Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 838: Black tower

When he was about to faint, Qiancang realized that he had finally left the water.

I have to……

As soon as Qiancang had the idea of ​​being sober in his mind, he fell to the ground.

The pain did not make him more awake, and the lack of oxygen for too long was not able to recover in a second or two.


Three landing sounds came one after another.

Except for the whistling wind, everything around is silent.

It was almost the limit of Qiancangyi that he could hold it till now. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

The other three actors on the way back from **** were lying not far from him.

Above, where the sky was originally, there were countless pools of water that looked like mirrors. The breeze blew over and the water surface was full of ripples.

After confirming that there was no obvious danger around, Qiancang went dark in front of him and collapsed to the ground.

His body trembled for a while, and Qiancang felt very cold in his limbs as soon as Qiancang regained consciousness.

He moved, and there was a tingling sensation all over his body. The most uncomfortable part was his head. The pain was like acupuncture.

What happened before the coma flashed quickly in his mind.

It's cold!

As soon as Qiancang opened his eyes, he saw the strange sky at a glance.

Different from the traditional feeling, the calm sky of the lake not only failed to calm his mind, but instead gave him a strange sense of suffocation.

He staggered up from the ground.

"The tower?" Qiancang glanced around.

He is now standing on top of a tall cylindrical tower made of black stones.

Such a black tower can be seen everywhere in this place, like a black stone forest standing between the sky and the earth.

"Wake up!" Qian Cang reached out and patted Hawkeye on the shoulder.

In the next second, Hawkeye's left hand suddenly moved, and then buckled Qian Cangyi's wrist.

As soon as Qiancang withdrew his hand, he was still caught by Hawkeye, except that the part being caught was not the wrist but the back of the hand.

"It's me." Qiancang used a slight force, offsetting the force coming from Hawkeye's hands.

Hearing Qiancangyi's words, Hawkeye released his left hand, and he struggled to get up.

"Is there no danger around?" Hawkeye opened his eyes, but was very tired, and closed again after a second.

"Not for the time being, you rest first, I'll wake up others." Qiancang walked to the shadow puppet show as soon as he finished speaking.

He walked to the shadow play. Because of the eagle eye's reaction just now, he didn't stretch out his hand this time, "Shadow play, wake up." He said in a calm voice.

The fingers of the shadow play moved, then the shoulders, then the upper body, and finally the whole body moved.

Unlike Hawkeye, the shadow puppet sits directly on the ground, "Are we... still alive? Or are we all dead?"

"They're all dead," Qian Cang said.

"Huh?" The shadow play's eyes stared like bronze bells.

"He lied to you." Qian Jiangyue's voice came, but he didn't look like he wanted to get up.

After confirming that all four of them were okay, Qiancang walked towards the stairs that he had seen early in the morning.

This is a spiral staircase that surrounds the entire tower. There is no design to prevent it from falling. Fortunately, the width of the staircase allows two people to walk side by side, so as long as you walk along the inside, you don't have to worry about accidentally falling.

Although Qiancangyi has the idea of ​​exploring the way, he is not in good health now and needs to rest.

"Backpack..." As soon as Qiancang found that the four of them were carrying a lot less.

In all likelihood, he was left in the equilateral triangle passage in a semi-comatose condition.

Qiancang thought.

"The timekeeping clock doesn't work, maybe it was damaged by the water?" Qiancang wanted to use the time to confirm how much time he spent on his line.

Unfortunately, neither the pointer nor the number has changed.

Compass is also ineffective.

The compass that turns clockwise for a while, and counterclockwise for a while is like being drunk.

After half an hour of somatosensory time.

Four people stood at the opening of the spiral staircase.

"Go!" Qian Cangyi took the lead on the stairs.

Qian Jiangyue followed closely, followed by shadow puppetry, and finally after Yingyan broke.

The stairs below made Qian Cangyi suddenly think of last night's bizarre dream.

The strange feeling quickly rose from the heel to the heart, and the unknown premonition hovered in his chest like this.

Qiancangyi breathed a sigh of relief after walking all the way to the bottom.

On the left is the arched entrance of the black tower, without a door, you can see the whole inside at a glance.

A stench came from the black tower, Qian Cangyi blocked his nostril with his left hand and took a step back.

"I'll go in and have a look. You stay outside." Qiancang said to the people behind him.

He said this mainly to Qian Jiangyue, "By the way, Qian Jiangyue, if you have any sudden discoveries or thoughts, you can tell us first, this place is not safe, maybe a small mistake can take us away. The lives of everyone."

"Don't worry, I'm more afraid of death than you." Qian Jiangyue didn't make a joke at this time, or rather, was not interested.

Qiancang handed the backpack to the shadow puppetry, leaving only a flashlight and a portable dagger on him.

He walked into the black tower, and after looking left and right, he turned his attention to the top of his head.

For some reason, Qiancang felt that the source of the stench was in the direction he was looking at now.

The light of the flashlight shot towards the top.

A huge black egg appeared in Qiancang's eye.

The shape of this giant egg is like an ellipsoid, the long side is about one meter, and the surface of the giant egg is covered with many spike-like tentacles.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, the speed of the giant egg's expansion and contraction increased significantly, as if the contents inside were about to be born.

Qiancang immediately turned off the flashlight and left the black tower.

"There is a giant egg on it, alive. I don’t know what’s inside. When I shine a flashlight on it, its frequency of expansion and contraction increases significantly, as if it is about to hatch. By the way, the stench is also emitted from the giant egg. Yes." Qian Cangyi told the three of his findings.

"It's definitely not a good thing." Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath, his face instantly changed, "This smell is a bit too much!"

"I think we can first see if the orientation of these towers is the same, such as the direction of the entrance. If they are the same, we can use this to determine our direction." Shadow Puppet said.

This is the method she just thought of.

"Then go check it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hawkeye nodded.

The four of them walked to the second closest black tower.

After they moved away, the original high tower unexpectedly began to slowly rotate, and the exit facing the four began to slowly move to another direction.

"The direction is different." Qiancang got this judgment as soon as he saw the entrance of the second tower.

"It seems we can only find a direction to move forward casually." The shadow play sighed.

"Don't worry, go back and have a look, this place is too weird, be careful." Qian Cangyi clenched his right hand.

"Let's go." Qian Jiangyue nodded.

Back along the original road, just halfway through, the change of the black tower was noticed by Qiancang.

"The entrance... is missing..." Qiancang said.

"Moved?" Hawkeye asked, "Don't move, I'll look at it with Eagle Spirit."

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