The Honest and Honest Li Beifei’s Golden Hand (2-in-1)

Li Beifei’s actions aroused ridicule from countless people. When the contestants from other groups saw him, they also shook their heads. In the semi-finals, luck alone is not enough to enter the finals!

But the next moment, everyone was confused.

“I give up!” Xuan Mingzi raised his hand and said to the Master in Purple Shirt.

“I give up too!”

“Give up too!”

“Give up!”

Bai Yifei, Xia Wuji and Li Ruoyu all said give up one after another.

“Are you sure?” The Master in Purple Shirt looked stunned. From just now, he could tell that Li Beifei and the others knew each other, but he wouldn’t give up because of this, right?


Several people nodded.

After others saw this scene, they all looked at Li Beifei strangely.

Couldn’t this guy have bribed people into giving up on their own initiative?

When he thought of this, the rich but weak eyes looked at the competitors in the same group.

“Brother, how about I give each of you two million high-grade source crystals and you all give up?”

“Get lost! I give each of you five million and you give up!”

“Ten million, no more! ”

For a while, other groups actually started to engage in shady activities in front of everyone.

The Master in Purple Shirt’s face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: “If you continue to act like this, you will be disqualified from the competition!”

These words were still very powerful, and everyone fell silent.

The Master in Purple Shirt glanced at them, then looked at Li Beifei and others, and said: “You have also seen this scene. I can’t pass your decision to give up!” The

Master in Purple Shirt’s words made me want to pay for it just now. The people with quotas are all bright-eyed. If he allows Bai Yifei and others to give up, although they dare not say it, they will still be dissatisfied in their hearts. Naturally, the dissatisfied people will also be the people in the audience. They are here to see Dou Shi’s transformation. Ten thousand high-grade source crystals, if everyone gives up, what will they see?

The Master in Purple Shirt’s approach won the support of countless people, and the audience shouted loudly not to give up voluntarily, and not to have any shady stories!

Several people also shrugged upon seeing this.

“You can’t give up. Boss, you told us that those rocks are waste rocks!”

Xuan Mingzi said in front of everyone.

The Master in Purple Shirt’s face turned darker, but he felt extremely helpless in his heart. He voluntarily gave up. This was the first time in the history of the stone fighting event. There was no rule saying that he could not give up voluntarily, but in order to calm public opinion, he had no choice but to not pass it. But Xuan Mingzi and the others deliberately picked waste rocks, and he couldn’t stop them. He couldn’t just let them pick rocks that could rise sharply, right? That’s the shady story.

“Hmph, he was allowed to advance again due to luck.”

Some contestants were dissatisfied with Li Beifei, thinking that he was lucky because the group he was assigned to was all people he knew. As for the speculation that Li Beifei learned about the change in the semi-finals grouping rules in advance, it was not impossible. , but everyone shook their heads. Even if they knew in advance, it would be more difficult to get one of their own to be in the same ranking range than to get first place in the finals. With such an incredible ability, they would not bother to use such despicable means.

As for Li Beifei colluding with Ziwei Holy Land? This is even more impossible. An immortal force will not destroy its reputation for the stone fighting event.

This can only be blamed on his good luck. This is what countless people are thinking at the moment.

“Which family does this kid belong to? He’s so lucky!”

On the referee’s table, the representative of the Yaochi Holy Land was a beautiful middle-aged woman who looked to be over forty years old, but her charm was still there. She had an attractive figure, and she must have been the same when she was young. A beautiful woman who fascinated thousands of monks, she looked at Li Beifei with a smile, obviously thinking that Li Beifei got to this point due to luck.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, what do you think?” She looked at Gu Youxian next to her and asked.

The relationship between the Gu family and Yaochi Holy Land is known to the world, so it is normal for the seats to be arranged to the side at this time.

And she obviously didn’t know Gu Youxian’s identity, thinking that Gu Youxian was just a young steward of the Gu family, so she addressed him as a Taoist friend.

Gu Youxian smiled and said, “Luck is also a part of strength, isn’t it?”

The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and said, “Fellow Taoist

is right.” “No matter how good your luck is, it will be nothing more than a foil in the finals!”

At this time, the representative of Ziwei Holy Land spoke, and there was nothing wrong with his words, but everyone present could tell that he was disdainful of Li Beifei’s luck in entering the finals.


Gu Youxian chuckled. He was not angry because this person’s tone was directed at his junior uncle. Let alone that he was not familiar with Li Beifei. Even if he was very familiar with him, he would not be angry. He knew it from his grandfather. Li Beifei was involved in many things, and the one his grandfather mentioned the most was his “traitor”. Although his grandfather was not really angry, Gu Youxian understood Li Beifei’s character.


