Qinglong elixir, taking the blame for the ancient prince (two-in-one)

“No, this is not a dragon!”

Bai Yifei suddenly became very excited, attracting the attention of the other three people.

“Brother Bai, you are so excited because of your spring?” Li Beifei asked doubtfully, even if you are not a dragon, you don’t have to be so excited.

Bai Yifei ignored Li Beifei. He looked at Li Ruoyu and said, “Brother Ruoyu, you must have heard of that legend, right?”

Li Ruoyu looked thoughtful when he heard this, and after a while, he said in an uncertain tone: “You are Say…Qinglong elixir?”

“Qinglong elixir?”

Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi were both surprised.

Bai Yifei nodded and said: “Look at the hundred-foot blue dragon, although it is mighty and extraordinary, it does not feel a powerful and intimidating aura. If it is really the legendary real dragon, do you think we can still discuss it here safely? ”

Everyone felt that what Bai Yifei said was very reasonable, especially Xuan Mingzi. He just talked about the immortal medicine, and now an immortal medicine appeared. Could it be that my mouth is the legendary blessed mouth? ?

Thinking of this, Xuan Mingzi suddenly shouted: “The Qinglong elixir is mine!” ”


The air suddenly became quiet.

Li Beifei and the other three looked at him like a fool.

“Ahem, don’t I want to test whether my mouth is open?” Xuan Mingzi said awkwardly.

But the next moment, something shocking happened to them. The hundred-foot blue dragon actually flew in their direction.

“Damn it, am I really talking?” Xuan Mingzi looked horrified.

Li Beifei and others also opened their mouths in shock. They watched the Baizhang Qinglong fly toward them, and instantly arrived in the sky not far from them. But behind the Baizhang Qinglong, there were more than a dozen figures, including students from the academy. There are also princes and daughters of the Taikoo clan.

“How about we hide first?”

Li Beifei suggested.

“Okay, okay!” Xuan Mingzi was the first to agree. Ever since he tried the sweetness of being the sixth child, he wanted to try it more.

“It’s too late.”

Li Ruoyu said.

It was indeed too late, because the Baizhang Qinglong had already arrived on their heads, and the Baizhang Qinglong also disappeared, leaving only an adult-tall magical plant shaped like a small cyan dragon. Obviously, the Baizhang Qinglong was just its illusion. Out to scare people.

There are only nine leaves in the Qinglong elixir, and each leaf is accompanied by a fruit like a dragon ball. After it appeared, everyone felt a fragrance. This fragrance made them intoxicated, and they even felt My own vitality has been faintly enhanced, and the hidden wounds left on my body due to practice have also miraculously healed.

This is the elixir of immortality. Even the fragrance of the medicine can have various miraculous effects.

Soon, the people chasing the elixir of immortality also arrived. They surrounded the elixir of immortality in a tacit understanding, as if they wanted to intercept the elixir of immortality. At the same time, they also discovered Li Beifei and others.

“Brother Li?” At this time, Xia Wuji brought Princess Jiuli to Li Beifei and the others.

“You are also here after the Green Dragon Elixir?” Li Beifei asked in surprise. He looked at it and found that he only knew Xia Wuji and Princess Jiuli. The others, whether they were students from the academy or the princes and daughters of the Taikoo clan, he didn’t know. know.

There is a prince of the Taikoo clan and a princess. They look somewhat similar, they look like a brother and sister.

The prince of the Taikoo clan said: “Sister, this imperial tomb really belongs to the Immortal Emperor.”

The princess nodded. She had a cool temperament, like a proud princess. No, she was indeed a princess.

The princess whispered: “The Qinglong elixir once followed the Emperor of Immortality. Unexpectedly, a million years later, it would still exist in the world, but the Emperor of Immortality has passed away. Even a powerful person like Emperor Immortality cannot become an immortal. In this world, Are there really immortals?”

The princess’ sigh made everyone present feel heavy-hearted. Aren’t they all pursuing the illusory path to immortality in their cultivation? Even the Holy Emperor of the human race cannot become an immortal, can they really?

But their hearts were heavy. Only Li Beifei was trying to seduce Gu Changsheng’s disciple in secret. No, he was secretly contacting Qinglong elixir.

Since this Azure Dragon Elixir once followed our master, it is reasonable to follow me as a disciple now, right?

But in the face of Li Beifei’s spiritual thoughts, Qinglong Elixir didn’t pay any attention to it.

“What’s going on?”

Li Beifei was puzzled.

“Boy, don’t you have any confidence in your own strength? You are at the third level of the life and death realm and you want the elixir to follow you. You would never dare to do this in your dreams.”

