I can, but why should I do this?

When Gu Changsheng and the others entered the Tianyuan Secret Realm, they could see the endless golden ocean. As soon as they entered, they could hear the sound of crashing waves crashing on the shore. Gu Changsheng and the others were standing on a rock made of unknown materials. the edge of the embankment.

I don’t know where the embankment extends. Anyway, among the many people who just came in, there were only a few hundred people standing around them.

“This should be the divine sea of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord!”

Stepping on the golden gravel with her naked jade feet, the White Tiger Demon Emperor could feel the very subtle fluctuations in her soul. If she hadn’t experienced the process of being born from death, I’m afraid she can’t even sense the soul fluctuations in it.

“That’s right, the Tianyuan Secret Realm was transformed into the Divine Sea after the fall of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord!”

Before Gu Changsheng could answer, a seemingly young man next to them walked towards them, no, or walked towards the White Tiger Demon King. , because his eyes only fell on the White Tiger Demon King. As for Gu Changsheng and Li Beifei, they seemed not to be in his eyes.

“I am the Supreme Chixiao. I am the Empress of the Scarlet Flame Immortal King. Don’t you know the name of my fellow Taoist?”

The Supreme Chixiao smiled at the White Tiger Demon King who thought he was very handsome. After introducing himself, he felt even more proud in his heart. In Tianjian Before the Immortal Lord fell, the Scarlet Flame Immortal King was the second most powerful person in the World of Heavenly Sword. Now that the Immortal Lord of the Heavenly Sword has fallen, the Scarlet Flame Immortal King is truly the most powerful person in the World of Heavenly Sword.

He is the descendant of the Scarlet Flame Immortal King for who knows how many generations. Although the Immortal King has a thin bloodline, every time he declares his family status, even if the other person is a true immortal, he has to give him three points. When he saw the White Tiger Demon Emperor for the first time, he was attracted by the White Tiger Demon Emperor’s peerless appearance and extraordinary temperament. He wanted to embrace the beauty in his arms. Otherwise, if he met someone he couldn’t see clearly, he would There is no way he would do such an act of disregard.

After the Chixiao Supreme announced his home, he looked at the White Tiger Demon Emperor confidently, waiting for her to show a look of shock and envy, and then he invited her to explore the secret realm together. I guess she wouldn’t refuse, right?

But the White Tiger Demon Emperor didn’t even look at him and simply ignored him.

She could ignore even Gu Youxian, but how could she care about a mere stranger?


Chixiao Supreme almost suffered from internal injuries. He had already thought about what to say next, but he didn’t expect that the other party just ignored him.

The White Tiger Demon King ignored Chixiao Supreme, and Gu Changsheng was too lazy to argue with an ant and did not offend him, but Li Beifei didn’t care so much.

“Hey, who are you? Why are you approaching us?” Li Beifei could be said to be pointing at Chixiao Supreme’s nose. This guy didn’t even bother to urinate and take a good look in the mirror, but he dared to chat with us, Aunt Bai, who is you? Is this thing even close? Moreover, Aunt Bai showed her attitude of ignoring him and refused to leave.

Normally he would tolerate this, but now that the old guy is here, he can’t bear it! (Tsk, having backstage support means you are tough)

“Huh?” Li Beifei’s actions naturally turned the Chixiao Supreme’s gaze towards him. When he saw that he was a young monk at the eighth level of the life and death realm, his eyes immediately showed murderous intent. He was an ant. How dare you point your finger at the Supreme and curse, damn it!

“How dare you show murderous intent to Xiao Feifei, you deserve to die!”

At this moment, the White Tiger Demon King spoke and moved, so fast that the Supreme Chixiao, who was also the Supreme Power, felt his eyes blur. .


A powerful force came from the chest. Chixiao Supreme was instantly blasted out and fell heavily on the golden gravel. The strange thing was that the golden gravel was not affected at all, that is, there was no trace left at all. Potholes.

The Divine Sea of the Immortal Lord, even if the Immortal Lord has fallen, cannot be shaken by the supreme level powerhouse.


