The Ancient Scripture of the Monster Clan Am I the Master of Source Art? (2-in-1)

An otherworldly aura began to fill the air, and everyone’s hearts were shaken, and they actually had the urge to kowtow and kneel down.

This energy contained a meaning of the change of time, which made everyone feel excited.

“The breath of the ancient sages!” someone exclaimed.

Sages are the collective name for saints, saints, kings and great sages, while ancient sages are saints in ancient times.

Although not only the Taikoo clan has been born in recent years, but also the Supreme Ancient Emperor has suddenly appeared in the Tomb of the Immortal Emperor, making Tianhuang Star gradually enter the era of the birth of saints, but those who can see the saint himself, even those from the ancient family in the Immortal Holy Land, There were only a few people there, but now the saint’s aura suddenly appeared, and the whole place was shaken.

“Look, it’s Yuan Tian. The Stone King he chose actually cut out an ancient scripture!”

With an exclamation, everyone looked at the Stone King who was only half a person tall in front of Yuan Tian. At this time , half of the ancient scripture was exposed on the stone king, and the remaining half was embedded in the stone king’s body, becoming one with the stone king, and the saint’s aura just now was emanating from this ancient scripture.

“This is… a complete saint’s technique!” The beautiful middle-aged woman from Yaochi Holy Land showed surprise in her beautiful eyes.

“It seems that the first place in the finals must be Yuan Tian.” The representative of Taishi Holy Land chuckled. He glanced at the representative of Ziwei Holy Land from the corner of his eye and found that the expression of the representative of Ziwei Holy Land had changed.

“Oops, it looks like we are going to lose another medicine king.” Dao Sheng Sect Long Taoist laughed, but his tone revealed inexplicable schadenfreude. They had had a bet before, which was to bet on who could win the first place in the finals. The representatives of Ziwei Holy Land took the lead in placing bets on Yuan Tian. After placing their bets, they remembered that if Yuan Tian won the first place, then they, Ziwei Holy Land, would not be sure of winning in the face of Yuan Tian’s challenge.

Now Yuan Tian has cut out a saint’s skill. Unless someone else has cut out fairy gold or magic medicine, or semi-miracle medicine, Ziwei Holy Land takes a closer look. Except for Li Beifei, the other two people have already cut it. When it came out, the holy medicine was all holy medicine. It was actually not as good as the holy tree cut out by another person before.

As for Li Beifei, he took a look and saw that the master was still cutting, but he had given up hope.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, you don’t seem to feel sorry for Medicine King at all?” The beautiful middle-aged woman noticed Gu Youxian’s calm expression and asked curiously.

“Haha, it’s just the Medicine King. Although our Gu family is not large, we don’t feel sorry for a Medicine King. What’s more, the last one has not been cut out yet. It’s too early to draw a conclusion now!”

Gu Youxian hehe Smiling, although he couldn’t see clearly what was inside the Stone King, he believed that Li Beifei would not pick it at will. In other words, he believed that it was his grandfather who created the Origin Technique. He did not believe that his grandfather would not teach him. A little for my little uncle.

It is true that Gu Changsheng did not teach Li Beifei the Origin Technique, nor even the martial arts and magical powers, he just gave him a plug-in.

“Fellow Daoist Gu is right. The competition is not over yet, so it’s better not to make a conclusion so early.” The person who said this turned out to be the representative of Ziwei Holy Land. At this time, he was really praying in his heart that Li Beifei would be lucky enough to score a better result. A treasure with even more powerful saint skills, even if it is the same as the quasi-emperor’s hand bones from yesterday.

At this time, Ziwei Holy Land wanted to use the quasi-emperor’s hand bone that Li Beifei cut off in the rematch as a treasure cut out in the finals.

Several other referees just laughed and said nothing, but they determined that Yuan Tianhui won first place.

Yuan Tian was also extremely excited at this time. He carefully took out the remaining half of the sage’s exercises. When he held the ancient scripture in his hand, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at the cover of the ancient scripture, thinking. Want to see what kind of technique it is.

But when he saw it, he was stunned!

“What kind of writing is this?” Yuan Tian was startled, and then fell into endless ecstasy. The words he couldn’t understand meant that it was a very ancient writing, so old that he couldn’t recognize it.

According to the rules, everything cut out needs to be handed over to the referee’s bench and handed over to several judges to judge the value, so Yuan Tian carefully came to the referee’s bench holding the ancient scripture.

“Please take a look at it!” Yuan Tian said respectfully.

“It’s easy to talk about!”

Several judges were very curious about what kind of ancient scripture this was. Although they all came from the Holy Land family and their skills were no worse than those of the saints, they would not miss the opportunity to study other skills.

When they received the ancient scriptures, they were stunned.

“This… do you know the words on this?” asked the representative of Ziwei Holy Land.

“I don’t know, I have never seen such writing.” The representative of Taishi Holy Land shook his head.

“This should not be the writing of my human race!” said the representative of the Qin family.