Lao Liu said to Li Beifei disdainfully, this boy, about He is very self-aware when it comes to character issues, but when it comes to issues of strength, his brain goes crazy.

“Tch, if you ask me, it must be that my master’s name is no longer useful, and even a mere elixir won’t give him face.” Li Beifei said disapprovingly.


Lao Liu’s understanding of Li Beifei’s shamelessness once again reached a new level.

“So, we still have to fight to get this Azure Dragon Elixir?” Li Beifei asked.

“Stop dreaming. The elixir is about to leave. Even the quasi-emperor can’t stop it. The elixir can ignore all the restrictions of magic circles below the emperor level in the world. Even the imperial formation can’t trap the elixir without the guard of the emperor. .” Lao Liu said.

“So awesome? Then why is it still being chased by those people?” Li Beifei asked in shock that this elixir was so awesome.

“He was attracted by the aura on your body.” Lao Liu said.

“Me? How is that possible? I contacted it and it didn’t bother me.” Li Beifei didn’t believe what Lao Liu said. If he was really attracted by his aura, it wouldn’t ignore him when he contacted it just now.

Lao Liu explained: “To be precise, it is the aura left by your master. You are beaten by your master every day, and you already have his aura on your body. Others cannot feel it. I have followed your master for hundreds of thousands of years.” You can still feel the Qinglong elixir.”

After Lao Liu’s explanation, Li Beifei finally understood that the Qinglong elixir mistakenly thought he was Gu Changsheng. When he came to him, he found that he was not, so he simply ignored him. .

“In the final analysis, it’s just lingering feelings!”

Li Beifei muttered.


At this time, someone couldn’t help but wanted to take action against the Qinglong Elixir, and saw him pulling out a rope to tie up the Qinglong Elixir.

When the others saw this, they also took action one after another. For a while, all kinds of magical powers were thrown at the Qinglong elixir, without fear of destroying the elixir.

“Damn it, these people don’t have martial ethics, and they unexpectedly attacked suddenly.”

Xuan Mingzi shouted, and was about to take action, but was stopped by Li Beifei.

“Brother, if you don’t take action, you will be robbed by them.” Xuan Mingzi said anxiously.

“What’s the rush? We can’t afford to take care of this thing.” Li Beifei said.


Various magical powers collided in the air, but none of them hit the Qinglong Immortal Medicine. At this time, the Qinglong Immortal Medicine seemed to be in another dimension. All the magical powers penetrated its body and could not affect it at all.

At this time, a thought arose from the Qinglong Immortal Medicine. When everyone felt this thought, they were all stunned.

It is actually mocking those who attack it, mocking them for not overestimating their capabilities.

“Why do I feel a strong smell of master?”

Li Beifei had a look of surprise on his face. The taunting intention of the Qinglong elixir was the same as when Gu Changsheng mocked him before.

All I can say is that I have followed my master for hundreds of thousands of years.

The princes and daughters of the Taikoo clan did not take action. They seemed to know that the Qinglong elixir was not something they could get their hands on. They just watched the show and saw that the human race was overestimating their ability to take action against the elixir. Their faces showed disdain. smile.



the brother and sister mocked one after the other.

Everyone’s faces flushed.

The Green Dragon elixir circled in the sky a few times. It seemed that it was a little disappointed when it found that it didn’t find the person it was looking for. It turned around and flew into the depths.

Upon seeing this, the princes and daughters of the Taikoo clan looked at each other, then turned into divine rainbows and followed.

“Let’s follow him too!”

After Li Beifei said that, he took out the Tianshu Sword and used his sword control skills to catch up.

Xuan Mingzi and the others, as well as Xia Wuji, who had just met, saw this and quickly followed.

After flying for who knows how long, everyone came to an extremely tall circular altar. The altar was a hundred feet high, and there were stairs made of ancient boulders in all directions leading to the top of the altar.

Around the altar, there are four huge sword-shaped stone statues, which are vaguely visible, and a sense of solemnity fills the air.

The Qinglong elixir disappeared here.

Everyone, including the princes and daughters of the Taikoo clan, had to return to the ground from the air, and walked honestly towards the circular altar, because they all knew that this was the center of the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor. On the altar, if nothing else happened, It is the place where the Immortal Emperor is buried.

They all need to respect the Emperor, regardless of whether they are of the same race or not!

This is a kind of respect for the strong, even if the strong has passed away for millions of years!



More and more people came to the circular altar. More than ten princes and princesses from the Taikoo clan arrived intact. However, eighty-six students from the academy came in. But now less than sixty people have come here.