Chixiao Supreme spit out a mouthful of blood. He looked at the White Tiger Demon Emperor with a horrified expression. He didn’t expect that the woman who looked like a fairy would be so domineering and merciless. If it weren’t for the Supreme Treasure on his body, The blow just now was enough to cause him serious injuries, but even so, he was only slightly injured at this time.

“Aunt Bai is domineering!” Li Beifei made a temporary guest appearance as a cheerleader to cheer for the White Tiger Demon Emperor. What the White Tiger Demon Emperor said just now was so heart-warming. If it were applied to someone, it would definitely mean “showing murderous intent towards my traitor, not bad, not bad.” If so.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Feifei, I will suppress him soon!” In response to Li Beifei’s cry, the White Tiger Demon Emperor smiled and then tapped his jade feet, and the next moment he appeared in front of the Supreme Chixiao.

“So fast!”

Supreme Chixiao was already prepared in his heart, but he was still frightened by the speed of the White Tiger Demon Emperor, as if the two were not at the same level at all. How could this be possible? When did such a monster supreme appear in the world of Tianjian? This kind of person should have become an immortal long ago!

Chixiao Supreme raised his hands to resist, but was still punched back by the White Tiger Demon King.

The fight between the two naturally attracted people around them.

“Hiss, who is that female supreme? She dares to attack Supreme Chi Xiao. Doesn’t she know that Supreme Chi Xiao is the Queen of Scarlet Flame Immortal King?” someone said in shock.

“I don’t know, but she is so strong. She actually crushed the Supreme Chixiao with an absolute advantage.” The

White Tiger Demon Emperor’s attacks were wide open and full, not like a woman at all. She was overbearing and boundless, waving her golden fist and hitting hard. Xiang Chixiao Supreme, and Chixiao Supreme can only defend passively and has no chance to fight back.

This is not like a battle at the supreme level at all. If it were not for the aura exuded by the White Tiger Demon Emperor and the fact that he is located in the Tianyuan Secret Realm, others would think that the White Tiger Demon Emperor has become an immortal. Otherwise, a supreme being with the blood of an immortal king, He was beaten to the point of running away by his peers. If word of this spread, I am afraid not many people would believe it.

But this absurd scene happened in front of them.

Li Beifei also noticed something was wrong.

“Old…ahem, Master, why can Aunt Bai suppress that guy? Is the gap between the Supremes so big? Of course, except you!”

Li Beifei was glad in his heart that he changed his mind quickly, otherwise he would have called the old guy Okay, it seems that my mouth is really mean!

“Because Xiaobai achieved enlightenment in the world of mortals!” Gu Changsheng said.

“What’s the difference?” Li Beifei frowned.

“Let me ask you, one person in a world with incomplete Tao can achieve the Supreme Tao for ten thousand years, while another person in a world with a complete Tao takes millions or even millions of years to achieve the Supreme Tao. How do you compare?”

Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei and asked.

“Of course the former is the best.” Li Beifei said the answer without thinking. When he said it, he already understood why Aunt Bai was able to suppress Chixiao Supreme.

With the talent of Chixiao Supreme, it would be difficult for him to become a saint in the world of mortals. If he didn’t have the blood of the Immortal King, he would probably not be able to become a Supreme in the world of Tianjian.

The gap in talent often leads to a huge gap in combat power.

“Master, do you think that if our supreme ancient emperor in the world of mortals cultivated in the complete world, where would they eventually go?” Li Beifei asked.

“It’s easy to be a true immortal, a little harder to be an immortal king. The immortal king depends on the opportunity, and the immortal emperor…”

“What happened to the immortal emperor?” Li Beifei asked.

“It’s hard to say!” Gu Changsheng replied.

“What do you mean it’s hard to tell?” Li Beifei continued to ask.

“It’s hard to say. Do you still want me to resurrect them all for an experiment?” Gu Changsheng glared at Li Beifei angrily, really worried about this girl’s IQ.

“Uh… I thought you could create an Immortal Emperor with just a wave of your hand.”

Li Beifei muttered.

“I can, but why should I do this?” Gu Changsheng asked.


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