Young Master likes to show off

The sun was high in the sky, and soon the registration time ended. All the contestants entered the venue, a total of 1,013 people, which was not much different from Li Beifei’s guess.

More than a thousand people were standing scattered on the field. At this time, an old man wearing a purple robe appeared. He was suspended in the sky and his aura was restrained, but it was obvious that most people at the scene knew him.

The Master in Purple Shirt is an elder of the extraordinary realm in the Ziwei Forbidden Land. For Li Beifei and others, the extraordinary realm is no longer strange. After all, the weakest teachers in their academy are all in the holy realm, and the strongest dean is , and he is a living saint, only in the transcendent realm. They believe that he will be able to surpass this realm in a short time.

But others were different. When the Master in Purple Shirt appeared, there were still bursts of exclamations in the audience. The Master in Purple Shirt had a calm face, but the joy deep in his eyes showed that he was enjoying it very much. The feeling of being surrounded by stars.

He gently raised his right hand, and the sound in the audience suddenly disappeared. He nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “Welcome all Taoist friends to participate in the century-old stone fighting event. I am the host of this event. All Taoist friends who appreciate me are welcome.” Call me Master Purple Shirt!”

“Without further ado, everyone knows the rules of the Stone Fighting Event, so I won’t repeat them again.”

“In order to ensure the absolute fairness and justice of the event, the referees of this Stone Fighting Event , will be shouldered by strong men sent by the major immortal forces in the Eastern Region!”

The major immortal forces have a competitive relationship, and they will obviously not work together to do things like behind-the-scenes operations that harm others and do not benefit themselves, so everyone is relieved.

Following the introduction of the Master in Purple Shirt, each person walked out of the box above the auditorium. They were from the Gu family, the first family in ancient times, the Qin family in Qinling, the Yaochi Holy Land, the Taishi Holy Land, and the Ziwei Holy Land, the organizer of this event.

What came out of the Gu family was an extremely young and lifeless young man, but he was obviously not an ordinary person. No one present could see his true identity, which meant that he was stronger than everyone present.


Lao Liu in Li Beifei’s body said softly.

“What’s wrong? Did you find a good stone?” Li Beifei’s sixth son found a good thing in the Chusaiyuan Mine area, but he didn’t know that he was so surprised when he saw the Gu family coming out.

The person from the Gu family who stepped out to act as the referee was none other than Gu Youxian!

At this time, in the Gu family’s box, the Gu family’s head Gu Wei and the previous generation Gu family’s goddess Gu Wei looked ashamed.

“I’m afraid Ancestor Youxian is too busy at home!” Gu Wei said with a bitter smile. If other forces knew that sitting with them was a powerful quasi-emperor who was about to become a Taoist, they would be frightened.

With the five major referees in place, the Master in Purple Shirt announced that the Stone Fighting Conference had officially begun.

More than a thousand contestants rushed to enter the preliminary competition source area to select ores. The selection of ores follows the first-come, first-served principle. Whoever sees the stone first and marks it, then others will not be able to select this stone. In the same way, if the stone has been selected, Those who are good at stones cannot choose other stones. After all, each contestant can only choose one.

Li Beifei and the others did not dare to fall too far behind. After all, each contestant only had one hour to choose at most.

“Brother Li, can you do it?” Bai Yifei asked.

“How can a man say no? You have to pay attention. Princess Tianyan is so powerful that it will be difficult for your future husband to stand up!” Li Beifei responded.

Bai Yifei couldn’t help but rolled his eyes. It had been a year, and he didn’t worry about whether he had married into his wife or not, but what Li Beifei said made sense. Oh, there’s some nonsense, it’s all nonsense!

“Follow me!” Li Beifei waved to them and followed the instructions given by Lao Liu to the designated direction.

The other contestants were all showing off their magical powers while observing one ore after another, but most of them relied on their past experience in stone betting to select the ores. Only a few people were selecting the ores in a decent manner. They were different from ordinary people. What’s more, they all exude a mysterious aura more or less, and it’s obvious that they are all people with real abilities.

Origin technique!