At this time, Li Beifei and the others were keenly aware of a group of strange eyes.

They followed their feelings and found that some people looked at the princes and daughters of the Ancient Clan with hatred and murderous intent in their eyes, but at the deepest level, they discovered deep fear.

The Golden Ancient Prince and the rest of the princes and princesses ignored these hateful looks. They seemed not to care about these people’s inner thoughts at all.

“It seems that some of our classmates have stayed here forever.” Li Beifei said.

There was no change in their expressions.

Xuan Mingzi even smiled and said: “From the moment you embark on cultivation, you must be prepared for death and death.”

The other people nodded when they heard this.

“But if you can survive, it’s best if you don’t die.” Xia Wuji said with a smile.

“Haha, don’t worry, even if the immortal dies, we won’t die either.” Li Beifei laughed loudly, attracting everyone’s attention.

Bai Yifei and the others couldn’t help laughing when they saw this.

If you don’t have such self-confidence in cultivation, how will you compete with others in the future?

Immortals die but I will not die, this is what they heard from Li Beifei.

Their laughter naturally attracted the Golden Ancient Prince and the others.

“It’s him!”

The Golden Ancient Prince narrowed his eyes, and when he was about to attack Li Beifei, a purple light flashed past and a figure appeared in front of him.

“Golden Ancient Prince, make it easy for me to find him!”

The person who came was none other than Holy Son Ziwei. His eyes looking at Golden Photon were filled with murderous intent.

After being thwarted by Li Beifei’s incarnation of the Golden Ancient Prince and having his immortal Green Gold taken away, Holy Son Ziwei intentionally or unintentionally searched for traces of the Ancient Golden Prince in the Imperial Tomb. He must avenge the shame of that day. As for Taishi Saint He wants to take a long-term approach to the immortal green gold in his body.

Now that the Ancient Golden Prince appeared, he naturally couldn’t wait to defeat the Ancient Golden Prince and avenge his previous humiliation.

“Who are you!”

The Golden Ancient Prince frowned when he saw someone blocking him.

“Damn it, you dare to humiliate me again and again, you die!”

Holy Son Ziwei roared angrily, his body emitted a huge purple light, and he punched the ancient golden prince.

You golden ancient prince, you just humiliated me back then, but now you are pretending not to know me, you are so bullying!

Facing the attack of Holy Son Ziwei, the Golden Ancient Prince did not shy away and punched out.


There was a loud bang, and the two of them fought equally.

Their fight attracts everyone’s attention.

“Brother, the plan is successful!” Xuan Mingzi said excitedly.

“Shh, don’t make any noise. What if you are discovered?” Li Beifei also showed a smile of success on his face. The Golden Ancient Prince would not say anything about his new hatred; but Ziwei Holy Son was different. This guy was not only against He has a huge amount of hatred, and more importantly, he is plotting against his future wife. This is something that his uncle and aunt cannot bear, and they must plot against him to death.

“Brother Li, what bad things have you done again?” Xia Wuji asked curiously.

“Huh huh, I can’t help but envy you if you tell me, you are a guy who values sex over friends.” Li Beifei said with a snort.

“Tch, Brother Li, just say it if you are jealous.” Xia Wuji said disdainfully, and even quickly smacked Princess Jiuli’s face in front of Li Beifei.

“You are going to die!” Princess Jiuli said shyly.

“Hehe… I can’t help it, I can’t help it.” Xia Wuji chuckled, his eyes constantly provoking Li Beifei.

“Damn it!” Li Beifei immediately ignored this guy. Damn it, he even acted like a dog.



At this time, the Golden Ancient Prince and Ziwei Holy Son had fought for hundreds of rounds. They punched to the flesh without using any magical powers.


Two fists, one golden and one purple, collided together, and the powerful energy wave shattered the surrounding weathered stones and turned them into powder.

“Very well, tell me, what is your name? You are already qualified for me to remember your name.”

The Golden Ancient Prince said in a deep voice.

“I am the Holy Son of Ziwei Holy Land!” Holy Son Ziwei said coldly.

“Holy Son Ziwei, I, the Ancient Prince Huang, have remembered you!”

Prince Huang’s expression was very arrogant, which made Holy Son Ziwei who had objections to him go crazy, but he also knew that now was not the time to resolve the issue with the Ancient Prince Huang. When it comes to personal grudges, there are more than a dozen princes and princesses on par with the Golden Ancient Prince. He is alone and may suffer a loss.

“Hmph! I will repay you twice as much for the sneak attack that day.”

Holy Son Ziwei said coldly and left.

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