His statement was agreed by several other people. Although human characters have undergone various evolutions, the structure of the fonts has not changed. The characters in the ancient scriptures in front of them have completely different font structures from the human fonts. They are obviously not human. font.

“Show me!” At this time, Gu Youxian said.

The beautiful middle-aged woman sitting not far from Gu Youxian helped him bring it over. Gu Youxian looked at it and said softly: “This is a cultivation method of the demon clan. The fonts on it are in ancient demon script. Today’s demon clan It’s no longer used. It’s normal that you don’t recognize it.”

“The demon clan’s skills!”

“Ancient demon script!”

Several people were surprised. In their impression, the demon clan now also uses human fonts, or in other words, Most races in the universe use human fonts.

The reason is very simple. Millions of years ago, the Immortal Emperor ruled the universe for hundreds of thousands of years. He had already unified the writing system. Only some special scriptures would use each tribe’s own writing, such as the secrets of martial arts and secrets that were not passed down to others. Only the words of their respective races are used for things, and all communication is done with the words of the human race.

“Monster Clan Cultivation Technique!”

Ziwei Holy Land sighed, and said with a voice full of regret: “If it is a human Clan Cultivation Technique, the value can be maximized, but if it is a Monster Clan Cultivation Technique, then it will have to be discounted.”

As soon as these words came out, they attracted the contempt of several other people. You can say such blatant derogatory words. The value of the saint’s skills will never change no matter what race it is. You bully Yuan Tianqiang. Are people ignorant?

Who would have thought that Yuan Tian also showed regret on his face. When several people saw this, they almost revealed the thoughts of Ziwei Holy Land. Do you really believe it?

“The saint’s skills are the saint’s skills, and they will not be devalued because of different races.”

Gu Youxian said calmly.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, you…” The representative of Ziwei Holy Land choked on his words. He wanted to say that you didn’t bet on that lucky boy. Why are you speaking for your opponent now?

Gu Youxian squinted at the Ziwei Holy Land representative. He simply couldn’t stand the Ziwei Holy Land representative’s attitude. If he couldn’t afford to lose, then he shouldn’t hold a stone fighting event.

“So that’s it!”

Yuan Tian was not a fool. He immediately understood what the representative of Ziwei Holy Land was thinking. If he won the first place, he would definitely challenge the organizer, and this time the organizer was Ziwei Holy Land. It seemed that Ziwei Holy Land’s People have no confidence that they can win against themselves!

At this time, Yuan Tian couldn’t help but feel extremely proud. It turned out that the Holy Land was sometimes afraid!


“Woof, woof, my dog’s eyes are going blind!”

Just as Yuan Tian was imagining, two shocked sounds that were not human resounded through the sky.

I saw a golden light shooting straight into the sky. The golden light was so dazzling that the sun in the sky was dimmed at this moment.

“Quickly, activate the defensive formation!”

Master Purple Shirt said loudly. As his words fell, countless mysterious formation patterns appeared in the entire venue. The formation patterns also emitted golden light, but compared with the golden light in front of Li Beifei, it was indeed A small witch can see a big witch, but fortunately, the power of the array pattern does not become more powerful the brighter the light. The moment the array pattern appeared, a golden shield was built around the entire venue, blocking the golden light on the shield.

“How many years has it been since the Golden Light Formation was activated?”

the beautiful middle-aged woman said in shock.

The Golden Light Formation is the name of the formation in front of you. Although the name does not have a majestic and domineering temperament, this formation is actually a holy level formation. It is to prevent them from cutting out peerless treasures or peerless monsters when cutting stones. Escape.

In fact, when the big black dog was cut out, the golden light formation should have been turned on, but the big black dog’s performance was mediocre and was no different from the mortal big black dog, so the golden light formation was not turned on.

Now that the golden light array must be activated to suppress the golden light emitted by the Stone King, it is very likely that another peerless treasure will be born.

“Is that the little guy who relies on luck?”

Taoist Long was startled. He saw the stone king in front of Li Beifei and the old master. It was emitting a shocking golden light.

Yuan Tian looked at him in disbelief, while the representative of Ziwei Holy Land almost burst into laughter.

“Master, when will this golden light dissipate?” Li Beifei asked.

“This…I don’t know either.” The old master shook his head.

“No way?” Li Beifei asked again.

“Yes, there is, but most people don’t do it,” the old master said.


the old master explained: “Who is betting on stones and making such a big noise? Who doesn’t want the vision to last as long as possible? Let others know that it was you who cut it out. That will double your face.” It’s something!”

“Oh?” Li Beifei narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: “If I chop it with a sword, am I the only one who did it?” ”

Uh… you don’t mean… ”

Before the master finished speaking, Li Beifei smiled and directly pulled out the Tianshu Sword. The sword light flashed, and with a “bang” sound, the golden light in the sky gradually disappeared.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang…”

I saw a golden skull falling to the ground, hitting the ground and making a crisp sound.

The audience was dumbfounded by this scene!

“Damn it, what is he doing? Am I right? He actually used a sword to kill the Stone King?”