That’s right, Li Beifei’s impression in his mind was that he was cheap!

If he wasn’t cheap, why would he be keen on being the sixth child despite being very powerful? He couldn’t think of any other reason other than being cheap.

But Gu Youxian’s “haha” smile made the representative of Ziwei Holy Land mistakenly think that Gu Youxian did not agree with his words, so he looked at Gu Youxian and said, “Fellow Taoist Gu, are you very optimistic about him?”

Gu Youxian was startled, and before he could speak, Zi Youxian The representative of Wei Holy Land continued: “They are fighting stones. Why don’t we also play and guess who can win the first place in the finals?

” It’s itchy, we can be considered involved in this!”

The person who spoke was a representative of the Tao Sheng Sect. He was wearing a green Taoist robe, and he had a certain air of immortality. If Li Ruoyu noticed him, he would definitely be speechless. , this person is called Taoist Long, yes, he is a demon, and his body is a dragon.

The Dao Sheng Sect has teachings without distinction. As long as one is devoted to the Tao, no matter whether one is a human, a demon or an ancient tribe, one can enter the Dao Sheng Sect. Of course, the premise is that the qualifications are sufficient.

And Taoist Long is Li Ruoyu’s uncle. Well, he is a great uncle who likes gambling. The words of the representative of Ziwei Holy Land are exactly what he wants. How could he refuse.

“Okay, it’s okay to be idle, but just guessing is not fun, why don’t we add some excitement?” said the representative of Taishi Holy Land.

Several people nodded slightly, then discussed it, and each took out a 100,000-year-old medicine king as a bet.

“The quota for the finals has not been announced yet. Once the quota for the finals is announced, we will each select our candidates!” said the representative of Ziwei Holy Land.

Several people nodded.

“I won’t participate anymore, you just have fun.” said the beautiful middle-aged woman.

Upon seeing this, the representative of Ziwei Holy Land nodded slightly to show his understanding. Yaochi Holy Land has always kept aloof from the world and lived a secluded life. It was normal not to participate.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, your Gu family has a great cause, so you won’t participate in it, right?” The representative of Ziwei Holy Land said with narrowed eyes. The words “big family and great cause” are particularly strong. The Gu family is the richest man in the universe, and their wealth exceeds that of all the immortal forces. Halfway up, this is enviable and jealous at the same time.

Obviously, the representative of Ziwei Holy Land is one of the jealous people.

Gu Youxian shrugged and said, “In that case, let me have some fun and just choose him.”

Gu Youxian pointed at Li Beifei, who had transformed into someone else.

When everyone saw this, they smiled but did not speak.

The representative of Ziwei Holy Land said: “Then I wish you good luck, fellow Taoist Gu!”

These words obviously had other meanings, but Gu Youxian looked calm. How could he not understand the thoughts of the representative of Ziwei Holy Land? Hundreds of thousands of years ago He has experienced it, and now it seems that it is just a child playing house.

There is no need for him to argue with a child. Of course, if the child is too naughty, he will not be stingy with his slap.

On the competition field, everyone has selected stones, and cutting stones this time will undoubtedly be much faster than in the preliminary round.

As soon as the stone-cutting master raised his knife and dropped it, countless knife shadows appeared, countless stone chips flew around, and the sound of “swish” sounded, and soon, someone cut out the treasure.

It was a smaller piece of divine source than what Li Beifei had cut out before. When the contestant saw that there was only such a big divine source, his eyes could not help but dim. Maybe he could advance through luck in the preliminary round, but in the semi-finals, such a small piece Shenyuan obviously cannot advance unless he is extremely lucky. The competitors in the same group will cut even more rubbish than him.

But is it possible?

It’s indeed possible!

Everyone in the same group as him was crushed, and the best one turned out to be a top-quality source crystal!

This made him so excited that he even shouted.

“I never thought I would be lucky enough to advance!” He said to Li Beifei.

“Brother, see you in the finals!” He waved his hand and said to Li Beifei. Before, he looked down on Li Beifei who relied on luck. Now that he has become the beneficiary of luck, his face immediately changed.

And his performance attracted countless boos from the audience. Obviously, they looked down on him because of his luck.

Li Beifei placed his right hand on the ore he had selected. It was only as big as a large watermelon, but he did not dare to underestimate this large watermelon. According to Lao Liu, the contents of this large watermelon were the most precious in the Quartz Source Mine area.

Li Beifei wanted to ask what it was, but Lao Liu didn’t answer.

Li Beifei was extremely curious about this. He carried the big watermelon to the old master who had helped him cut the stone before and said, “Master, I’m troubling you again!”

