The more Hong Lei spoke, the slower he became, the seventy-year-old man seemed to have returned to his youth, and I saw a frightened expression in his eyes.

"Grandpa, who was lying on the hospital bed, was furious and sent everyone in the family out to find someone, even the girl who usually served him to take medicine.

Everyone searched for a day, and finally found the body of the fourth grandmother in the well in the courtyard of the third grandmother.

The fourth grandmother was tied with a rope and thrown into the well, and in order to kill her, the murderer threw down a large stone and pressed it on the fourth grandmother.

Grandpa has a very high prestige at home, no one dares to hide it from him, and after learning the news, grandpa struggled to get up from the hospital bed.

After he saw the corpse of the fourth grandmother, he gave the third grandmother a slap and scolded you for being so ruthless, and then vomited blood angrily, fell on the corpse of the fourth grandmother, and returned to the west. When

the story was told, the faces of the four owners were different.

Hong Quan of the third room said.

"Uncle, you can't tell half of the story, but later the people from the police station came to investigate and proved that the third grandmother was not a murderer.

Hong Lin snorted.

"If the third grandmother is not the murderer, why did the fourth grandmother die in her yard, why did the grandmother slap her again, a high-level drama, the eyes are staring at the property of the Hong family, the third grandmother just wants to fight for more property for your three rooms and one vein, so she will kill the fourth grandmother.

Hong Quan was so angry that he almost flipped the table.

"Hong Lin, don't spew blood! If the third grandmother really thinks so, she will not kill the fourth grandmother, but the son of the fourth grandmother! After the grandfather dies, will the family property be divided more in the third room or the family property in the fourth room

will be divided less? On the contrary, your big house has long been thinking about the family property of the fourth room, and you are embarrassed to pretend that it is to help take care of the fourth room, and I think that the family property of the fourth room has been changed to the surname of the big house!"

The two quarreled again, Hong Lei started to be a peacemaker again, but my eyes always fell on Hong Yu's face.

This fourth-room owner, who is younger than me, never said a word, no matter how fierce the big room and the third room quarreled.

Under Hong Lei's persuasion, Hong Lin and Hong Quan finally stopped again.

Hong Quan vented his anger on my head.

"Hong Lin, it's useless for our juniors to argue now, if it's really as Hong Yu said, it's the fourth grandmother who came back for revenge, and now the people who are dying are all from your big house, and the death of the fourth grandmother must be inseparable from the big house!" he

stared at me, sneering as sarcastically as her sister.

"I hope you are no longer a charlatan this time, otherwise maybe it will be your turn Hong Lin next!" Hong

Lin's face was ugly, but he didn't quarrel anymore, and at this moment, a person ran into the house in a panic.

"Oh no, big deal!" the

man ran out of breath, hunched over, one hand on his knees, and the other pointing out.

"Hong ...... Hong Lu ...... "

Hong Quan rushed out without saying a word, and the others followed.

We followed Hongquan to the courtyard of the third room, and the front of a house was crowded with people, but everyone was standing outside the door, and no one dared to enter.

"Little sister!"

Hong Quan squeezed through the crowd and rushed into the house, and when I caught up, I saw him holding Hong Lulu and crying.

Hong Lulu had two black slap marks on her neck, which were traces left by ghosts, and there was white foam at the corner of her mouth, and the whole person collapsed in Hong Quan's arms.

Someone muttered.

"Aren't all the people who died in the big house before?Why is it the turn of the third room?"

"This house can't be inhabited, I'll move out tomorrow!"

I came to Hong Lulu's side, and suddenly found that her chest was still slightly undulating.


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