“Damn it, this unlucky boy actually used a sword to kill the Stone King. How dare he? He’s not afraid of damaging the treasure. “Hey,

look, a golden skull fell out.”

“It’s bones again. This guy is related to bones, right?”

The audience cursed a few times, but they still noticed the golden skull on the ground. Surprisingly, the golden light that soared into the sky just now came from this skull.

Li Beifei put away the Tianshu Sword, then picked up the golden skull on the ground and began to look at it.

“It’s nothing. It doesn’t look as good as the quasi-emperor’s hand bones.” Li Beifei muttered. He could still feel the quasi-emperor’s aura from the quasi-emperor’s hand bones. This golden skull was so mysterious as Lao Liu said, but he I don’t feel anything extraordinary at all.

“Thank you, master!” Li Beifei waved to the master, and then walked to the referee’s seat with the skull.

Several referees were also curious about the golden skull in Li Beifei’s hand. The representative of Ziwei Holy Land looked at Li Beifei walking over with the golden skull and couldn’t help but murmur in his heart: Did my prayer just now work?

At this time, Yuan Tian was still in front of the referee’s seat. He looked at the golden bone in Li Beifei’s hand and said mockingly: “You are really destined to bones!” ”

Well, I am destined to bones, and you are destined to dogs!” Li Beifei counterattacked lightly. .

Yuan Tian’s face darkened. Well, you can pull off anything you say to a dog, right?

“Hmph, you want to compete with my saint’s skills based on just one bone? What a dream!”

Yuan Tian snorted coldly and stood aside, ready to watch Li Beifei’s joke.

At this time Gu Youxian spoke.

“No need to look, he won!”

“He” of course refers to Li Beifei.


The other referees haven’t looked at it yet, and they all looked puzzled. Ziwei Holy Land was ecstatic, but still wanted to say something about the scene.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, according to the rules, we have to come to a conclusion together.”

“Gu?” Li Beifei heard this surname. He couldn’t help but look at Gu Youxian. He felt that Gu Youxian looked familiar, but he was very sure that he had never seen her before. , the Gu family, apart from the old guy Master, he has met three of them, Gu Tianjun, Gu Xiruo and the strong Gu Wei.

The reason why they looked familiar to him was naturally because Gu Youxian and Gu Changsheng were similar in spirit.

Gu Youxian laughed and said, “If you can see something, let’s see!”

“Fellow Daoist Gu, what do you mean?” the Taishi Holy Land representative asked with a frown.

“It’s not interesting, tell the truth!” Gu Youxian said.

“You…” The representative of Taishi Holy Land wanted to be angry, but in the end he said nothing. He took the golden skull and looked at it. After a while, his face turned ugly.

He really can’t see anything!


The representative of the Qin family also took it over and observed it carefully, but obviously, he couldn’t see anything.

After several people took turns to look at it, they still couldn’t see anything.

“It’s no wonder that you can’t see that the owner of this skull was a terrifying quasi-emperor at the peak of his life. He has reached the state of returning to his original nature, and all his aura is restrained. It’s normal for you to not be able to see because your state is insufficient.”

Gu Youxian said.

The faces of the other people changed slightly when they heard this. They couldn’t see it, but Gu Youxian could see it. This showed that Gu Youxian’s strength was superior to each of them.

However, they were not very shocked. Instead, they complained about the Gu family in their hearts. They complained that the Gu family actually sent someone stronger than them to be the referee. This was different from before.

“I guess they are already complaining about Youxian Ancestor.”

Gu Wei, the head of the Gu family, said helplessly in the Gu family’s treasure box.

The people sent by their immortal forces to serve as referees all followed an unspoken rule before, that is, the people sent as referees were of similar level and strength, so that no one would be embarrassed. But since it is an unspoken rule, whether you abide by it or not depends on your mood.

“Since it is the quasi-emperor’s skull, it is obvious that Li Yifei won!”

The representative of Ziwei Holy Land said calmly, suppressing his inner excitement.

“Congratulations!” At this time, Yuan Tian actually walked up to Li Beifei and congratulated Li Beifei.

Li Beifei was startled. Is this person so generous?

But before Li Beifei could react, Yuan Tian continued: “I didn’t expect you to be a Master of Source Art who has hidden your strength. I, Yuan Tian, made a mistake.” After saying that,

Yuan Tian turned around and left.

“What the hell? I’m the master of Origin Technique?” Li Beifei was confused. Why didn’t I know that I was the master of Origin Technique?

“Isn’t this kid out of his mind?”

Li Beifei guessed.

The reason why Yuan Tian thinks that he is a master of Origin Technique is very simple. He doesn’t want to believe that a person has continuous bad luck. In his opinion, Li Beifei is the kind of person who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, pretending to be nothing. Those who understand will finally slap the enemy in the face.

Little did he know that he did not lose to Li Beifei, but to the sixth child in Li Beifei’s body.

Li Beifei won the first place in the finals, so he was naturally qualified to challenge the organizers.

(This plot will end tomorrow, and then there will be a chase)

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