Bai Yifei is sold in the Wanling Blood Pool (two-in-one)

“I told you before that you should use your sword less for the soul-breaking move,” Lao Liu said.

“I remember, but what does this have to do with what the dean told us not to rush through Nirvana?” Li Beifei asked.

“Of course there is a relationship. The reason why the Nirvana realm is called Nirvana is because when you break through to this realm, it is like a phoenix reborn in Nirvana. It allows the body to merge with the soul, and at the same time there is a chance to reshape the body!”

“Rebirth !” Shape the body?” Li Beifei was confused.

“Reshaping the physical body can make it more perfect and powerful.” Lao Liu explained.

“It shouldn’t be that simple to reshape the body, right?” Li Beifei asked. It’s not like he has never encountered a strong person in the Nirvana realm. They don’t have the powerful feeling after reshaping the body that Lao Liu said.

“You’re not that stupid!” Lao Liu sneered.


Lao Liu ignored Li Beifei’s expression as if he had eaten a fly and continued: “The conditions for reshaping the body are very demanding. It is necessary to build a body dissolving pool, then collect the blood of all spirits, and then use the secret method to dissolve the blood of all spirits Refined, injected into the body dissolution pool, and then after thousands of years of precipitation and fermentation, it finally becomes a pool of blood of all spirits that can help monks reshape their bodies!” ”

All spirits don’t mean ten thousand creatures, but ten thousand different species. The blood of the race.”

“And the cultivation level of these blood masters cannot be lower than that of saints!”

Li Beifei couldn’t help but click his tongue at Lao Liu’s words. Ten thousand races are not bad. The universe is so big that there are countless races of creatures, but ten thousand races , each race needs to separate a saint to donate blood. Even if those saints are willing, not all races can give birth to saints.

But Lao Liu solved his doubts.

“We can’t do it in the world of mortals, but we can go to other worlds. How big a deal is it?”

Li Beifei was speechless for a while. Well, it was his master who created the Ten Thousand Spirits Blood Pool. Apart from the academy, the Gu family is probably the only one who can have such a pool. The Wanling Blood Pool.

Why, because these two forces were created by his master.

“That’s not right. Since the Ten Thousand Spirits Blood Pool can only be owned by our human race, wouldn’t our human race dominate the universe? What about other races?”

Li Beifei soon discovered something was wrong. If the body reshaping is really that powerful In other words, over the past million years, the Ancient Clan has produced many Ancient Emperors. Although there are not as many as the Human Clan, don’t forget that the Ancient Clan does not have such a thing as the Ten Thousand Spirits Blood Pool.

To this, Lao Liu’s answer is simple.

“The Ten Thousand Spirits Blood Pool was created by Gu Changsheng just to allow human geniuses to equal other races in terms of physical body.” “It is

no longer useful for people with strong physical bodies.”

Li Beifei was startled and said. “Wouldn’t that be of no use to me?”

“Not only you, but also Gu Tianjun and that little barbarian who often wears tiger skin skirts!” Lao Liu said.

What a little barbarian! Although he dresses like a barbarian, his name is Qin Shaoshang!

“Then I can break through the Nirvana realm at will?” Li Beifei suddenly became interested. If others were stuck at the peak of the life and death realm, he could break through the Nirvana realm first. How cool would that be?

Even if you are a sixth person, you still need to show your presence occasionally.

But he just thinks about it this way. He still prefers the feeling of pretending to be a pig, eating a tiger, and beating sap from behind.

Three days later, a piece of shocking news quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Tianhuangxing.

When the students in the academy received the news, they were also shocked.

The person involved, Bai Yifei, was in a daze in his yard.

He was really sold, by his old master, to the Ancient Sky Eye Clan, and to the Sky Eye Princess.

Not long ago, the Ancient Sky Eye Clan announced to the world that their royal highness has made a marriage contract with Bai Yifei, the descendant of the Tianji Pavilion of the human race. When both parties enter the realm of saints, their princess will marry Bai Yifei. Yes, she is the Sky Eye Princess. Marry Bai Yifei instead of the Tianya Princess marrying Bai Yifei.

To put it simply, Bai Yifei wants to join the ancient Tianyan clan.

As soon as the news came out, all the forces in Tianhuang Star were waiting to see Tianji Pavilion’s attitude. This was just a unilateral statement of the Tianyan Ancient Clan. What if Tianji Pavilion disagreed?

But soon, Tianji Pavilion sent representatives to announce to the world that what the Ancient Tianyan Clan said was true!

As for Bai Yifei, who was far away at the Humanity Academy, his master Tianjizi gave him a symbolic message.

“Yifei, for the sake of Tianji Pavilion and the human race, please feel aggrieved. Moreover, Princess Tianyan is a very good person. The betrothal gift actually contains a quasi-emperor-level turtle shell from the ancient era. This is even more powerful than our town treasure. Ah…”

Before Tianjizi could finish his words, Bai Yifei interrupted the interrogation.

