Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

53 [Bonus chapter]A Sealed Fate

"Miss Chiyou... Think long and hard."

"Yes, Grandmaster!"

With that, Chiyou fell deep in thought, focusing on the period before it all began.

From her life at home, school, and every other place, Chiyou thought for a bit before suddenly frowning suspiciously.

Would she be the one?

"Grandmaster... Before the catastrophe began, one of my classmates, whom I rarely spoke to, suddenly started getting weirdly friendly with me. At first, I felt suspicious. But after several weeks, she did seem very legit. After a long period, she asked for my full birth date, saying she wanted to surprise me. I only wanted to tell her the day and month when my birthday was... but she kept insisting that she wanted the year too. She even cried, saying that if I wasn't comfortable telling her my full birth date, how can we share other hidden secrets amongst girls?... Grandmaster... With her constant crying, I finally said so. Following that, she started coming to her house frequently. But whenever she came, there was something strange that she did. She would take out an ordinary-looking comb and comb my hair while we talked. She did this for a while before gifting me the comb. Then just after that, she just suddenly said she wanted to travel for a one-week family emergency. And after she left, my troubles began!" Chiyou said while realizing the severity of the matter now that she analyzed things.

Several people listening also found it strange.

No one asks for the year when mentioning a birthdate.

Women have even said their age or how old they were. So all that was important was celebrating the day.

But this person wanted the full birth date. And she most likely should've also gone to the Chiyou's home to do other things there too.

Even though those listening still found it all too inconceivable, that girl is also suspicious and well.


Dorian tapped his fingers on the table, deep in thought.

"Miss Chiyou, I will help you. But first, you will take me to your home, and show me this comb, as well as your family. And after they, you will take me to this girl. Only then will we know if she is the real culprit behind the scenes or not."

Upon hearing him, Chiyou's smiled bloomed amidst her tears while staring at Doran in gratitude.

"Thank you, Grandmaster. Thank you. I, Chiyou, will never forget this favour in my life!" She swore before suddenly thinking of something that made her smile turn bitter.

"Grandmaster... Sorry... But can you do something about my brother?... I-I, promise that I will pay you whatever amount you want!"

Dorian waved his hands casually: "Miss Chiyou. Since you are my first customer here, you won't need to pay."


Chiyou looked up in shock.

Was she the Grandmaster's first customer?

What the hell was wrong with people nowadays?

Were they blind or so crazy that they couldn't see the Grandmaster's greatness?

Chiyou was busy talking about others, forgetting that she had also disregarded Dorian not too long ago.

But ever since she had somewhat come to terms with the fact that her Luck had been taken away, she somewhat believed in the abnormal.

However, she didn't believe in Magic and just thought it was something spiritual... like the soul or something of that sort.

Well, what she believed in was far less than Dorian's capabilities.


Dorian glanced at her brother before flicking his wrist hard.

And before Chiyou and everyone could even blink, a talisman paper was firmly planted on the boy's forehead.

~Hooo... Hooo... Hooo...~

The boy's breathing slowed down, regaining a steady pace, making him flutter his eyelids and open his eyes heavily.

"Ssss-sister... it doesn't hurt anymore."

Chiyou looked at her brother in disbelief before finally letting out the waterworks again.

It was a miracle!

Her eyes couldn't help glancing at the ordinary paper on his forehead too.

Could it be the reason why his body temperature and everything else was returning to normal?

At a very visible and alarming rate, several people directly beside Chiyou watched the boy's whitish pale face change back to a vibrant one in disbelief.

I'll go! What sort of paper was that?

One could fake an act. But changing one's skin or blood flow the way they wanted was impossible!

Everything made many gaze at Dorian with various thoughts of their own... especially the lady who rented out her stall to Dorian.

Oh My God! She had rented it out to a Master!

And it should also be a Kung Fu one.

Hey! They all saw how he flicked his wrist like nothing and threw that paper on the boy's head at a speed she couldn't see.

So if this wasn't Kung Fu, then what was?

The way she looked at Dorian changed.

Now, she and many people didn't think he was crazy or lecherous again.

Chiyou turned to Dorian with even more gratitude in her eyes: "Grandmaster. Thank you! Thank you!"

"Hmmm... Don't thank me yet, until this is all done," Dorian said calmly.

In truth, he hadn't fully treated or aided her brother yet. If he did so, the enemy would be alert. So for now, he could only mask things up until the end of the show.


"Miss Chiyou. It's already late. So tomorrow at 10 A.M, come to this address. Also, take these and place them on your parents and yourself."

Chiyou nodded and stretched her hands forth to receive the remaining paper charms with trembling hands.


She felt like she was about to touch gold.

Hello? Don't you see the power of this paper from her brother's case?

She dared not play, twist or even hold them carelessly.

She was like a person who had just bought a new phone or something.

She even felt like her hands were too dirty to come in contact with them.

Many who saw the scene had started changing their minds but were still more inclined to not believe it all.

And just when everyone thought the show was over, Dorian suddenly turned towards a lady who had just now joined the crowd of watchers.

She didn't understand what was going on and had only stopped to see what the small commission was about.

Dorian turned his head and looked at her grimly: "Someone in your home isn't what they are supposed to be. And tonight, your deaths have all been sealed!"

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