Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 860: Successful start

"By the way, it is basically a wishful thinking to be able to live for 30 years after being selected by the **** movie." The shadow play looked up at the sky.

Except for the still blue water pool, the rest of the place was as gray as if it had been crying.

"Fortunately, judging by the meaning of life, our life experience is richer than many people, even rich enough to be able to write a novel, but unfortunately, no one recorded it." Qiancang smiled bitterly.

No matter how rich the experience is, no one knows, but in the end it can only be submerged in the corner by time.

"Haha, there is no time to write such things." The shadow play said, shaking his head.

The ancient Fang who was ascending the tower had already arrived at the top of the tower.

"By the way, imagine what do you plan to do after you retire? Is there anything you want to do?" Qian Cangyi also thought about this occasionally.

He has this idea now.

Assuming that I have not been selected by the **** movie, there should be many things I want to do.

However, when I am really old, I am afraid I don't have enough energy to do what I want to do.

Maybe they will change their minds and put their minds on their children.

"Retired? What is that? Are you on vacation?" An expression of incomprehension appeared on the face of the shadow play.

"It means quitting the job due to old age, or the inability to work due to illness, etc., after retirement, there will be a monthly retirement pension." Qiancangyi explained.

"Old age?" The shadow play thought for a while and said, "Do you mean that the body becomes weaker and weaker with age like a patient? I have discovered this before, and most people in my world will not experience this process."

"Not old?" Qiancangyi was somewhat surprised.

He was lost in thought.

Even in ancient times when the average life expectancy was not high, there was still such a concept.

The world of shadow puppetry seems to have no such concept. Of course she knows what I mean, but she knows the source of this meaning, which seems to be the information she exchanged with the rest of the actors after entering the **** movie.

The concept of old age is not difficult to understand.

Thinking of this, Qian Cangyi continued to ask, "Work to death?"

"Take my elders as an example. They are basically in this situation. Except for holidays, the longer rest period may be when the body has an early warning reaction. Once it occurs, it will die in about ten months. There are long and short, but they are within two months." The shadow play looked at Qian Cangyi's eyes, "However, there will be no old age during this period, and their bodies are still the same as usual."

Qiancang opened his mouth slightly, the expression on his face was indescribable.

He doesn't believe in such a thing, but he knows the character of shadow puppets, he naturally knows that there is no need to lie in shadow puppets because it is meaningless.

"That's it, maybe it's a genetic problem? But in my world, most creatures have this phenomenon, so it's not strange." The expression on the face of the shadow puppet was serious.

"Something unexpected." Qiancang said.

When the two were talking, Gu Fang had already come to the top of the tower.

Since the top of the tower cannot be seen from below, the ancients cannot imitate Qiancangyi's behavior on the top of the tower, but at this point, there is basically no need to do much after reaching the top of the tower.

The mysterious creature climbed the tower slowly but firmly.

After reaching the top of the tower, its tentacles made of regular tetrahedrons shot straight towards the ancient side.

If you keep staring at the mysterious creature, then avoiding the blow is almost absolute, but the problem is that with the characteristics of the mysterious creature, you can't keep staring at it at all.

"Huh, it's dangerous." Gu Fang threw aside.

At this time the mysterious creature is coming.

Below the mysterious creature, is the transparent eye pattern drawn by Qian Cangyi.

When the mysterious creature reaches the center of the transparent eye pattern, a white light is emitted from the mysterious creature.

The original semi-combined body began to fully open, and the white light spread out, dazzling and dazzling.

As soon as Qian Cang noticed this vision, he raised his head and looked up.

At this time, he painted the black tower with the transparent eye pattern like a lighthouse, which looked unique.

"Success!" Qian Cangyi's voice was sonorous and powerful.

Then, he saw Gu Fang jump from the top of the tower and safely jumped onto the stairs.

The mysterious creature on the top of the tower no longer floats, but falls on the pattern of the transparent eye, and the scattered white light begins to converge, shooting directly towards the pool above, causing the pool to burst into waves.

The eagle eye and Jiu Xiangzheng in the distance were avoiding the surrounding of mysterious creatures. When the light appeared, the two stopped at the same time.

"This light..." Jiu Xiang stared at the distant light, "Cang Yi did it, it's amazing!"

In addition to joy, the look in his eyes seemed to have some helplessness.

"It seems he succeeded." Hawkeye thought so too.

"Then we also start?" Jiuxiang turned his head and looked at Hawkeye.

"No." Hawkeye shook his head, "Not for the time being. We don't know if Cang Yi has changed anything, or we should talk about it and try again. In addition, our current situation is not good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From any angle, there is no need to take such a risk now.

Chaoyang and Xiangyun, who were still looking for the two teams, also saw the white light soaring into the sky.

"What's that?" Chaoyang asked the distant light.

"I don't know, I hope it's not a bad thing." Xiangyun shook his head, "Let's go and take a look."

"Well, other people should pass by after seeing this white light, but we must be careful on the way." Chaoyang nodded.

The two changed directions immediately.

The mysterious creatures near them also changed their course.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, when this light appears, it will gather around it.

In another place, Qian Jiangyue and Proverbs were walking separately, and neither of them spoke.

At the moment the light was shining, Qian Jiangyue directly changed the moving route and walked towards the target.

Proverbs also didn't speak, but also changed direction.

Although the two of them acted almost in unison without communication, they did not seem to have any tacit understanding at all.

At the top of the black giant tower that was successfully tested, the beam of light gradually weakened, and then slowly dissipated.

"I'll write it down." Qiancang took out his notebook.

Now that the first black tower has succeeded, the remaining black towers must light up faster.

"Your plan was successful." Gu Fang said to Qiancang after he came down.

"Well, hope is not a special case." Qiancang looked at the next target, "You can all draw transparent eyes, right?"

"No problem." Shadow Play and Gu Fang said at the same time.

"For the rest of the time, let's paint all the nearby black towers that should be painted with Transparent Eye." Qiancangyi raised his right hand and closed his notebook, "Go." (https://)

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