“It’s your kid!” The old master was still very impressed by Li Beifei. Yes, after all, the bet two hours ago and Li Beifei’s amazing “tone” left a deep impression on him.

“Hehe!” Li Beifei chuckled, giving off a loyal and honest look, which made several friends behind him frantically suppress the urge to vomit.

“Do you think the boss is disgusting at this moment?” Xuan Mingzi complained via voice transmission.

“It’s not just disgusting, it’s absolutely disgusting!” Bai Yifei criticized unceremoniously.

They thought that Li Beifei’s appearance as an old man was already cheap enough, but they didn’t expect that Li Beifei’s appearance as an honest person would turn out to be so disgusting.

“Isn’t it possible that Fairy Tsing Yi was deceived by him like this?” Xia Wuji was speechless.

Li Ruoyu nodded in agreement and said, “That’s disgusting.”

Their sound transmission did not block Li Beifei. Li Beifei turned around and looked at them fiercely, but they acted as if nothing happened.

Li Beifei turned to look at the old man, showed an honest smile, and said, “Master, I’m going to be a little more troublesome this time!”

The master seemed to be really deceived by Li Beifei’s disguise, and said cheerfully: “Okay, you say it.”

Li Beifei nodded and repeated his request. After hearing this, the originally confident old master was speechless.

“Young man, are you sincere in trying to embarrass me? I am a master stone cutter, not a master sculptor.” said the old master.

Li Beifei touched his nose in embarrassment. His request was indeed too much. According to his cutting method, the final shape looked like a palm. This must be completed by a master sculptor.

“Master, although I don’t know you, as soon as I saw you, I felt that you are a master in the stone cutting world. You will definitely not be able to do something like this.” As he said this, Li Beifei gave a thumbs up to the master. .

When the old master heard this, he laughed and said: “You have a good vision, hahaha, you give way first, I’m going to start.”

After listening to Li Beifei’s words, the old master felt very comfortable in his heart. He is a master of stone cutting and likes others. He praised his stone-cutting skills, and now that Li Beifei praised him as a leader in the stone-cutting world, how could he not be happy?

“Swish, swish, swish”

, the shadow of the knife was flying. The old master’s hand was fast but also very steady. Every time the knife fell, the thickness of the chipped stone chips was consistent. It was so precise that Li Beifei was shocked. He It can be seen that the old master’s cultivation level is only at the third level of life and death, but the strength and accuracy of his sword grip are actually one point better than his eighth level of life and death.

“As expected of a master who specializes in this art!” Li Beifei sighed sincerely. This time he was not flattering, but speaking from the bottom of his heart.

The corners of the old master’s mouth rose slightly. He had been helping people cut stones for two or three hundred years. Li Beifei was one of the very few people who observed his knife skills. When he met someone who knew what he was doing, he was obviously in a good mood, and the knife became faster and smoother.

After a cup of tea, the size of the big watermelon was only half of its original size. At this time, the old master slowed down, changed to a smaller knife, and started carving. This scene naturally attracted countless people. gaze.

“What is that guy doing?”

“Could it be that he knew he was going to advance, so he asked the stone cutter to make a carving?”

“Isn’t this too idle?”

The audience looked at it in confusion, including Bai Yifei and others. Into the clouds and fog.

They stepped forward and asked, “Brother Li, are you doing art?”


Li Beifei didn’t know how to explain it. He couldn’t say that his plug-in Lao Liu told him to cut it like this.

“There are good things inside!” Li Beifei said.

“What good stuff?”

Several people’s eyes lit up and they asked quickly.

Li Beifei pretended to be mysterious and said: “Just wait and see, it’s the most awesome thing in the semi-finals anyway!”

Upon hearing this, several people became more curious and continued to pester Li Beifei to find out, but Li Beifei refused to tell because he didn’t know. , Lao Liu just didn’t tell him.


Suddenly, the space shook, and then a golden light shot into the sky, straight into the sky.

“Holy shit, it’s a huge rise!”

Countless people turned their attention to the golden light, and then looked down along the golden light and found that it was coming from the stone in the hand of the first contestant in the preliminary round. His face was filled with emotion at this time. Dignified, his hands turned into gold, and he struck each seal on the stone, as if to seal the golden light.

The golden light is the essence of the treasure. If it leaks too much, the treasure will be affected. In severe cases, like Shen Huan, it will turn into a black ash!

And countless people focused their attention on that man’s hands.

“That’s… the golden hand!”

The golden hand is the untransmitted secret method of the Yuan family in the world of origin arts, and it is the legendary ultimate skill of origin arts.

Since this person uses golden hands, he obviously has a huge connection with the Yuan family, a family of origin arts.

Gu Youxian also squinted at the golden hand. The origin of the origin technique seemed to be his grandfather, right?

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