not affected. what should I do? He asked himself. Let the shadow play kill Qian Jiangyue? Is killing Qian Jiangyue really useful? I remember the shadow puppet saying that Qian Jiangyue fell from the upstairs. Among them, I am afraid that Nan Yuan will contribute, which means that even if Qian Jiangyue Nan Yuan is killed, it will not disappear. It seems that this method will not work. In this way, the carrier that supports Nanyuan's existence in the world is Quanyun Apartment. Nanyuan could not leave Quanyun Apartment. This is where I am superior to him, but why is Quanyun Apartment unwilling to accept my terms? Where is the problem? When thinking about this, Qian Cangyi suddenly fixed his gaze on Quanyun Apartment next to Nanyuan. I remember that there is an additional 0 in front of the house number, which means that Quanyun Apartments want to develop and continue to do so. Maybe new Quanyun apartments will appear in new cities until there is such a building in every big city~www.wuxiaspot .com~ What's next? How far will it develop? Do you want to take root in another world? For example, Quanyun Inn, such as Quanyun Pub...etc. I'm afraid this is the ambition of Quanyun Apartment, and Nanyuan is just its pawn. Nanyuan naturally knows this too. To be precise, they should take what they need. I always feel that something is missing... body? Qiancang blinked, and everything around him returned to normal. "No." Two short words came, and then the door of the guard room was closed, and a huge force pushed the money warehouse out of the apartment. When Qiancang got up, he found that Quanyun Apartment had disappeared from his eyes. The contract held in my hand proves that everything before is not an illusion at all, but a real experience. "Can't kill me, and there's no way to sell me, so I just abandoned it? It's troublesome." Qiancang looked around. Although there were not many people at night, he still felt a few eyes looking at him. He lowered his head, took out his phone and sent a message. The most important thing at the moment is to find Qian Jiangyue and the shadow puppet show, and the mobile phone can contact the shadow puppet show. After a while, the shadow play sent the address, and Qiancang looked around, confirmed the direction, and walked to the side of the road. My debt is not too much, it should not be as exaggerated as Qian Jiangyue. Now, Qiancangyi can only comfort himself in this way. ... In the hospital, the shadow puppet show is sitting outside the operating room waiting, and the operation will be over soon. [Shadow play: Did you find anything? She also wants to investigate in the apartment, but the sense of responsibility has always prevented her, unless a very dangerous situation occurs, otherwise she will not leave Qian Jiangyue. [Cang Yi: Yes, I have lost the protection of Quanyun Apartment, the contract is actually hidden in our room, and, how should I say, some strange things have happened. ] [Shadow play: I have searched my own room a long time ago, it is impossible not to find it. ] [Cang Yi: It was released later. 】

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