Damn it, even if he was sold, he was still sold by his master and his own disciple.

“There is no good thing in Tianji Pavilion!” Bai Yifei couldn’t help but think of what Princess Tianyan said to him before. He was still angry in his heart at first, but now he feels that what Princess Tianyan said is right. There is no good thing, they are all a bunch of withers. Bad old man.

“Brother Bai, you haven’t even gone through the door yet, and you started talking to Princess Tianyan, tsk tsk!”

At this time, the other four people in the five-person group also rushed over after hearing the news. The tone of the person who spoke was very mean, no need to guess. I knew it was Li Beifei.

Bai Yifei couldn’t help but roll his eyes at these wartime brothers, who had harmed their friends in their spare time.

“Hey, Brother Bai, you actually learned how to wink. To be honest, when you were fighting Princess Tianyan, did you wink at her so hard that she made her secretly fall in love with you, and even made a move toward Tianji? It’s such a crazy move for Ge to propose marriage, isn’t it?”

Xuan Mingzi was babbling.

Bai Yifei looked at them with squinted eyes. Apart from Xia Wuji and Li Ruoyu, Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi were the most out of touch.

“Are you two jealous of me?” Bai Yifei looked at Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi suspiciously.

“You’re talking nonsense!”

The two said in unison, but judging from their expressions, even passers-by didn’t believe them if they said they were not jealous.

Seeing this, Bai Yifei’s anger at being betrayed by his master immediately subsided a lot. He said with great interest: “Oh, who made us naturally handsome and handsome? Even Princess Tianyan fell in love with me under my pomegranate skirt. Alas, It’s all because I’m too handsome!”


Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi looked at each other. They originally came to mock Bai Yifei, but they didn’t expect that this kid turned an army against him. No, they have to fight back!

“I have Tsing Yi!” Li Beifei raised his head and chest, looking proud.

“Oh? Have you confirmed your relationship with Fairy Tsing Yi? I saw it. Fairy Tsing Yi still calls you Mr. Li, Mr. Li. She also calls me Mr. Bai!”

Bai Yifei ignored Li Beifei’s move and it didn’t matter. Sure, why do you have the nerve to use the Tsing Yi Fairy as your trump card?

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When Li Beifei heard this, he couldn’t help but feel discouraged. He also wanted to confess his feelings to Mu Qingyi, but for some reason, he didn’t dare to reveal his feelings every time he saw Mu Qingyi.

Seeing this, Bai Yifei couldn’t help but shift his attack target to Xuan Mingzi.

“Xuan Mingzi, you don’t mean to say that you have a junior sister

, do you ?” ah.

Seeing that both of them were defeated, Bai Yifei was about to point the finger at the remaining two people, but before he could speak, Xia Wuji’s voice rang out.

“Brother Bai, I’m not like the three of them. I have a fiancée!” ”


Li Ruoyu looked helpless. What’s wrong with me? You insist on getting me involved in this dispute!


Bai Yifei snorted softly, and said, “Actually, you are not here to comfort me. The Princess Tianyan is so beautiful, it would be good to marry her!” ”

You are the one who wants to become the son-in-law!” A cheap voice sounded.

“Go away, if you keep pushing, be careful that I, the Great Master of Tianji Dao, will cut off the marriage thread between you and the Tsing Yi Fairy!” Bai Yifei said angrily.

A certain sword practitioner immediately shut up.

Several people also came to see Bai Yifei’s condition. Seeing that he was eloquent, they knew that this incident would have little impact on him, so they left.

They still have to hurry up and practice. After all, they will set foot on the ancient starry sky road on Jingzhe Day three years later. At that time, no matter how delicate their status is on Tianhuang Star, they will not be able to play any role in the universe. Only their own strength can This is the most important guarantee.

Time flies so fast, one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Originally, the birth of the Taikoo Clan made the human race panic, but strangely, during this year, the Taikoo Clan was exceptionally peaceful, so much so that the entire Tianhuang Planet became eerily quiet.

It wasn’t until half a month ago that something happened in Southern Wasteland that broke the tranquility.

Qin Shaoshang successfully fused two destiny stones. After he came out of seclusion, he heard that the Heavenly Eye Princess killed the Holy Son of Taishi instantly with one move. He immediately entered the territory of the Ancient Heavenly Eye Clan and challenged the Heavenly Eye Princess without stopping.

The two were of similar cultivation, both at the eighth level of life and death. Their battle lasted for a whole day and night. In the end, it was the Heavenly Eye Princess who used the Heavenly Eye Technique to defeat Qin Shaoshang.

After the battle, the ancient tribe naturally cheered for the winner, Princess Tianyan, but the human race did not feel disappointed because of Qin Shaoshang’s defeat. The fact that Princess Tianyan instantly killed the Son of Taishi with one move had spread throughout Tianhuang Planet. , and Qin Shaoshang was able to fight with Princess Tianyan for a whole day and night, but was defeated in the end. This already shows how powerful Qin Shaoshang is.