The well-informed audience could tell at a glance that they were performing the source technique, which immediately aroused the audience’s enthusiasm.

They spent 10,000 high-grade source crystals not just to watch others gamble on stones, but to see the magic of source magic.

Now that I have seen it, I am naturally extremely excited.

But their hearty cheering did not affect the contestants because there was a special formation on the field that could reduce the noise from the audience.

The few people in white also noticed the sensation caused by those source masters. Looking at the ore they selected, even a layman could see that it was extraordinary. Looking at the area where Li Beifei took them to, damn, everything was amazing. Only the five of them are here, and even those who are addicted to stone gambling are not here to adjust.

“Brother Li, can you be more reliable? These stones look like crooked melons and cracked jujubes. What good things can be cut out?”

Bai Yifei looked at the ore in front of them and complained feebly.

At this time, Li Beifei was also complaining about Lao Liu in his heart.

“Are these items you chose okay?” Li Beifei asked.

“You said it would be enough to ensure that you advance, but you didn’t say how good it would be!” Lao Liu said lazily.

“Are you sure it won’t slip up at a critical moment?” Li Beifei asked again.

“Believe it or not!” Lao Liu said in a nonchalant tone.


Li Beifei gritted his teeth. Although Lao Liu was very cheating many times, he was very reliable every time. I believed him!

Li Beifei turned around and said to the four of them: “Believe me, when have I ever tricked you?” The

four of them looked at Li Beifei suspiciously, and Xuan Mingzi even said bluntly: “Boss, you are the top list of the most tricked people in our academy!”


“I made that thing because someone was jealous of your boss.” Li Beifei said angrily. Wasn’t it just Tian Duan Shan who wanted to slap a sap on him? As for ranking yourself as the most deceived person?

Naturally, several people did not disbelieve Li Beifei. Under Li Beifei’s prompting, they each chose a crooked stone.

This scene was naturally seen by the audience.

When they saw this scene, they all laughed.

“No, these guys are here to be funny, right? They don’t think that the plot of the protagonist in Zhiyi’s novels picking up mistakes and getting slapped in the face will happen in front of them, right? Hahaha, it’s so funny. These ten thousand top-grade source crystals are too much to spend. It’s worth it!”

“Hahaha, five funny guys!”

The audience laughed wildly. When the other contestants saw this, they also looked at Li Beifei and the others with expressions of looking at fools. Fortunately, they were all carefully disguised. Those who have reached the Xiaoyao Realm cannot see through their disguises at all. Even if they have reached the Xiaoyao Realm, they cannot see through their disguises without looking carefully.

Otherwise, the mere appearance of Daozi Li Ruoyu would be enough to make everyone crazy.

In addition to the Gu family, the strongest people sent by the other immortal forces were those in the Saint Realm, so naturally they couldn’t see through Li Beifei’s disguise.

However, the noise caused by their move naturally attracted the attention of Gu Youxian and Gu Wei in the box.

Gu Wei and Gu Youxian were both strong men above saints, a peak Saint King and a peak Quasi-Emperor. Naturally, they could spot Li Beifei’s disguise at a glance.

“Is it them?” Gu Wei was surprised in her heart. She already knew that Li Beifei was a disciple of the ancestor of their Gu family, and he was also the senior uncle of his master.

Gu Youxian had never met Li Beifei, but he could tell that he was born with a sword. After a little thought, he knew that he was his grandfather’s disciple, that is, his uncle Li Beifei.

“It’s exactly the same as what grandpa said. My junior uncle is a very old man. He likes to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger!”

With Gu Youxian’s strength, he can naturally ignore the texture of the ore and see what is inside the ore. Li Beifei and the others The quality of the selected ores and the treasures inside are above average, so you can advance without any worries!

As a disciple of Grandpa, it is obviously impossible to be stumped by the aspect of stone betting. The young master uncle does not choose the best stone. He obviously wants to be a sixth-grade man and slap those who laugh at them in the face during the finals. .

To put it simply, my uncle likes to show off!

Originally, Gu Youxian only came out to get some air when he was bored, but now that he saw this scene, he was full of expectations for this stone fighting competition.

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