And some experienced people have pointed out Qin Shaoshang’s current state. Qin Shaoshang has just integrated the Destiny Stone and cannot fully develop the power of the Destiny Stone. If he can fully exert the power of the Destiny Stone, who will win this battle? It is very difficult to predict which one will lose.

However, after Bai Yifei learned about this, he was extremely proud to show off to Li Beifei and the others.

“Have you heard? My wife defeated Qin Shaoshang!”

His expression and voice sounded as if he was the one who defeated Qin Shaoshang.

There is another person who feels as deeply as Bai Yifei, and that is the Holy Son of Taishi who was instantly killed by the Heavenly Eyes Princess in the Tianjiao Competition.

When the Holy Son of Taishi learned that Qin Shaoshang could force the Heavenly Eyes Princess to reveal all his cards, he was in a very bad mood. In the past year, whenever anyone mentioned the Heavenly Eyes Princess, the fact that he was instantly killed by the Heavenly Eyes Princess was like whipping a corpse. He was also found out, which made him very unhappy, but it was useless. Only by personally defeating the Sky-Eyed Princess in the future could he wash away the old shame.

So he practiced extremely hard, and even often left the academy and went to many dangerous secret realms to train himself, in order to avenge his shame on the battlefield one day. For this reason, he even forgot about plotting against Li Beifei. .

To him, Li Beifei just plotted some holy fruits, but Princess Tianyan was his lifelong enemy!

At this time, the cultivation level of the students in the academy is growing rapidly, and two of them have even taken the lead in breaking through to the ninth level of the realm of life and death.

These two people are not the powerful Gu Tianjun, nor the sixth brother Li Beifei, but Hong Hong and the Yaochi Saint.

As innate Taoists, they are the darlings of Heaven. When they practice, they are like God’s help. Their practice speed is extremely fast. From time to time, Honghong is taught by Gu Changsheng to practice. Aiwu Jiwuxia also gives guidance to the Saint of Yaochi.

Gu Changsheng naturally knew about the relationship between Hong Hong and the Yaochi Saint, but the Yaochi Saint herself had no explicit plans, and he was too lazy to get involved in the sisters’ affairs. Anyway, he would find out sooner or later.

On this day, Xia Wuji came to Li Beifei’s yard.

Li Beifei looked at him doubtfully. Said: “If you don’t practice at this time, why do you come to me?”

” Hey!”

How similar it was when he was the Holy Son.

“Tell me, is there anything good going on?” Li Beifei asked.

“Hehe, you know me, Brother Li!” Xia Wuji first flattered him a little, and then said: “A month later, there will be a century-old stone fighting event in Zixiao City in the Eastern Region!

” Stone?” Li Beifei frowned. He naturally knew that the source crystal was produced from the source mine, and because the source mine had an extremely long history, some weird ores came into being.

These weird ores are very mysterious and can isolate the monks from spiritual exploration, but some strange things can often be cut out of these ores. With luck, you can cut out divine sources that are ten thousand times more precious than the best source crystals. .

If you are unlucky, it is possible to cut out the pants of ancient times…

Anyway, there are all kinds of strange things, even if you cut out a living being, it is not impossible.

Thus, Stone Gambling was born. One Blade to Heaven and One Blade to Hell means spending countless source crystals to buy these strange ores, and then gamble. If it succeeds, it will naturally be heaven. If it fails, it will naturally be hell.

The way the two sides competed by betting on stones was called stone fighting.

Li Beifei asked: “So what? You and I don’t know how to bet on stones. Wouldn’t

we give away the Source Crystal for free?

” Then you will definitely make a profit!” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up, but then he said worriedly: “I remember that people from Tianji Pavilion are prohibited from entering the source ore sales offices in major holy places, right?”

Because people who practice Tianji Dao can predict good and bad luck. , they only needed to make a little guess whether they would lose or make a profit after buying this source mine. This ability undoubtedly made the major forces extremely jealous, so they jointly issued a statement prohibiting people from Tianji Pavilion from gambling on stones.

“It’s time to dress up in disguise, who is who? Moreover, Ziwei Holy Land has discovered several stone kings this time, and they are preparing to make a splash in this stone fighting competition!” Xia Wuji said.

Speaking of Ziwei Holy Land, Li Beifei couldn’t help but think of the Ziwei Holy Son who was still thinking about his future wife. He narrowed his eyes and made a decision in his heart.

“Then it’s decided!”

After they plundered the underground black market, each of them had more than a billion high-grade source crystals, but the more source crystals they had on their bodies, the more they wanted more. Do you think there are too many source crystals? Only a fool would do that!


Gu Changsheng, who was enjoying the tea made by the White Tiger Demon King in the Gu family, suddenly sneezed. He narrowed his eyes with a dangerous look.

“This traitor has not been beaten for a year, and it looks like his skin is itchy!”

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